News & Resources

The latest Thompson Okanagan tourism industry news from TOTA, tourism businesses, and communities.

Industry News, Resource TOTA Communications Industry News, Resource TOTA Communications

Resources for Canadian Workers and Businesses


The Government of Canada has put in new measures to help Canadian workers and businesses navigate the impact of the recently imposed tariffs.

This includes:

  • Launching the Trade Impact Program through Export Development Canada.

  • Making $500 million in favourably priced loans available through the Business Development Bank of Canada to support impacted businesses in sectors directly targeted by tariffs, as well as companies in their supply chains.

  • Providing $1 billion in new financing through Farm Credit Canada to reduce financial barriers for the Canadian agriculture and food industry.

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Thompson Okanagan TOTA Communications Thompson Okanagan TOTA Communications

Osoyoos Tourism Master Plan to Focus on Benefits to Residents, Environment, and Business

Destination Osoyoos is set to present the first ever collaborative Osoyoos Tourism Master Plan to the public in just a few months. For more information on the Tourism Master Plan, visit the Destination Osoyoos project information page.


Destination Osoyoos is set to present the Osoyoos Tourism Master Plan to the public in just a few months.

This first-ever, collaborative project represents an 18-month effort involving local businesses, cultural organizations, governments, Indigenous groups, and other tourism-related agencies. The project began in November 2022 with an examination of similar tourism-dependent communities including Ucluelet, Fernie, Tofino, Cranbrook, and others.

The Tourism Master Plan will focus on strategies to enhance destination appeal while delivering resident benefits, such as improving outdoor recreation opportunities; enhancing coordination and support for arts, culture, and heritage; and exploring new opportunities to diversify hospitality and travel industry experiences. Another key component is maintaining, diversifying, and improving industry resilience during peak summer travel, and also deepening the travel season into spring, fall, and winter.

For more information on the Tourism Master Plan, visit the Destination Osoyoos project information page.

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Water Conservation Toolkit

BC’s tourism industry can advocate for water conservation by inspiring residents and visitors to take part in protecting one of the province’s most important resources.


The Tourism Emergency Management Committee has created a Water Conservation Toolkit for the tourism industry, with resources, shareable graphics, tips, messaging, and steps that businesses and industry partners can take, to promote and participate in responsible water use.


Click here to access the full toolkit.

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TOTA News Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association TOTA News Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

TOTA Industry Communications Survey Feedback

We asked, you answered! Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback in TOTA’s Industry Communications Survey in March. Your insights will help the TOTA team to better support you in the coming year.

Read on to find out what the industry had to say and our thoughts moving forward…


We asked, you answered! Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback in TOTA’s Industry Communications Survey in March. Your insights will help the TOTA team to better support you in the coming year.

Here's what the industry had to say and our thoughts moving forward:


What content from TOTA is most valuable to you?

  1. General Thompson Okanagan tourism news

  2. Trends and grant and funding opportunities

  3. Professional development in the form of webinars, training programs, and industry events

  4. Market research reports

  5. British Columbia tourism news and trends

  6. Sustainable tourism - specifically with examples, inspirational ‘how to’s and more opportunities to get involved.

  7. Updates on regional media coverage and upcoming media and travel trade visits in the region

We will continue to share this information, with a new focus on social media posting, and a new format for the newsletter. The industry newsletter will now be published twice per month instead of weekly, with a succinct, scannable format so you can easily find and access the information that’s important to you.

What sustainability initiatives would you like to see from TOTA?

  1. Examples of sustainability initiatives and practices

  2. Composting, recycling, and plastics

  3. Water and energy

  4. Regenerative, green, and eco tourism

  5. Grants and funding to be more sustainable

  6. Training, events, and tips

  7. Biosphere

We will incorporate this information into the new Destination Stewardship section of every industry newsletter.

What skills, trends, or topics do you want to learn more about?

  1. Marketing and PR

  2. Trends, insights, and research

  3. Sustainability and the environment

  4. People + Culture - customer service, staff relations, the labour market

  5. Grant writing

  6. Economic and destination development and management

  7. Social media best practices

Great news! There are already many resources available for free or low cost, including:

Destination BC Tourism Digital Academy and eLearningU digital marketing and trend webinars and recordings.

Symphony Tourism Services (TOTA’s subsidiary) publishes report and can assist with data, trends, insights, and custom research.

TOTA is working with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) to launch the Tourism Impact Portal, a dashboard of key data.

The BC Tourism Sustainability Network and Biosphere Commitment Program

The Great Taste of Canada and Buy BC will assist with development of culinary/agritourism.

Hatch Comms will provide proactive and real time Crisis Communications support and emergency management for community DMOs.

go2HR provides BC resources like a job board, training for staff, support for HR managers, and labour market research.

The TOTA team will continue to seek out resources to assist with these top topics. 

Thank You for Your Feedback

Thanks again for generously sharing your time, experience, and feedback so the whole Thompson Okanagan tourism industry can benefit.

If you would like more information or have more to say, please respond to this email with any questions or comments.

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Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

The Right Amount Campaign

The Right Amount is an initiative for Canadian wineries to promote responsible consumption of alcohol, providing Canadians with tools and information to make informed and responsible decisions about alcohol, and promote drinking wine in moderation.

Wine Growers Canada encourages all wineries to participate, as industry-wide participation will help the campaign to be truly effective in engaging Canadian consumers and promoting the responsible consumption of Canadian wines.

Learn More →


The Right Amount is an initiative for Canadian wineries to promote responsible consumption of alcohol, providing Canadians with tools and information to make informed and responsible decisions about alcohol, and promote drinking wine in moderation.

The campaign navigates the audience to The Right Amount website which contains public low risk drinking guidelines and resources, the definition of a standard drink, and a drink calculator that will determine the number of standard drinks in a glass or bottle based on volume and alcohol percentage.

The Right Amount Campaign launched November 2021, with an online advertising campaign and media promotion to well position the industry in the lead up to the holiday season. The campaign is designed to grow organically over time, strengthened by participation of all wineries across Canada to become an industry standard practice.

Industry-wide participation is required for campaign to be truly effective in engaging Canadian consumers and promoting the responsible consumption of Canadian wines. Wine Growers Canada encourages all wineries to participate.

Learn More →

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Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Government extends COVID-19 benefits and business supports to support stronger economic recovery

The Government of Canada has announced the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and the Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) will be extended by four weeks to October 23, 2021. This extension also includes an increase of the rate of support employers and organizations can receive during the period between August 29 and September 25, 2021 from a maximum of 20 per cent to 40 per cent.


As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, the Government of Canada continues to adapt its support to deliver support to those who need it, heal the wounds of the pandemic recession, and build a strong recovery that leaves no one behind.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, and the Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, announced the extension of crucial COVID-19 support measures for Canadians and Canadian businesses in recognition that uneven economic reopening across regions and sectors means workers and businesses continue to need support. These extensions include:

  • Extending the eligibility period for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy and Lockdown Support until October 23, 2021, and increasing the rate of support employers and organizations can receive during the period between August 29 and September 25, 2021.

  • Extending the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB), the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB), and the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) until October 23, 2021.

  • Increasing the maximum number of weeks available for the CRB, by an additional 4 weeks, to a total of 54 weeks, at a rate of $300 per week, and ensuring it is available to those who have exhausted their employment insurance (EI) benefits.

As our recovery gets underway, workers and businesses in certain regions and sectors continue to need support. In the April federal budget, the government recognized that the economic and public health situation remained uncertain and made sure it had the flexibility to extend supports further into the fall as the public health situation warranted. By moving forward on these extensions, the government is ensuring that businesses – including those in hard-hit sectors like tourism, hospitality, arts, and entertainment – can continue to get the support they need so they can invest in their recovery and long-term prosperity.

In addition, the government is proposing to offer businesses greater flexibility when calculating the revenue decline used to determine eligibility for the wage and rent subsidy programs and the new Canada Recovery Hiring Program. The government is also releasing draft legislation that provides further clarity on previously announced changes to the wage subsidy for furloughed employees.

More details on the extension and these proposed changes to COVID business supports are available in the backgrounder.

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Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

BC Resources for Coping With Disaster Stress

The Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division has compiled resources related to coping from stress from natural disasters, including helpful actions to take, emergency preparedness planning, health and mental health, and direct help.

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The Canadian Mental Health Association BC Division has compiled resources related to coping from stress from natural disasters.

Helpful links and resources

Preparing for wildfires

Health and mental health

Direct help for stress

Information provided by the Canadian Mental Health Association in partnership with the Province of BC, First Nations Health Authority, Interior Health, Northern Health and Provincial Health Services Authority.

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Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

FireSmart Community Funding & Support

Applications are currently being accepted for the FireSmart Community Funding & Supports program, which provides funding to local governments and First Nations in BC to increase community resiliency by undertaking community-based FireSmart planning and activities that reduce the community’s risk from wildfire.


The First Nations’ Emergency Services Society, the Forest Enhancement Society of BC and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) are working with the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development to deliver the FireSmart Community Funding & Supports program.

Eligible applicants:

  • Include all local governments (municipalities and regional districts) and First Nations (bands, Treaty First Nations and Indigenous National Governments with authority for lands and resources) in BC are eligible to apply.

  • May apply for up to $50,000 or $150,000, depending on their specific risk of wildfire. There are opportunities to apply for additional funding for regional districts, and for fuel management proposals that include Provincial Crown land within and adjacent to community boundaries. Information on determining risk is provided in Appendix 2 of the Program Guide.

For enquiries about the program or application process, please contact UBCM at or 250-356-2947.

The FireSmart Begins at Home Manual was developed to help people reduce the risk of personal property damage due to wildfires.

Download FireSmart Guides & Manuals here.

Click here for more information and to apply.

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Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Indigenous Community Business Fund

Indigenous Tourism BC in partnership with Indigenous Services Canada and the Aboriginal Financial Institutions in BC are once again delivering a Tourism and Hospitality Fund through the Indigenous Community Business Fund. This fund will provide non-repayable grant contributions to First Nation owned businesses and micro-businesses in response to the economic impacts of COVID-19.

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Indigenous Tourism BC in partnership with Indigenous Services Canada and the Aboriginal Financial Institutions in BC are once again delivering a Tourism and Hospitality Fund through the Indigenous Community Business Fund.

The fund supports the operation of the businesses as well as costs to support the adaptation, planning and reopening of businesses.

It is intended to relieve financial pressure and allow these businesses and micro-businesses to strengthen operations and support their viability during the pandemic, with the goal of positioning them for recovery.

This fund will provide non-repayable grant contributions to First Nation owned businesses and micro-businesses in response to the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Who can Apply

Your community or collectives are eligible if the business:

  • is First Nations, community or collectively-owned business

  • is located in the provinces of BC

  • has been in operation since October 1, 2019

  • has either incurred a negative financial impact due to COVID-19 or that financial support will prevent layoffs, bankruptcy or permanent closure

  • has been solvent, financially viable, and not declared bankrupt prior to the economic disruptions associated with COVID-19

  • currently operates as a for profit entity and expects to continue to operate with a reduction in revenues from the previous year over the coming months as a result of COVID-19 in line with the terms of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy

  • has previously applied for federal business support and been declined, in whole or in part, or does not qualify under business support eligibility criteria:

  • this may include applications to more than 1 federal program depending on the requested support

  • First Nations, may apply for funding for 1 or more community-owned businesses.

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant Eligibility Changes: Tourism Businesses Eligible for Up to $45,000 Non-Repayable Grant

The B.C. government has enhanced the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant program to make it easier for businesses to qualify and has increased support for those in the hard-hit tourism sector. Tourism businesses impacted by the pandemic will be eligible to receive between $10,000 and $45,000 in a non-repayable grant.

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The B.C. government has enhanced the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant program to make it easier for businesses to qualify and has increased support for those in the hard-hit tourism sector.

Tourism businesses impacted by the pandemic will be eligible to receive between $10,000 and $45,000 in a non-repayable grant.

Adjustments made to the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant program include a streamlined application process and simplified criteria to allow more businesses to be eligible.

Eligibility changes include:

  • instead of requiring a revenue loss of 50% or more, the criteria has been reduced to 30% at the time of application;

  • the requirement to list a variety of remittance accounts, like the registration numbers for the goods and services tax, provincial sales tax and WorkSafeBC, have been removed;

  • businesses that have been in operation for the last 18 months are now eligible (reduced from three years). This means businesses only need to have been in operation nine months before the pandemic to apply for the grant;

  • applications can now be submitted by sole proprietors; and

  • businesses that are temporarily closed or seasonal are now eligible for the program.

The revised application process and eligibility criteria are now in place. Small- and medium-sized businesses are encouraged to apply.

For more information on the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant program, including the application process and eligibility, visit:

About StrongerBC

The grant is part of StrongerBC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan, which outlines the steps the Government of British Columbia is taking to help people, businesses and communities come out of COVID-19 stronger and better prepared. The changes to the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant program were made in consultation with industry associations and business groups that represent the small and medium-sized business community.

For more information on StrongerBC, visit:

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TOTA News, Resource Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association TOTA News, Resource Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Community Futures and TOTA Offering Financial Support for Tourism Businesses through Micro Loans as Part of Tourism Resiliency Program

Kelowna, BC (August 5, 2020) -  The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is collaborating with Community Futures organizations across the region to assist in providing financial support to the tourism sector as part of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Resiliency Program. The Community Futures and TOTA taskforce is announcing the “Thompson Okanagan Tourism Micro Loan Program,” an initiative spearheaded by all nine Community Futures organizations located in TOTA’s region, which will offer micro loans to tourism businesses starting at $200 and up to $25,000.

"This new initiative represents a pivotal moment for the regional tourism sector as well as another important evolution of our work in helping the industry recover and become more resilient for the long term," said Glenn Mandziuk, President and CEO of TOTA. "The program will address the immediate need to mitigate financial impacts associated with additional costs and losses tourism businesses have been facing as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic."

In July 2020, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) and nine Community Futures offices in the region signed a formal agreement, committing to the development of an active and meaningful relationship on the path to rebuilding a resilient tourism industry in the wake of the global Pandemic.

“Community Futures is in the business of assisting small business across the region, the province, and Canada. We have been a part of your community for over 35 years and we continue to support you with advice, training, and loans," said Rob Marshall, Executive Director for Community Futures Shuswap and Community Futures Provincial Board Member. The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Micro Loan Program is another example of partners working together to provide help in times of need to our essential tourism industry.” 

The Community Futures and TOTA taskforce is working to implement projects, access needed resources, and share best practices to revitalize, support, and grow the tourism sector, during the pandemic and beyond. Efforts and strategies are focused on tourism growth, development, sustainability, and long-term resiliency. The “Thompson Okanagan Tourism Micro Loan Program" is in alignment with the previously announced Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) program which has, to date, provided $587,000 to 20 tourism businesses in the region.

Applicants to the program must be referred to Community Futures by a Tourism Resiliency Program Advisor and terms and conditions specific to each location apply.

Learn More & Register

Or register by phone: 1-877-431-8489 (ext 8).

About the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA):
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is a non-profit society, governed by an elected Board of Directors, which represents business and community tourism interests throughout the region, and is supported by the British Columbia Ministry of Tourism, Arts, & Culture. It is an industry-led organization that represents and supports all business and community tourism interests in the region, while also helping to implement provincial tourism policies. For more information, visit

About Community Futures :
Community Futures is a non-profit organization supporting small businesses through a range of services and tools. With experts offering local assistance from 34 offices throughout rural BC, they are committed to helping business owners achieve their goals and withstand challenges. TOTA is proud to be forming a joint tourism industry resiliency task force with this outstanding organization and collaborating towards positive advancements for the tourism industry, local businesses, and communities.

Community Futures Partners

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Weekly Webinar Roundup - 5/11/2020



WEEK 5/11/2020


Return to Work Webinar: Employment Law and COVID-19 - 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday 5/13/2020

This Webinar will be featuring a team of lawyers from the law firm Fasken, who will provide information and advice on how to respond to changes employers are facing and how to properly prepare for the 'new normal' in the post-pandemic landscape.

Topics to be covered will include:

  • Temporary layoffs and recalling of employees

  • Temporary reduction in employee compensation

  • How to respond if an employee tests positive for COVID-19

  • Ensuring compliance with workplace health and safety obligations

  • Current impacts of COVID-19 on immigration applications and work permits

Register Now


Marketing in a Crisis Webinar - 11:00 a.m. on Thursday 5/14/2020

All indicators show that there are challenging days ahead, which means marketing for small businesses matters more than ever. It's time to be proactive and attempt to drive results. eLearning University is going to focus this webinar on how to strategically market during a crisis, topics will include:

  • Finding your competitive advantage

  • Messaging that works & what to avoid

  • Where to focus efforts

  • How to drive impact

Register Now

*Use the coupon code 'TOTA' for free access*


Tourism Industry Town Hall Webinar - 1:00 p.m. on Thursday 5/14/2020

Tourism Kelowna is hosting a Tourism Industry Town Hall Webinar featuring renowned Okanagan tourism industry leaders in Lisanne Ballantyne, Tourism Kelowna President & CEO, Glenn Mandziuk, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association President & CEO, and Krista Mallory, Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission Manager.
The Webinar presents an opportunity for tourism-related businesses to hear insights from each organization on their efforts surrounding business recovery and to understand more about available resources and enrolling in COVID-19 relief programs. Interested participants are welcome to submit questions by 12:00 pm on May 12th for consideration of the panelists. Submit questions at the Registration address.

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WEEK 5/4/2020



How to Use the CEWS Calculator

Jenn Bogwald, CPA, CA, Partner and Business Advisor for MNP provides hands-on guidance for properly utilizing the CEWS Calculator on the Canada Revenue Agency website. Jenn has a wealth of experience assisting owner-managed businesses in a wide variety of industries.



NowMedia Group Business Matters Webinar

Rob Cupello, VP of Business Development for NowMedia Group, was joined by industry leaders Ingrid Jarrett (BC Hotel Association), Michael J Ballingall (Big White Ski Resort), and Miles Prodan (BC Wine Institute) to discuss the current opportunity presented to the tourism industry to pivot and adapt to cultivate a new tourism reality.



Reputation Management Webinar

This webinar, presented by Deirdre Campbell, Managing Director, Canada for Beattie Tartan talked through the critical steps our tourism and hospitality businesses should take to build and maintain a trusted brand image during a global crisis.




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