Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - February


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

February was a busy month for the Biosphere Commitment Team, with the addition of our new Energy Analyst Harshit Srivastava, and three new Biosphere Committed Companies! A warm welcome to Howling Moon Craft Cider, Naramata Inn, and Destination Silver Star, we are so excited to welcome these amazing companies and for them to begin their Biosphere sustainable journey. Read more about these three companies and what they are already doing in regards to sustainability.

Valentine’s Day Sustainable Tips:

  1. Vases and water picks are welcomed back at most floral shops so that they can be reused

  2. Place expired flowers into your green bin or compost bin

  3. Keep chocolate boxes to reuse as a gift box for other holidays

  4. Recycle where ever possible

  5. Recycle Valentines cards or use them as gift tags for Christmas, Birthdays, or other holidays

Introducing the new Sustainable Development Goal Action Highlight

Have you been wondering about meeting your requirement to demonstrate work towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the Biosphere Commitment Program?  In this new section of the Biosphere Monthly Newsletter we will be highlighting one sustainable action each month from the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle (BSL) platform and presenting options for the evidence you can use to demonstrate your hard work on the 17 SDGs.  We will be including the SDG number, action target number, and action number so that you can find it easily on the platform.

If you have an action that you would like us to highlight, please let us know by selecting the button below and we would be happy to include your work in this new section!


Credit: Destination BC/Blake Jorgenson


Welcome Destination Silver Star

Joining the Biosphere Commitment Program allows the continuation of sustainability planning for Destination Silver Star along with supports to advance and create a Biosphere sustainability journey. 2022 marks the first year of the resort association and they endeavour to lead sustainable initiatives across the destination with their members and for their visitors. Destination Silver Star is located at SilverStar Mountain Resort. The largest partner, SilverStar Mountain Resort, is committed to doing all that they can to protect the environment and enable participation in adventure support community.


Howling Moon Craft Cider

Howling Moon Craft Cider has joined the Biosphere Commitment Program to help guide the choices they make to ensure they are ingrained with sustainable decision making. Located in Oliver, Howling Moon Craft Cider has many sustainable parts to their business and they are excited to start their Biosphere Journey. We are very pleased to welcome them to the Biosphere Commitment Program!


Naramata Inn

Naramata Inn has the joined the Biosphere Commitment Program and we are excited to welcome them as part of the Biosphere community! Naramata Inn is located in Naramata and has a hyper-local focus in their business operations and keep sustainability at the front of decision making. They are looking forward to having Sustainable Development Goals to quantify their efforts in areas that ensure they continue to grow and better themselves and their destination.


News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:


Biosphere Newsletter | March 2022


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - January