Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - November


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

As we near the end of 2021, we are grateful for the community of Biosphere Committed Companies and your commitment to protecting and preserving the Thompson Okanagan region for future generations. We know that the past few months have been particularly trying and we truly appreciate your efforts to engage your teams, develop action plans and make sustainability a priority.

 If you would like to recognize a fellow Biosphere Committed Company for going above and beyond to make our region a more sustainable destination, please consider nominating them for a Biosphere Award. Nominations for the 2021 Awards close Wednesday, December 1. 

 TOTA is also pleased to honour the legacy of George Hanson through a new bursary available to Okanagan College students in the viticulture program. 

Lastly, the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) Summit 2021, in collaboration with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), provided an opportunity to come together as a tourism community, learn from everything we've been through, and think differently about how we can co-create a vibrant and resilient tourism industry. If you missed the virtual event, you can still access the session recordings until December 5, 2021.  


Biosphere Member Highlight:

Seven Stones Winery - George Hanson Remembered Through TOTA Award

Winemaker George Hanson, who passed away in February 2021, was widely acknowledged for his efforts to grow the B.C. wine scene. A new award funded by the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) will commemorate his legacy, while helping a viticulture student at Okanagan College to cultivate their future in the industry Hanson so dearly loved.

“We are very pleased to be able to support this award in memory of George Hanson,” said Ellen Walker-Matthews, CEO of TOTA. “George’s legacy of excellence will live on in the high bar he set for future grape growers and winemakers, such as those coming out of Okanagan College. George is dearly missed, and we hope this award will plant a seed of inspiration in the heart of a budding viticulturist.”

George Hanson created Seven Stones Winery near Cawston in 2000, ever since he was a staple in the BC wine community. In 2019, Seven Stones Winery joined the Biosphere Commitment Program in efforts to continue and advance their sustainability journey. Since George’s passing, Seven Stones Winery continues to operate as a committed company to the Biosphere Commitment Program.

Biosphere Hall of Fame

The Biosphere Awards were created to celebrate the organizations that make our region a more sustainable destination. Nominations close December 1 so make sure to nominate a fellow business or even your own business for any of the four awards. As an award winner, you will receive a custom award certificate and exclusive blog posts shared on all TOTA social channels, numerous e-newsletters and more.

We want to celebrate your efforts!



Why Sustainability Must Be Tourism's Default Mode

As the tourism industry slowly gets back to business, there’s a lot of talk about whether travelers will be more mindful and responsible moving forward. It’s imperative that everyone working in the tourism industry — from the smallest niche start-up to the most mainstream search engine — make sustainable choices simple and straight forward.

News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - December


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - October