Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - October


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is committed to empowering our stakeholders with the resources and tools to be successful and navigate all aspects of sustainability; accessibility, green and responsible tourism, inclusivity, and indigenous tourism. As we leave October we take the time to reflect on the past months and how important sustainable tourism is as we rebuild and reopen. The Annual Summit is available through a virtual format on a complimentary basis to all tourism stakeholders.

Biosphere Hall of Fame

We want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our Biosphere Committed Companies towards sustainability this year! The four Biosphere Awards were created to recognize and celebrate the organizations that make the region a more sustainable destination. Award nominations will be closing December 1st 2021 make sure to nominate a business, your business, or both for any of the four awards. As an award winner you will receive a customized award certificate, exclusive blog posts, shared on all TOTA social channels, numerous newsletters and more!

We want to celebrate your efforts!



Biosphere Member Highlight: Tourism Kelowna

After four years of dedicated commitment to responsible, sustainable tourism practices, Tourism Kelowna has earned a Platinum Certification through the Sustainable Tourism Program offered by GreenStep.

Tourism Kelowna has been committed to the TOTA Biosphere Commitment Program program for four years and has worked with over 30 tourism businesses in their community to join, too. This sustainable tourism system aligns with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to balance social, cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability.

Achieving this rating demonstrates the actionable commitment that Tourism Kelowna has made by benchmarking against the highest set of standards and best practices.


BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021

The BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 will provide an opportunity for the sector to come together as a tourism community, learn from the challenges of the past two years, and think differently about how to co-create a more vibrant and resilient tourism industry in BC.

Reimagining the Future of Tourism: Rebuild, Reframe and Rethink is the theme of the joint virtual Summit, taking place November 3rd and 4th, 2021. The no-cost event for tourism businesses is a collaboration between the five regional destination management organizations of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The event will feature more than 40 tourism experts who will share their global, regional, and local expertise.

News Highlights

A few Biosphere updates and highlights from this month:


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - November


Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter - September