2024 Summer Travel Outlook for Canadian Destinations | Deloitte Report


With the arrival of summer, Deloitte has released the Canadian Summer Travel Outlook. The report provides excellent insights for Canadian destinations and tourism businesses.

Highlights include:

  • Most Canadians (77%) expect to spend the same or more on summer travel this year.

  • Safety, inclusivity, and accessibility are important to visitors: respectively, 88%, 52%, and 49% think about these concerns when planning a trip.

  • Canadians find fitness/sports options, all-inclusive packages, nightlife options, beach/pool access, and personalized customer service lacking in travel destinations.

  • 63% of Western Canadians are traveling within their own home region.

  • 80% of Canadians prefer food and drink available from local farmers, chefs, wineries, and breweries

  • Awareness of Indigenous tourism experiences is rising

  • Canadians are generally positive about tourism within their own communities. 43% said the benefits of tourism outweighed the costs in their town or city. But another 43% said they were neutral on the issue – which means we all have work to do to educate people about the importance of tourism.