Glohaven is Inviting Biosphere Committed Companies to Globox

Are you a creator of authentic local products and experiences? Would you like to be featured in a tourism gift box called Globox™? Glohaven Community Hub is a community-based eCommerce platform that makes it easier for people to shop and support local. Glohaven's core values are community engagement, collaboration, authenticity, sustainability, and accessibility for all.


The team at Glohaven is reaching out to find vendors in the Thompson Okanagan region to purchase products and experiences from to feature in Globox™. Each Globox is thoughtfully curated with authentically local products and experiences and will proudly feature one Indigenous product or experience, as well as one product or experience from a Biosphere Committed Company.


Please sign up below to express your interest and the Glohaven team will get in touch with further details.