Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Commitment Newsletter

Biosphere Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Biosphere Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Newsletter | March 2022

Updates from the Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Commitment Program and sustainability news from the region and the world.

TOTA Biosphere Monthly Newsletter | March Updates
Updates from TOTA's Biosphere Commitment Program and sustainability news
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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - February


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

February was a busy month for the Biosphere Commitment Team, with the addition of our new Energy Analyst Harshit Srivastava, and three new Biosphere Committed Companies! A warm welcome to Howling Moon Craft Cider, Naramata Inn, and Destination Silver Star, we are so excited to welcome these amazing companies and for them to begin their Biosphere sustainable journey. Read more about these three companies and what they are already doing in regards to sustainability.

Valentine’s Day Sustainable Tips:

  1. Vases and water picks are welcomed back at most floral shops so that they can be reused

  2. Place expired flowers into your green bin or compost bin

  3. Keep chocolate boxes to reuse as a gift box for other holidays

  4. Recycle where ever possible

  5. Recycle Valentines cards or use them as gift tags for Christmas, Birthdays, or other holidays

Introducing the new Sustainable Development Goal Action Highlight

Have you been wondering about meeting your requirement to demonstrate work towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the Biosphere Commitment Program?  In this new section of the Biosphere Monthly Newsletter we will be highlighting one sustainable action each month from the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle (BSL) platform and presenting options for the evidence you can use to demonstrate your hard work on the 17 SDGs.  We will be including the SDG number, action target number, and action number so that you can find it easily on the platform.

If you have an action that you would like us to highlight, please let us know by selecting the button below and we would be happy to include your work in this new section!


Credit: Destination BC/Blake Jorgenson


Welcome Destination Silver Star

Joining the Biosphere Commitment Program allows the continuation of sustainability planning for Destination Silver Star along with supports to advance and create a Biosphere sustainability journey. 2022 marks the first year of the resort association and they endeavour to lead sustainable initiatives across the destination with their members and for their visitors. Destination Silver Star is located at SilverStar Mountain Resort. The largest partner, SilverStar Mountain Resort, is committed to doing all that they can to protect the environment and enable participation in adventure support community.


Howling Moon Craft Cider

Howling Moon Craft Cider has joined the Biosphere Commitment Program to help guide the choices they make to ensure they are ingrained with sustainable decision making. Located in Oliver, Howling Moon Craft Cider has many sustainable parts to their business and they are excited to start their Biosphere Journey. We are very pleased to welcome them to the Biosphere Commitment Program!


Naramata Inn

Naramata Inn has the joined the Biosphere Commitment Program and we are excited to welcome them as part of the Biosphere community! Naramata Inn is located in Naramata and has a hyper-local focus in their business operations and keep sustainability at the front of decision making. They are looking forward to having Sustainable Development Goals to quantify their efforts in areas that ensure they continue to grow and better themselves and their destination.


News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:

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TOTA Communications TOTA Communications

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - January

TOTA Biosphere Monthly Newsletter | January Updates
Updates from TOTA's Biosphere Commitment Program and sustainability news
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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - December


As we reflect on 2021 and look forward to new opportunities in 2022, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association team sends you our warmest holiday greetings. We wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy holiday season and we thank you for your commitment to sustainable business practices and continuous improvement. 

The past two years have brought many changes, challenges and learnings for tourism businesses in the Thompson Okanagan region. As we move forward together, we continue to work with many partners to provide you with new opportunities, resources, and advocacy efforts to support the tourism industry.


Reflecting on the past year, TOTA team members shared messages of appreciation and gratitude:

"2021 has been a year of many challenges for tourism and the world as a whole. I am grateful for the dedicated tourism professionals that I have been privileged to work with to assist our industry and for the support of my family and friends. My wish this holiday season is that you have the opportunity to spend time with family or close friends and that their presence will bring you the comfort and strength to help move you through whatever lays ahead in the New Year."
- Ellen Walker-Matthews, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

"I am grateful for all the amazing tourism businesses in our region and their unwavering commitment to providing excellent products and services."
- Mike Overend, Director of Destination Development

"I appreciate how much everyone cares about one another and supports local stakeholders within the region. It's been so needed to get everyone through and will continue to be. We are so fortunate that the communities and businesses offer so many wonderful things to see and do throughout our vast region that we can enjoy supporting each other through local travel! "
- Kelly Galaski, Managing Director, Symphony Tourism Services

"I have been reminded of what the tourism industry and the people in the tourism industry are made of. I have gained a greater understanding of what is most important in our lives. I am honoured to be part of building back a stronger tourism industry."
- Jamie Bourne, Tourism Resiliency Program Advisor

"This year, once again, I am inspired by the resiliency of tourism professionals in the Thompson Okanagan tourism industry. I'm grateful for the dedication of tourism leaders, who continue to take on and overcome challenges for the benefit of our communities, now and in the future."
- Chelsea McGonigal, Communications Specialist / Board Liaison

"I am very grateful that even through this entire pandemic I have still had the ability to do and see the many great things the Thompson Okanagan has to offer. There are immense amounts of outdoor recreation that you are still able to do while keeping safe. "
- Chyan Lloyd, Financial Controller

"I appreciate how resilient everyone can be through the challenges."
- Alison Steward, Office Manager

"The Thompson Okanagan has proven to be a region of resilient tourism operators throughout the pandemic."
- Rob Grifone, Travel Trade & Media / Crisis Management Coordinator

"The Thompson Okanagan tourism industry is the heart of the economy, in one of the greatest industries in the world."
- Jeff Bourne, Tourism Inspiration Centre Ambassador

"I am grateful for the opportunity to work with our tourism stakeholders in the Thompson Okanagan region on their sustainable practices through the Biosphere Commitment Program."
- Kavan Vijayakumar, Event & Industry Relations Specialist


"I'm grateful to see how our team and other tourism stakeholders have been able to support one another through the rollercoaster of 2021."
- Amy Kneller, Sustainability Experience Coordinator

"I appreciate the grit and determination that Thompson Okanagan tourism stakeholders have demonstrated over the past year and their "never-give-up" attitude, despite facing numerous challenges."
- Kaitie Worobec, Director of Destination Stewardship

"I am grateful for those travellers who stopped in to see us at the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Inspiration Centre and knowing there were many local residents who supported the industry as best they could during a very challenging year! All of the travellers that we met were in good spirits and happy to be able to experience the region and support tourism businesses. "
- Barbara Bonnough, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Inspiration Centre & TOTA Training Centre Manager

"I appreciate the Thompson Okanagan tourism industry's resiliency. We live in such a beautiful part of the province, and the pride of our region is apparent in the work that we do. As a newcomer to this industry, it is amazing to see everyone stand together to support each other."
- Donna Sellin, Senior Executive Assistant

"The Thompson Okanagan is a leader for tourism, with a wide range of sustainable tourism opportunities. I am grateful to be able to live in a community with so many wonderful people and businesses who are committed to sharing this beautiful place with others."
- Eve Layman, Destination Stewardship Coordinator

"I am grateful to work in an industry full of amazing people and am constantly in awe of our stakeholders, their resiliency, creativity, and compassion for one another."
- Shelby Campbell, Research Specialist, Symphony Tourism Services

"I'm grateful for the resiliency displayed by the Thompson Okanagan tourism industry over the course of this year. It's been a difficult year for most businesses but seeing the perseverance displayed by many stakeholders is inspiring."
- Darnel St. Pierre, Digital Marketing Coordinator

"Thank you to many of our stakeholders who have made accessibility a key priority - ensuring that full participation is possible for everyone to enjoy and experience what you have to offer. "
- Sonja Gaudet, Regional Access & Inclusion Liaison

"I love how so much of the industry is centered on the land and nature. From wineries, to parks, camping and cultural events, I really think it describes the people of the Thompson Okanagan and the goal towards sustainable tourism."
- Amber Rabe, Administrative Coordinator

"I appreciate the continuous resiliency the Thompson Okanagan Tourism industry never fails to show and am so grateful to be apart of this community."
- Jenna Labossiere, Consumer Communications Coordinator

Note: The TOTA office is closed from December 20, 2021 to January 4, 2022. If you require assistance, please email so we can provide support as soon as we return.


Image: Ever Present Giving


Tips for a Greener Holiday Season

This holiday season, we encourage you to make sustainable choices. Between late November and early January, household waste increases by more than 25%, from extra food waste (up to 40% of festive food is wasted), packaging and items that are thrown out and replaced with newer versions received as gifts.

Did you know Canadians send an estimated 540,000 tonnes of wrapping paper and gift bags to the landfill each holiday season? That is the equivalent of 100,000 elephants!

Here are some tips to minimize your environmental impact this holiday season:

  • Shop local to reduce your footprint and support the local economy.

  • Normalize regifting and second hand gifts.

  • Instead of buying things, give experiences such as spa services, restaurant gift certificates, or a local tourism experience.

  • Support causes your loved ones care about by donating to local charities or environmental organizations.

  • Reuse wrapping paper, gift bags, tissue paper, bubble wrap and boxes.

  • Choose local, seasonal vegetables and reduce or eliminate meat.

  • Package leftovers using reusable beeswax food wrap, stainless steel or glassware.

  • Opt for a real tree from a local tree farm or a potted tree.

  • Choose LED lights. They have a longer life span and use less energy, only about four watts per strand.

  • Send e-cards to save paper and postage.

Biosphere News


The 2021 Biosphere Award winners have been selected. Watch for the announcement of the three winning companies in January!

We are thrilled to welcome two new companies to the Biosphere Commitment Program: ERTCU Travel Group and Klippers Organic Acres! We look forward to supporting your sustainability journey in 2022 and beyond.

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - November


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

As we near the end of 2021, we are grateful for the community of Biosphere Committed Companies and your commitment to protecting and preserving the Thompson Okanagan region for future generations. We know that the past few months have been particularly trying and we truly appreciate your efforts to engage your teams, develop action plans and make sustainability a priority.

 If you would like to recognize a fellow Biosphere Committed Company for going above and beyond to make our region a more sustainable destination, please consider nominating them for a Biosphere Award. Nominations for the 2021 Awards close Wednesday, December 1. 

 TOTA is also pleased to honour the legacy of George Hanson through a new bursary available to Okanagan College students in the viticulture program. 

Lastly, the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) Summit 2021, in collaboration with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), provided an opportunity to come together as a tourism community, learn from everything we've been through, and think differently about how we can co-create a vibrant and resilient tourism industry. If you missed the virtual event, you can still access the session recordings until December 5, 2021.  


Biosphere Member Highlight:

Seven Stones Winery - George Hanson Remembered Through TOTA Award

Winemaker George Hanson, who passed away in February 2021, was widely acknowledged for his efforts to grow the B.C. wine scene. A new award funded by the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) will commemorate his legacy, while helping a viticulture student at Okanagan College to cultivate their future in the industry Hanson so dearly loved.

“We are very pleased to be able to support this award in memory of George Hanson,” said Ellen Walker-Matthews, CEO of TOTA. “George’s legacy of excellence will live on in the high bar he set for future grape growers and winemakers, such as those coming out of Okanagan College. George is dearly missed, and we hope this award will plant a seed of inspiration in the heart of a budding viticulturist.”

George Hanson created Seven Stones Winery near Cawston in 2000, ever since he was a staple in the BC wine community. In 2019, Seven Stones Winery joined the Biosphere Commitment Program in efforts to continue and advance their sustainability journey. Since George’s passing, Seven Stones Winery continues to operate as a committed company to the Biosphere Commitment Program.

Biosphere Hall of Fame

The Biosphere Awards were created to celebrate the organizations that make our region a more sustainable destination. Nominations close December 1 so make sure to nominate a fellow business or even your own business for any of the four awards. As an award winner, you will receive a custom award certificate and exclusive blog posts shared on all TOTA social channels, numerous e-newsletters and more.

We want to celebrate your efforts!



Why Sustainability Must Be Tourism's Default Mode

As the tourism industry slowly gets back to business, there’s a lot of talk about whether travelers will be more mindful and responsible moving forward. It’s imperative that everyone working in the tourism industry — from the smallest niche start-up to the most mainstream search engine — make sustainable choices simple and straight forward.

News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - October


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is committed to empowering our stakeholders with the resources and tools to be successful and navigate all aspects of sustainability; accessibility, green and responsible tourism, inclusivity, and indigenous tourism. As we leave October we take the time to reflect on the past months and how important sustainable tourism is as we rebuild and reopen. The Annual Summit is available through a virtual format on a complimentary basis to all tourism stakeholders.

Biosphere Hall of Fame

We want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our Biosphere Committed Companies towards sustainability this year! The four Biosphere Awards were created to recognize and celebrate the organizations that make the region a more sustainable destination. Award nominations will be closing December 1st 2021 make sure to nominate a business, your business, or both for any of the four awards. As an award winner you will receive a customized award certificate, exclusive blog posts, shared on all TOTA social channels, numerous newsletters and more!

We want to celebrate your efforts!



Biosphere Member Highlight: Tourism Kelowna

After four years of dedicated commitment to responsible, sustainable tourism practices, Tourism Kelowna has earned a Platinum Certification through the Sustainable Tourism Program offered by GreenStep.

Tourism Kelowna has been committed to the TOTA Biosphere Commitment Program program for four years and has worked with over 30 tourism businesses in their community to join, too. This sustainable tourism system aligns with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to balance social, cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability.

Achieving this rating demonstrates the actionable commitment that Tourism Kelowna has made by benchmarking against the highest set of standards and best practices.


BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021

The BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 will provide an opportunity for the sector to come together as a tourism community, learn from the challenges of the past two years, and think differently about how to co-create a more vibrant and resilient tourism industry in BC.

Reimagining the Future of Tourism: Rebuild, Reframe and Rethink is the theme of the joint virtual Summit, taking place November 3rd and 4th, 2021. The no-cost event for tourism businesses is a collaboration between the five regional destination management organizations of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The event will feature more than 40 tourism experts who will share their global, regional, and local expertise.

News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - September


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is committed to becoming a world-renowned accessible destination and the goal is to promote “Access & Inclusion” in all aspects of community and tourism experiences, products, and services in the Thompson Okanagan region. This month, we want to focus on what you as a business can do to ensure accessibility is considered in your day to day operations.

Creating accessible spaces and environments allows equal opportunity and full inclusion for everyone - regardless of age, size, ability, culture, or gender - and it nurtures a sense of belonging and wellbeing for all. Inclusive and accessible experiences are an essential piece to living, working, playing, and travelling, with and alongside family and friends.


5 Tasks to Make Your Business More Accessible

  • Designate accessible parking spaces closest to the main entrance with clearly marked lines and upright post signage.

  • Automatic/low touch/no touch main entrance door OR an easy push/pull main entrance door.

  • Access to a spacious wheelchair accessible washroom with grab bars at the toilet

  • Lowered tasting bars options

  • Ensure hotel rooms are equipped with accessible comforts

If you would like to learn more about accessible tourism and if you are a Biosphere member inquire about an accessibility consultation - contact TOTA’s Regional Accessibility Specialist, Sonja at



Tourism and its role in the Sustainable Development Goals

Tourism creates jobs, promotes local culture and products, works in the sustainable use and management of the environment, like marine resources, and improves measures to make tourism an inclusive experience for all. That is the spirit of our Sustainable Development Goals, a global call to action to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Discover more about how tourism is helping us to achieve these goals by 2030.


Foundations of Sustainable Tourism Training

The Foundations of Sustainable Tourism Training will be an annual required training for Biosphere Committed Members, each year the content and deliverables will change to continue to provide value.

We want to receive feedback on the Foundations of Sustainable Tourism Training, please complete the 2 minute survey below.

If you have any follow up questions, please contact

News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - August

August was a challenging month for the Thompson Okanagan. Many communities throughout the region were impacted by wildfires, evacuation orders and alerts, poor air quality and drought conditions. We invite you to voice your concerns so that TOTA can continue to inform government of the evolving situation and its impact on the tourism industry.


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

August was a challenging month for the Thompson Okanagan. Many communities throughout the region were impacted by wildfires, evacuation orders and alerts, poor air quality and drought conditions. We invite you to voice your concerns so that TOTA can continue to inform government of the evolving situation and its impact on the tourism industry.

We would also like to applaud the amazing work of our wildfire crews, working day in and day out for weeks to battle fires and keep our communities, businesses and residents safe.

Also in August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its sixth assessment report, indicating that the Earth will probably reach or exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming within the next two decades.

Climate change has already impacted every region on the planet and the situation is only intensifying. The message is clear: This is our make-or-break decade for limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees C. Whether we prevent the most severe climate impacts depends on actions taken this decade.

While there is a definite need for massive systemic change to achieve the emission reductions required by 2030, we must not forget that our individual climate actions also matter. The recent IPCC report not only warns of the dire situation we find ourselves in but it is also a reminder that the small actions taken by individuals and within companies do add up and inspire our friends, family and visitors to take action.


Manteo at Eldorado Resort joins the Biosphere Commitment Program

Manteo at Eldorado Resort features 102 guest rooms, suites & villas on the shores of Okanagan Lake. They are constantly seeking new ways to enrich their local community by creating a safe and healthy environment for all, with emphasis on diversity and equality. Learn more about Manteo at Eldorado Resort.

Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle Platform Launch

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) hosted an info session on August 12 to introduce the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle platform and how it can help track your organization's progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals. If you missed the live session, you can access the recording below.

As a reminder, Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Committed Companies receive a free 1 year subscription for the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle platform.

If you have not yet claimed your invitation to access the platform, please click the Request Another Invitation button below and TOTA’s Biosphere team will follow up with you.

_Biosphere Commitment Program - ONBOARDING.png

Reminder: All Biosphere Committed Companies have been nominated to appear on the Sustainable Life App. If you have not already done so, please follow the steps outlined in the email to claim your listing. If you did not receive the nomination email, please contact


Refresh Presentations

Over the last month, TOTA’s Destination Stewardship team has been contacting all Biosphere Committed Companies to review updates to the program and answer any questions. The refresh presentations cover the following:

If you have not yet booked your presentation, we only require 30 minutes over Zoom. Please click below to request a presentation.

Coming in September

  1. Foundations of Sustainable Tourism Training

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is hosting the Foundations of Sustainable Tourism Training, exclusively for Biosphere Committed Companies. The training will take place over 2 sessions and attendance is mandatory for both sessions.

  • Session One: September 16 - 10:30 am to 12 pm

  • Session Two: September 23 - 10:30 am to 12 pm

The main contact for each Biosphere Committed Company should have received a calendar invite with the details. Please contact us at if you did not receive the invite.

2. Globox Fundraiser for Wildfire Relief

In partnership with Glohaven Community Hub, TOTA is helping to facilitate a wildfire relief fundraiser. Funds will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross Society to directly aid communities in BC affected by wildfires. We will share more details on how to get involved in the coming weeks.

News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - July

July was a busy month with five new businesses (Clos du Soleil Winery, Tightrope Winery, Sperling Vineyards, Quaaout Lodge at Talking Rock Resort, and Le Vieux Pin Winery) joining the Biosphere Commitment Program.


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

July was a busy month with five new businesses (Clos du Soleil Winery, Tightrope Winery, Sperling Vineyards, Quaaout Lodge at Talking Rock Resort, and Le Vieux Pin Winery) joining the Biosphere Commitment Program. Each business is contributing to sustainability in their own way, from water conservation and soil regeneration to improving social equity. Learn more about our new members below.


Save the date: Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle platform launch ~ August 12

Register here


New Marketing Partner: Sustainable Life App™

The Sustainable Life App™ connects eco-conscious consumers with sustainable businesses and brands. With 4000+ listings, 10,000+ downloads, and 6000+ users, the app is growing in popularity across Canada and internationally.

TOTA’s Biosphere team is currently working to create business listings for all Biosphere Committed Companies and we will notify you once your nomination is complete. To claim your listing, there is a one-time registration fee of $97 however Biosphere Committed Companies receive an exclusive $50 discount. In addition, $40 of the $47 one-time fee will be reinvested through targeted social media ads in the Thompson Okanagan.

Eco Efficiency Program Toolkit photo.png

Did you know that an Eco Efficiency Toolkit was created for Biosphere Committed Companies to use as an additional resource? The toolkit is divided into four key areas: water, energy, waste and carbon and provides helpful tips and low and no-cost solutions for companies of all sizes.


This summer, we have experienced quite the heat wave and drought is currently impacting approximately half of BC, with extremely dry or very dry conditions throughout the Thompson Okanagan.

Here are some helpful tips from our Eco Efficiency Toolkit to help you reduce water usage:

  1. Establish your water usage baseline

  2. Consider using grey water management systems or harvest rainwater

  3. Install low-flow fixtures

  4. Track your water consumption, by installing a water meter or using the free Energy Star Portfolio Manager program

  5. Check for leaks and drips in your water systems

  6. Xeriscape with native drought-resistant plants

  7. Use mulch at the base of plants to reduce evaporation from soil

  8. Reuse water for gardens and plants

  9. Ensure your irrigation system uses water efficiently and use low flow garden hose nozzles

  10. Adopt water-efficient cleaning procedures

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Are you planning to purchase or upgrade lighting, HVAC equipment (boilers, furnaces, heaters, heat pumps, rooftop units, etc), or other business appliances? Have you purchased or installed any of these within the last 365 days? You might be eligible for FortisBC rebates if you are a FortisBC electricity or natural gas customer and meet their requirements for energy-efficient equipment.

Some of the FortisBC rebates that are available:  

 If you are a tourism business operating in the Thompson Okanagan and would like to find out if you are eligible, book a free appointment with our Energy Analyst to learn more.

News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - June

June is National Indigenous History Month and June 21 marked National Indigenous Peoples Day. Both are important opportunities to honour Indigenous Peoples and to learn about their histories, cultures and ways of life and we encourage you to build respectful relationships with Indigenous communities throughout the year.


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

June is National Indigenous History Month and June 21 marked National Indigenous Peoples Day. Both are important opportunities to honour Indigenous Peoples and to learn about their histories, cultures and ways of life and we encourage you to build respectful relationships with Indigenous communities throughout the year.

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) acknowledges that the Thompson Okanagan region lies on the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territory of three Interior Salish nations: the Syilx, Nlaka'pamux, and Secwépemc Peoples. We would like to thank them for their stewardship of this place.

TOTA stands with Indigenous Tourism BC and Hon. Melanie Mark, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport in BC, in inviting you to celebrate Indigenous culture and self-determination by visiting, eating, and shopping at Indigenous-owned businesses. Share your experience with others using hashtag #IndigenousBC.

To learn more about Indigenous tourism experiences in the Thompson Okanagan region, visit and the Indigenous Tourism BC website.

New Addition to the Biosphere Commitment Program: Accessibility Consultations

Inspired by the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and with a focus on Goal #9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal #10 - Reduced Inequalities, and Goal #11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities, the TOTA team has added accessibility consultations for Biosphere Committed Members at no additional cost. To book your consultation, please contact the Biosphere Team at

News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - April

This month had exciting announcements such as, our Energy Analyst, Thivya Visawanathan was named one of 13 #EnergyChampion from across the country! Our Biosphere Academy officially launched on April 21 and if you were unable to attend the virtual launch event please view it here.

Four other regional destination management organization counterparts under the B.C. Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS), including the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast, Kootenay Rockies, Northern B.C. and Tourism Vancouver Island, to support their signing of a letter of commitment to pursue the Responsible Tourism Institute’s Biosphere certification. TOTA successfully received this designation in 2017, and is proud to work with regional partners to help further collective initiatives and make a far-reaching positive impact.

Badge - Thompson Okanagan   Biosphere certified destination - Horizontal - Colour (1).png

This month had several exciting announcements! TOTA’s Energy Analyst, Thivya Visawanathan, was named one of 13 #EnergyChampions from across the country. We also officially launched the Biosphere Academy on April 21. If you were unable to attend the virtual launch event, please view the recording here.


Other Exciting Local Biosphere News

Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) joined our four regional destination management organization counterparts (Cariboo Chilcotin Coast, Kootenay Rockies, Northern BC and Tourism Vancouver Island) under the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) to support the signing of a letter of commitment to pursue the Responsible Tourism Institute’s Biosphere certification. TOTA successfully received this designation in 2017 and is proud to work with our regional partners to help further collective initiatives and make a far-reaching positive impact. You can view the recording of the Earth Day event by the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat here.

News Highlights

A Few Biosphere Updates And Highlights from this month:

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TOTA News Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association TOTA News Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere 2020 Annual Report

2020 has been a year of great uncertainty, but also a year of opportunities. Sustainability has become top of mind when talking about recovery and resilience and will continue to be part of our way forward as an industry.
This newsletter showcases our progress over the past 12 months to develop value-added programs and engage with Biosphere Commitment Program members. We would like to reflect and celebrate our collective achievements in sustainability in 2020 and look ahead to new initiatives for 2021.Did you know? TOTA is offering complimentary Energy Assessments to help improve your organization's operational efficiency and reduce costs. This assessment opportunity is open to all tourism businesses in the Thompson Okanagan Region.



A Year of Challenges and Opportunities

2020 has been a year of great uncertainty, but also a year of opportunities. Sustainability has become top of mind when talking about recovery and resilience and will continue to be part of our way forward as an industry.

This newsletter showcases our progress over the past 12 months to develop value-added programs and engage with Biosphere Commitment Program members. We would like to reflect and celebrate our collective achievements in sustainability in 2020 and look ahead to new initiatives for 2021.

Did you know? TOTA is offering complimentary Energy Assessments to help improve your organization's operational efficiency and reduce costs. This assessment opportunity is open to all tourism businesses in the Thompson Okanagan Region.



Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Tourism
featured in The Globe and Mail


"This idea of investing in meaningful travel experiences that not only enrich a visitor’s time in a place but also leave the destination better off is gaining traction under the label “regenerative travel.” More than a buzzword, it’s a paradigm shift in the way we look at sustainable travel."

Learn more about regenerative tourism in this article published by The Globe and Mail, with shoutouts to Biosphere Committed Companies Summerhill Pyramid Winery, Covert Farms Family Estate, Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm, Delta Hotels by Marriott Grand Okanagan Resort, Myra Canyon Ranch, and Kelowna Museums.



Growing Engagement | Biosphere & Value-added Programs

Biosphere Commitment Program


Biosphere Committed Companies In Process



companies participating in Safe Travels in the Thompson Okanagan


companies participating in the Occupational Health & Safety Program



companies engaged in Eco Efficiency Program



worth of cost-saving opportunities identified to date from the free Virtual Energy Assessment Program




Did you know?

  • You can significantly reduce your utility costs by simply reviewing your bills every month and becoming aware of your daily energy use patterns.

  • TOTA's Energy Analyst has helped participating businesses identify annual cost-saving opportunities ranging from $100 to $2500 with the relevant rebates available.

Learn more about our complimentary Energy Assessments


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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the Thompson Okanagan’s source for the Biosphere Commitment Program and sustainable industry updates! We want to continue to provide the industry with opportunities to save on costs, be apart of rebate and subsidy programs, and get one-on-one time with professionals in different areas of tourism.



Here is why you should read it

Welcome back to the Thompson Okanagan’s source for the Biosphere Commitment Program and sustainable industry updates! Over the past 8 months, TOTA has shifted our communications to focus on navigating through the year that has been 2020. We as an industry have been resilient, and tourism businesses have shown a dedication to a more sustainable approach as we forge ahead.

We felt now was the time to continue to establish the message of sustainability across the region and highlight those businesses who have excelled in this area. Furthermore, this newsletter will provide updates on resources available to the industry that can help improve their energy costs, reduce their carbon impacts, streamline their health & safety procedures and much more.

We want to continue to provide the industry with opportunities to save on costs, be apart of rebate and subsidy programs, and get one-on-one time with professionals in different areas of tourism.

As we remind you about the Biosphere Sustainable Newsletter, we want to take the time to introduce several new initiatives available to our stakeholders. The following opportunities are open to all businesses and are not exclusive to Biosphere Committed Companies.


go2HR Open House | Drop-in Sessions

Occupational Health and Safety Open House | Every Tuesday from Oct 20th - Nov 17th, 2:00-3:00 pm (PST) | Join Online

Occupational Health and Safety Open House | Every Tuesday from Oct 20th - Nov 17th, 2:00-3:00 pm (PST) | Join Online


go2HR is pleased to offer a series of virtual drop-in Health and Safety Q&A Sessions for Thompson Okanagan Tourism businesses.

  • Do you have a health and safety challenge or question, but not sure who to ask?

  • Want to learn more about the health and safety support available for you through the Biosphere program?

  • Want to meet and connect with other regional businesses to share health and safety insights, challenges and/or best practices?

Whether you have 5 minutes or 50 minutes, a single question, multiple questions OR just want to drop in to meet the go2HR specialists - we would be happy to speak with you. 

Note: RSVP is not required. Click the button above to join anytime during the sessions. Stay for as long as you can or need during the one-hour session.


EV Chargers Installment Funding Available: Dual Port Level 2 ($7,000 - $8,000) Depends on Electrical capacity

EV Chargers Installment Funding Available: Dual Port Level 2 ($7,000 - $8,000) Depends on Electrical capacity


The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is in the process of applying for the Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) grant. This funding opportunity is for the installment of EV charging stations at various locations across the region. Most tourism businesses looking to enhance their parking area with EV charging stations would fit into this application.

The Grant subsidizes a large portion of the costs to purchase and install the charging stations, however, there still will be a cost for each company involved. Preliminary estimates are in the range of $7,500 for a dual port level 2 charging station but will depend on on-site electrical capacity factors. For more information about this opportunity please email

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, each of these will be posted on the TOTA Corporate website. We want to make this newsletter valuable to you so please share your feedback and suggestions to help us improve!

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Update

We understand the current landscape for tourism businesses has drastically changed over the past few months. During these uncertain times, TOTA has streamlined our priorities to provide assistance to organizations throughout the region.

Our Biosphere businesses continue to remain a high priority, and we are working hard to provide you with updates in a timely manner regarding any provincial programs or assistance as it becomes available. We are also reaching out to businesses to get a better understanding of their operations. Some of you may have already heard from one of our team members, if you have not yet heard from us you can expect a call in the next several days, or please reach out to us at

In regards to the Biosphere Commitment, we are still moving ahead with the programs and offering online resources for those who want to continue to access initiatives at this time. We also appreciate that there are many priorities currently and you may need to defer some of the opportunities until business and operations begin to normalize.

We encourage you to read through this newsletter which will provide details of Biosphere opportunities that are available online at this time.



Biosphere Update

We understand the current landscape for tourism businesses has drastically changed over the past few months. During these uncertain times, TOTA has streamlined our priorities to provide assistance to organizations throughout the region.

Our Biosphere businesses continue to remain a high priority, and we are working hard to provide you with updates in a timely manner regarding any provincial programs or assistance as it becomes available. We are also reaching out to businesses to get a better understanding of their operations. Some of you may have already heard from one of our team members, if you have not yet heard from us you can expect a call in the next several days, or please reach out to us at

In regards to the Biosphere Commitment, we are still moving ahead with the programs and offering online resources for those who want to continue to access initiatives at this time. We also appreciate that there are many priorities currently and you may need to defer some of the opportunities until business and operations begin to normalize.

We encourage you to read through this newsletter which will provide details of Biosphere opportunities that are available online at this time.

Thank you again for your ongoing commitment to this program, we believe the values of sustainability will be more important than ever when we emerge from this current crisis. Please reach out to Mike Overend, Director of Sustainability at or directly at 778-721-5462.

Stay safe and healthy, and know that we are committed to working to help your business get through this unprecedented time.



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program


FortisBC and BC Hydro are currently offering free support from energy advisors who are available to speak via telephone to identify no-cost ways to reduce your business’s energy consumption while you are operating at reduced hours, or even experiencing a temporary closure.  Reducing your energy consumption will help you reduce your energy bills, and will also help the utility companies reduce demand during this period of reduced economic activity in our sector. for anyone interested in this free support please reach out to the contacts below directly; they will aim to call you within 2 business days:

For businesses within FortisBC electricity and natural gas areas, please reach out to

For businesses within the BC Hydro electric area, please reach out to   



go2HR OHS Overview Training Webinar – NOW AVAILABLE

An introduction to the go2HR OHS training and support provided through the biosphere adhesion program as well as health and safety-related legislation in BC, WorkSafeBC and the Certificate of Recognition (COR) program.
This 50-minute on-demand webinar is FREE for Biosphere Committed Entities and the first call to action within the go2HR OHS Framework for Biosphere.
View Webinar

Other virtual opportunities for biosphere members: 

OHS Program Fundamentals: An online, interactive course that will help participants learn the fundamental principles of occupational health and safety (OHS) in British Columbia and the key elements of a safety management system. Upon successful completion, students will earn a certificate of completion.

Safety Basics Assessment: A free, confidential, online OHS self-assessment.  Receive practical information, resources and advice to help improve an existing health and safety program or get started on developing a new one, based on your responses.

Foundations of Workplace Safety Training: Designed for young or new workers to help them enter the workplace with knowledge and confidence, it is also a great fresher for anyone already working in the tourism and hospitality industry. This online, self-paced course is free of charge.



The Eco-Efficiency Program, through which participants will receive complimentary energy, water, and waste assessments and access to EcoBase Carbon Software, is still running in a modified format.  

During this time, Greenstep is offering virtual assessments via FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Zoom, and other web-based video conferencing platforms to identify low or no-cost initiatives that can help save you money now, while also making recommendations for projects you could implement in the future to achieve additional savings and to improve your footprint. 

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Other Updates

1. Biosphere Questionnaire & Certificate 

It is a good time to fill the year 1 and year 2 biosphere questionnaire if you have not yet completed it. If you have any questions, please contact and we can assist you with the process.  As we are currently working remotely, we are not able to mail the certificate to you until later. We appreciate your understanding. 

2. Biosphere videos updates 

Video shooting for biosphere members will be continued once the situation gets better. The completed videos are now in the review process and will be sent to you once approved. 


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TOTA News Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association TOTA News Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Good Health And Well-Being

In recent years, health tourism has been attracting more customers. With the increasing awareness in improving health and well-being, more and more people seek a relaxing and appealing destination that has benefits for their body, mind and spirit.

This month we will highlight businesses' featuring work relative to SDG Three: Wellbeing, safety, and health. We will take a look at how they develop, promote and prioritize healthy tourism activities.



Good Health and Well-Being

In recent years, health tourism has been attracting more customers. With the increasing awareness in improving health and well-being, more and more people seek a relaxing and appealing destination that has benefits for their body, mind and spirit.

This month we will highlight businesses' featuring work relative to SDG Three:Wellbeing, safety, and health. We will take a look at how they develop, promote and prioritize healthy tourism activities.



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Covert Farm, Oliver

Covert Farm, Oliver

Covert Farm believes in healthy and experiential tourism practices and focuses on improving their ability to identify, prevent and plan for potential emergencies that threaten the farm and surrounding ecosystem. Their operation has adopted regenerative farming practices on 240 acres that will result in sequestering soil carbon which acts as storage for rain and irrigation water. It is estimated that their 30 acres of vineyards may be dry-farmed in 5 years’ time using these farming practices (no-till, growing plants at all times, mixed cover crops, soil cover, and livestock integration). They are also dedicated to “Farm to Table”. With the experience and passion of many hardworking hands, they are able to farm an abundant array of certified organic crops to nourish those who visit.

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A View to Remember B&B, West Kelowna

A View to Remember B&B, West Kelowna

A View To Remember B&B has a strong passion for the chemical-free, toxin-free cleaning system (ENJO) that does not require the purchase of any plastic bottles or cleaners. And with it being chemical-free, there is no chemical residue left on surfaces and no chemicals are being put into the water system. They are also dedicated to educating and selling this product to help people learn about the options for a sustainable cleaning environment for their home and family. In their suites, there are no single-use plastic utensils or dishes. They are also using the Smartklean laundry ball that eliminates the need to buy plastic bottles of laundry soap. 

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50th Parallel Estate Winery, Lake Country

50th Parallel Estate Winery, Lake Country

50th Parallel Estate regularly review international best practices relating to winery and vineyard operations with their staff, to decrease their footprint on the environment. They annually focus more on sustainability in how they manage the vineyard, both through amendment programs, cover crop choices, bio-dynamic integration of beneficial organisms into the vineyard, and an overall commitment to being completely natural in wine making practice and organic vineyard practice in the next 5 years.

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Global Biosphere Example

Aparthotel Miami Park, located in the heart of the coastal town of Calella, Spain committed to a more sustainable future by obtaining their Biosphere Commitment in 2017. They are proud to be part of this community and dedicated to their commitment in various ways. 

  • They use special containers on each floor which allows each customer to separate plastics, glass, cardboard, and organic waste

  • They do not use chlorine in their swimming pool. It is cleaned through electrolysis.

  • Their outdoor lighting are LED, and they use drip irrigation for their garden which largely reduces the waste.

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SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

There are many things we could do to protect our health and develop a healthy living environment. 

1. For travelers - Travel with a basic health kit
A basic travel health kit is important no matter where you travel, as some medications may not always be readily available in some countries. Click here to review a list of medications to be included in your travel health kit. 

2. For employers -- Keep your staff healthy
Health and safety are critical to all business practices. By implementing a framework to manage health and safety organizations can effectively prevent injuries and save time and money. Start the go2HR safety basics assessment today. 

3. For businesses -- Promote and adopt sustainable practices 
Reduce the use of chemicals (i.e cleaning products). Reduce the impact on air, water and soil. The Biosphere Eco-Efficiency program is the perfect first step. 


Do you know about

Green Okanagan's Sustainability Social

Green Okanagan is getting together for green conversation this Feb 19th, 2020, at 6:30 pmatTourism Kelowna! This event is a gathering of like-minded individuals sharing a passion for sustainability and green movements in our community. Their Feb event has the theme of "Sustainable Tourism" where you will get to learn from GreenStep's Angela Nagy. Click "Register here" for more details.


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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Why Measure Sustainability

Measuring business practices, as it pertains to reducing negative impacts, establishes a baseline and framework for the development of programs/projects, such as waste reduction projects, energy-efficient programs and carbon measuring adoption. Measurement is also essential in communicating progress, anticipating new requirements and managing the progress towards the sustainability goals.

This month we will highlight businesses' featuring work relative to SDG Thirteen: Urgent adoption of measures against climate change. We will take a look at how they integrate climate change measures into their strategic planning.



Why Measure Sustainability?

Measuring business practices, as it pertains to reducing negative impacts, establishes a baseline and framework for the development of programs/projects, such as waste reduction projects, energy-efficient programs and carbon measuring adoption. Measurement is also essential in communicating progress, anticipating new requirements and managing the progress towards the sustainability goals.

This month we will highlight businesses' featuring work relative to SDG Thirteen: Urgent adoption of measures against climate change. We will take a look at how they integrate climate change measures into their strategic planning



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Tourism Kamloops

Tourism Kamloops

Tourism Kamloops continues to elevate its commitment to the Biosphere Adhesion Program by focusing on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 17- partnerships for the goals.
Tourism Kamloops strives to strengthen relationships with Tk’emlups te Secwepemc, Thompson Rivers University, and Kamloops Innovation. Understanding the impact of educational opportunities, Tourism Kamloops is committed to providing diverse workshops for the community on accessible and inclusive destination development; digital marketing skills; destination ambassadorship, and more. The team supports the Bee City Program, as well as participates in the Impact Sustainability Travel & Tourism Forum.

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Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm, Kelowna

Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm, Kelowna

Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm is the first company in North America to use 100% biodegradable containers, Sulapac, while continuing to explore more sustainable solutions. Their Earth Tube system passively controls the temperature by circulating the air between the rooms and the ground outside. This saves up to 78% of energy compared with traditional HVAC systems. They allow one paper checkout bag per purchase and charge a fee for any additional bags. All proceeds are donated to Tree Canada's National Greening Program, specifically for reforesting areas in BC damaged by wildfires and invasive pests.   

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Sorrento Centre

Sorrento Centre

Since the first 19 solar panels went live in May 2019 The Sorrento Centre has been living up to its commitment to environmental sustainability by generating lots of clean, green and abundant energy from the sun, and sending power back into the BC Hydro grid to share with their neighbours. Even with the shorter and darker days of the fall and winter, the solar array is still generating plenty of energy for the building. The Solar system had seen an immediate positive impact. The BC Hydro bill for May of 2019 showed a 62% decrease in daily average inflow and 386kWh of surplus energy back into the grid. This meant a savings of $226.00 for the month of May!

Plans are underway for another 32 panels. This will boost projected annual production by 9,500 kWh/year and enable the Sorrento Centre to install an EV charging station to power electric vehicles – a first for the community of Sorrento, BC! 

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Global Biosphere Example

Barcelona, as the first urban destination to obtain the Biosphere Certification is also the first European city to require solar water heaters to be installed in all new buildings and renovations. Education and maintenance are the keys to success. The Barcelona Energy Agency strongly believes that solar panels should be managed like elevators and be inspected on a regular basis. The Energy Agency runs the information center to provide assistance in solar panel installation and maintenance. In 2006, Spain enacted building codes that included solar water heaters. This initiative has helped Barcelona to reduce the carbon intensity of its electricity by about 30% since 2000.  

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SDG 13: Urgent adoption of measures against climate change

1. Commit to sustainable tourism practices 
Follow the guidelines for sustainable tourism based on the Seven Generations Principle. Take the Pledge today! 

2. Gather baseline data
What gets measured gets managed! You can start with water, energy, waste, then expand to other consumption. The Eco-efficiency program will get you started with these endeavors. 

3. Brainstorm actions to help achieve goals
Finding ways to conserve energy in a more sustainable direction. This would not only make your organization greener but also can save you money immediately. Here are some tips for energy-saving. 

4. Engaging all stakeholders 
Anything worth knowing is worth sharing. Sustainability education is essential to create a large impact and build a sustainable destination. You can start by educating your staff and guests. For example, does it matter how your staff and your guests arrive? This article may give you some ideas to encourage green travel. Read here


Do you know about

Green Okanagan's Sustainability Social?

Green Okanagan is getting together for green conversation this Jan 22nd, 2020at 6:30 pm! This event is a gathering of like-minded individuals sharing a passion for sustainability and green movements in our community. Click "Register here" for more details.


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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Decent Work And Economic Growth

It is extremely important to pay attention to employees’ safety and well-being. TOTA in partnership with go2HR will be providing occupational health and safety assessments for Biosphere Businesses. Our partnership will provide:

- Occupational Health and Safety Overview Training
- Safety Basics Assessment
- Employer Consultation Meetings
- Foundation of Workplace Safety Training
- And many more added benefits



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Giro Okanagan, Kelowna

Giro Okanagan, Kelowna

Giro Okanagan is a cycling tour provider that offers immersive and authentic experiences based on their deep understanding of the region and their own personal connections. They embrace sustainability by promoting cycling as the ideal way to explore the Okanagan Valley. They work towards achieving their sustainability targets by dramatically reducing single-use plastics and use locally sourced products whenever possible.
For 2020, they will expand their sustainability initiatives to include further training in Biosphere Adhesion targets for their guides and support staff. They will be introducing a Rider's Pledge for guests which will be aligned with Biosphere goals. The website messaging will be revised to stress sustainability initiatives more fully. They will expand the educational initiatives to include new self-guided options for both single day and multi-day tours that will provide guests with a further understanding of the Okanagan's unique cultural heritage.

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Osoyoos Golf Club

Osoyoos Golf Club

Osoyoos Golf Club's restaurant and Pro Shop are wheelchair accessible. For the area out on the golf course they allow members with mobility issues to drive their golf carts closer to the tees and greens than is allowed in regulation. They also support local suppliers in sustainable tourism activities and services. For example, they consider seasonality and healthy food options on their menu in their day to day offerings. They also have a large riparian area that they strive to maintain and protect and keep their members informed.

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SDS 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent employment

It is extremely important to pay attention to employees’ safety and well-being. Unfortunately, as much we talk about workplace safety and well-being in daily life, it is still presents a serious challenge in Canada.

TOTA in partnership with go2HR will be providing occupational health and safety assessments for Biosphere Adhesion Businesses. Our partnership will provide:

- Occupational Health and Safety Overview Training
- Safety Basics Assessment
- Employer Consultation Meetings
- Foundation of Workplace Safety Training
- And many more added benefits

Stay posted for an upcoming release of the full program details!


Do you know  SuperHost Service For All Program?

The “one size fits all” concept simply does not apply to the way the tourism sector's set expectations and practices around specific customer groups. It is extremely important for all employees, especially front-line employees to understand multiculturalism and practices around specific customer groups. Take go2HR's SuperHost Service For All Program to learn best practices around customers from various backgrounds and identities. 


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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Sustainable Tourism Destinations And Heritage

Last month (Oct 16th), we held a Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) training workshop at The Laurel Packinghouse. We collaborated with Tourism Kelowna and the Kelowna Museums Society to organize the workshop that was open to all Biosphere Adhesion Entities. We are very lucky to have Angela Nagy from GreenStep Solutions (GSTC trainer) providing an overview of tips and resources on how to offset operational impacts.

This is in line with the United Nations’ Sustainability Goals, particularly goal eleven Sustainable Tourism Destination and Heritage. This month we are featuring several organizations that are leaders in social, cultural and environmental protection through tourism activities.



Thank You for Joining Us! 

Last month (Oct 16th), we held a Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) training workshop at The Laurel Packinghouse. We collaborated with Tourism Kelowna and the Kelowna Museums Society to organize the workshop that was open to all Biosphere Adhesion Entities. We are very lucky to have Angela Nagy from GreenStep Solutions (GSTC trainer) providing an overview of tips and resources on how to offset operational impacts. We will be hosting another GSTC workshop in Kamloops in the coming months, with the exact date to be determined. 

This is in line with the United Nations’ Sustainability Goals, particularly goal eleven Sustainable Tourism Destination and Heritage. This month we are featuring several organizations that are leaders in social, cultural and environmental protection through tourism activities. 



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Moccasin Trails

Moccasin Trails

Moccasin Trails aims to provide people with an authentic experience of Indigenous culture. They share Indigenous culture through tourism and believe through sharing and storytelling the whole culture is revitalized, preserved and promoted. They want to bring people from around the world to experience learning and reliving the indigenous culture. As the main organizer of the Okanagan Cultural Getaway, they have planned a three-day trip (Nov 15th-17th) which includes museum tours, food tastings, walks on ancestral paths and a Canoe excursion where people can touch, smell, see, hear and feel the Indigenous culture.

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Grizzli Winery, Kelowna

Grizzli Winery, Kelowna

Grizzli Winery is located in the beautiful West Kelowna’s wine trail. They are proud to celebrate local authentic culture and create tourism activities and products based on local cultural heritage. They organize various events throughout the year that promote local artists and artisans. Their Arts in the Park event successfully combines food, wine, and art. Locally inspired creations such as stone, glass, wood and fiber arts are displayed with the backdrop of the vineyards.   

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Monte Creek Ranch Winery

Monte Creek Ranch Winery

Monte Creek Ranch Winery is on the South Thompson River east of Kamloops. They  promote a sustainable community by supporting various community organizations with donations and sponsorship. An example is their efforts to support the Canadian Red Cross with their wildfire relief fund. They did this in partnership with the Kamloops Wine Trail, Sips for Support.  They are also  bio diverse  in various daily practices. They use manure from their cattle to fertilize the vineyard and have a honey bee colony onsite to promote wildflower health and the health of their Haskap grove.

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Global Biosphere Example

The Historic Centre of Évora the capital of the Alentejo Province in Portugal, one of the biosphere adhesion certified destinations, shows its remarkable success in culture and heritage preservation. Listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Évora’s overall integrity has been preserved through strict regulation and conservation measures. The rural landscape to the north has remained largely unchanged. In 2013, Évora has concluded their joint project as part of the World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Program on capacity-building for tourism management

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SDG 11: Sustainable Tourism Destinations and Heritage

Cultural tourism as one of the largest and fastest-growing global tourism markets is increasingly being developed to promote sustainable destinations and enhance authenticity. The development of cultural experiences includes the preservation, protection, and promotion of cultural heritage.

1. Discover and understand the Okanagan Heritage

2. Review successful examples of heritage integrations


Want to join Green Okanagan for a Vermi-Composting workshop?

Green Okanagan is hosting an all-inclusive vermi-composting workshop!

Composting your organic and food waste helps to reduce your environmental impact. Instead of creating methane in a landfill, it will turn your organic waste into nutrient-rich soil! How cool is that?

Join this hands-on evening where you will be learning all about this form of composting whilst making your own apparatus to take home with you.


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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Reduce Your Carbon Emissions

Canada is moving towards its objective of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. It is easy to think that one person's choice has no effect on the climate, but with 37 million people living in Canada, our collective impact can add up. In order to fight against climate change, our consumption habits need to change personally, domestically and globally. This month, we will highlight businesses featuring work relative to SDG Seven: Affordable and Clean Energy. We also listed resources to calculate your carbon footprint and offset your impact.



Reduce Your Carbon Emissions

Canada is moving towards its objective of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. It is easy to think that one person's choice has no effect on the climate, but with 37 million people living in Canada, our collective impact can add up. In order to fight against climate change, our consumption habits need to change personally, domestically and globally. This month, we will highlight businesses featuring work relative to SDG Seven: Affordable and Clean Energy. We also listed resources to calculate your carbon footprint and offset your impact.



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Best Western Plus Kamloops

Best Western Plus Kamloops

The Best Western Plus Kamloops is committed to the use of sustainable energy, their Geothermal Heating/cooling system collects low-grade thermal energy from the earth and concentrates it inside the hotel to provide heating/cooling in all public areas during the year. The well-designed geothermal system provides heating for all public areas including the pool, lobby and breakfast room. In the summer, the process is reversed and the geothermal system inputs cool air into the hotel and removes the heat to be stored. The heat removed from the building can be used to efficiently heat swimming pools, hot water tanks, or other parts of the building that require heat during the evenings.


Poplar Grove Winery, Penticton

Poplar Grove Winery, Penticton

Poplar Grove Winery utilizes many sustainable practices in the vineyards, especially in reducing their carbon footprint. Solar arrays power all the winery facilities, while they also carry five electric vehicle charging stations available to staff and guests that are powered by the solar arrays. Their wines are all watered by drip line rather than overhead irrigation, which allows for a less wasteful targeted application that is applied only as needed.

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Current Taxi, Kelowna

Current Taxi, Kelowna

Current taxi doesn't see sustainability as solely environmental, they also view it from an economic and personal lens. They utilize 100% biodegradable cleaning products for inside the vehicles to promote earth and occupant well being. They offer amazing services that take customers to organic wineries, local restaurants or coffee shops, all without burning a drop of gas. Responsible use of energy is directly promoted through Current Taxi as a cornerstone of the company values. As the first all-electric taxi fleet in British Columbia, Current Taxi utilizes 100% electric vehicles in their fleet, providing the community emissions-free transportation.

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Global Biosphere Example

Spain is a leader in investing in renewable energy. Spain has managed to reduce its CO2 emissions by 4.3% in 2018. As the leader in the Biosphere Adhesion Program, more than 13 regions in Spain are certified as a Biosphere Destination. The decreasing cost of clean technologies, optimal geographical locations and climatic conditions as well as Spain's sustainable commitment as a whole, drives their commitment to clean energy. León as a Biosphere Certified Destination is generating more electricity from renewables than the total electricity demand within the region.

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SDG 7: Ensuring access to sustainable energy

Do you want to take some action on fighting against climate change and your organization's carbon footprint? 

1. Take part in the Biosphere Adhesion Initiative

  • Participants of the Biosphere Adhesion Initiative will receive personalized Energy Assessments through the Eco-efficiency program. More information to come soon!

  • Biosphere Committed Businesses will also be provided with Carbon Footprint Measurement software.


  • You can search and book an Eco-friendly hotel or sustainable accommodations through To eliminate green-washing, they assess each hotel's green credentials as part of their staygreencheck.

  • Bookdifferent today in sustainable destination Kelowna


BC Residents! Researchers from KPU’s Institute for Sustainable Food Systems are conducting a survey about local food in restaurants and want to hear from you.

Take the 10 minute online survey and be entered to win one of five $100 gift certificates to local restaurants! Survey closes Oct. 31st, midnight. Please click the link to begin!


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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Training Workshops

Having quality, inclusive training that is adapted to the real needs of the destination is an essential part of tourism sustainability. We are very lucky to have Angela Nagy from GreenStep Solutions (certified GSTC trainer) to provide tips on how to offset your organization’s impact. This is inline with several United Nations’ Sustainability Goals, particularly goal four (Quality Education), goal eleven (Sustainable Cities and Communities), goal seventeen (Partnership for the Goals), and others. This month we are featuring several organizations who are offering or promoting quality education and training to their customers, employees and other stakeholders.



Biosphere Training Workshops 

We are pleased to be hosting another Global Sustainable Tourism Council training workshop this fall in the Central Okanagan. The half-day workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 16th, exact venue TBD.

Having quality, inclusive training that is adapted to the real needs of the destination is an essential part of tourism sustainability. We are very lucky to have Angela Nagy from GreenStep Solutions (certified GSTC trainer) to provide tips on how to offset your organization’s impact. This is in line with several United Nations’ Sustainability Goals, particularly goal four (Quality Education), goal eleven (Sustainable Cities and Communities), goal seventeen (Partnership for the Goals), and others. This month we are featuring several organizations who are offering or promoting quality education and training to their customers, employees and other stakeholders. 



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Kelowna Museum Society

Kelowna Museum Society

The Kelowna Museum Society develops educational activities that engage visitors, stimulating their curiosity around tourism and sustainable development. They work closely with Indigenous communities to ensure their perspectives and priorities are well represented in the museum displays and programs. In addition, their "Ride to the Museum" social media campaign encourages visitors to walk, cycle or use transit to visit them, a relatively modest yet powerful gesture to encourage sustainable transportation.

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Planet Bee Honey Farm, Vernon

Planet Bee Honey Farm, Vernon

Every year Planet Bee Honey Farm presents to thousands of customers about the importance of honeybees to our ecosystems in the educational center. They teach about the plight of the honeybee and give customers advice on what they can do to help. An outdoor learning area is added with informational signage detailing bee-friendly plants, local pollinators, and the plight of the honeybee. All staff are well versed in the necessary information to assist customers in their experience of these areas. They educate their customers by offering ‘bee friendly tips’ in their online monthly newsletter.

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Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm, Kelowna

Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm, Kelowna

Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm teach their visitors about sustainable farming and how they adapted in the agricultural industry to stay current and economically viable. They developed tours for both children (Pollinator tour) and adults (Sustainable farming practices) to teach them about the importance of preserving and respecting the natural environment. They also teach new staff about sustainable initiatives such as reusable water bottles, coffee cups and on-site composting. They also encourage all of their staff to help in the garden as time allows, which enables them to be outside in the fresh air doing physical activity!

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Global Biosphere Example

La Cuadra de Antón is a responsible and efficient restaurant in Gijón, Spain. They encourage diversity and offset their impact on the environment. They promote the collaboration with CleanCO2 and the Responsible Tourism Institute (Biosphere Adhesion Destination) to showcase their efforts on calculating their carbon footprint and to offset their emissions in social projects. They also raise awareness for caring for our landscapes and farming by informing their customers on how to adapt to societal changes within the framework of sustainable development.

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Welcome Newly Committed Entities

Osoyoos Golf Club
Current Taxi
Giro Vacations Ltd


SDG 4: Quality Education

A great number of community organizations that embody United Nations’ Sustainable Development goals in their daily practices. Below are some successful examples.

1. Show your company history and value, introduce where are the product comes from 

2. Showcase your sustainability commitment

  • For biosphere committed entities, showing your employees and customers that you are Biosphere Certified Entity! You could proudly showcase your biosphere certificate and sustainability commitment on your website and social media

  • Blog post, Facebook post, brochure, website

  • Display your Biosphere Certificate proudly! 

3. Join TOTA’s upcoming GSTC and Eco-efficiency training! 


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