Travel by Canadians Continues to be Limited Since Pandemic


A recent survey conducted by Abacus Data summarized that travel still isn’t ‘back to normal’ in the eyes of Canadians, and this feeling continues to drive travel desires. More Canadians now believe it’s possible to travel without feeling like we are living in a pandemic (1 in 4), but three quarters still believe that if they want to travel in the next few months, it will feel like ‘pandemic travel’.

The majority also say this feeling will prevent them from making plans. 44% of Canadians say if they want to travel in the next few months, it will feel like travelling in a pandemic and that just isn’t something they are interested in. However, travel within Canada is looking up.

Additional highlights include:

  • 48% say travelling to another province in the country already feels normal (a 38-point jump since October 2021)

  • Canadians are still far more likely to be exploring our own backyard and travel within one’s own province continues to be the most likely destination.

  • 39% of Canadians are comfortable spending money on travel and leisure while 61% would prefer to hold off and wait to spend on travel since things are getting more expensive.

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