Posts tagged Report
2023 Resident Perceptions of BC's Tourism Industry Report by Destination BC

Destination BC released a on report on the 2023 Resident Perceptions of BC’s Tourism Industry survey, launched in November 2023 to understand the perceptions BC residents have of the tourism industry on both community and provincial levels. The survey found that the majority of BC residents continue to value the impact that tourism has on their communities.

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Canada's Air Traffic Doubled in May

NAV CANADA released traffic figures for the month of May 2022, showing that air travel in Canada is on the rise.

With one key hurdle to the resumption of cross-border air travel – pre-entry testing – dropped in April, May saw a 117% increase in traffic over the same month in 2021.

Despite the promising report, air traffic still hasn’t recovered to pre-pandemic levels. NAV CANADA's numbers indicate air traffic in Canada in May was nearly 15% lower than May 2019. The data demonstrates a clear direction towards industry recovery and Canada’s airlines are still banking on a busy summer of travel to continue the momentum.

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go2HR Regional Workforce Profiles

go2HR released Regional Workforce Profiles to support employers and people seeking work in the tourism and hospitality sector. The Workforce Profiles describe 11 profiles of the 2021 tourism and hospitality workforce, including demographic information to better understand the nuances of the industry workforce and an analysis of how the workforce has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Travel by Canadians Continues to be Limited Since Pandemic

A recent survey conducted by Abacus Data summarized that travel still isn’t ‘back to normal’ in the eyes of Canadians, and this feeling continues to drive travel desires. More Canadians now believe it’s possible to travel without feeling like we are living in a pandemic (1 in 4), but three quarters still believe that if they want to travel in the next few months, it will feel like ‘pandemic travel’.

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Destination Canada Key Market Highlights 2022

Destination Canada has released its key market highlights for 2022, sharing a brief summary of key facts on travellers by each market.

Learn about the travel habits of each market and what to expect through these reports:

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New Report Tracks Americans’ Perception and Demand for Travel to Canada

As international travel resumes, American travellers will be key to driving revenue recovery for Canadian tourism businesses. Destination Canada is tracking Americans’ travel demand for Canada and sentiment towards travel to Canada to provide our industry with a better understanding of the trends and behaviours we are seeing in this key market. Destination Canada's first edition of the new report, US Sentiment for Travel to Canada, was published recently and the included metrics will continue to be tracked on a monthly basis moving forward.

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90% of Consumers Look for Sustainable Options when Booking Travel According to Expedia Research

New research released today by Expedia Group Media Solutions reveals that although 90% of consumers look for sustainable options when booking, 70% feel overwhelmed with navigating options and making the best choices to be a more sustainable traveler.

Conducted in partnership with Wakefield Research, the study included an online survey of 11,000 representative, general population adults ages 18+ in 11 global markets fielded between February 11 and March 6, 2022.

Key Takeaways

  • Travel brands should make sustainable travel information easier to understand and show the value and impact of responsible travel choices.

  • Travellers want to know that travel brands are committed to sustainability, not just checking a box.

Additional insights from the recently released Sustainable Travel study from Expedia Group Media Solutions included price and opportunities in sustainable travel.

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Canadian Tourism Labour Market Snapshot - March 2022

The latest report on the Canadian Tourism Labour Market has been released and reflects the status of employment in the sector for the month of March 2022.

Overall, tourism employment experienced an uptick as the sector builds momentum toward recovery in the coming months; however, growth is hindered by employment losses in the accommodations industry and a higher than anticipated unemployment rate in transportation.

When considering the robust tourism labour force pre-pandemic (2,117,700 workers in March 2019), it is clear that labour shortages remain across the country and throughout the tourism industries. Through other indicators such as the tourism unemployment rate which held strong in March, there is hope that momentum is building toward sector recovery.

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Report on Global Recovery of Business Events

The International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC), the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) and the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) launched a new policy White Paper supporting Business Events recovery called: Business Events are the Fast Track to Recovery.

The report supports advocacy efforts of the business events industry by highlighting the value and importance of the business events industry and gives examples of what governments and policymakers around the world are doing to support the return of events.

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Global Survey on Perspectives of Service Delivery & Traveller Priorities Report | Tourism HR Canada

Tourism HR Canada released a report that provides insight to the current perspectives of the service delivery in Canada and how the travel and tourism industry should prepare itself for the future. The report concluded that, as the visitor economy gradually recovers from the COVID crisis, addressing service disruptions will need to be balanced against safety and price sensitivity.

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New Destination Canada Report Identifies Top Drivers & Recovery Trends for Tourism Sector

Destination Canada released a new report, Tourism’s Big Shift: Key Trends Shaping the Future of Canada’s Tourism Industry. The report identifies the key trends that will have the greatest impact on the travel and tourism industry in Canada in the next one to three years and beyond.

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