Posts tagged Grant
Destination BC Micro-Grant Opportunity - Applications Open May 13-31, 2024

Businesses and non-profit organizations that provide tourism experiences within British Columbia are eligible to receive funding from Destination BC, through their BC Tourism Climate Resilience Initiative, of up to $15,000 to implement a project or obtain sustainability certification.

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New Grant and Mentorship Program to "Spark" Innovative Tourism Ideas Along Rainforest to Rockies Iconic Route | Apply by March 1

A new program aimed at sparking and supporting innovative tourism ideas along the Rainforest to Rockies iconic route across southern British Columbia was announced by Destination BC, in partnership with Tourism Innovation Lab, TOTA, and other tourism partners.

The Rainforest to Rockies “Spark” Mentorships & Grants Program will match selected applicants with a tourism mentor and provide a $3,000 grant and additional partner support to help take their new tourism ideas to the next level of development.

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Applications Open for B.C. Employer Training Grant (ETG) Until March 2024

The B.C. Employer Training Grant is a cost-sharing grant program that provides employers throughout B.C. with skills training funding for their workforces, including prospective new hires. Employers can receive 80% of the cost of training up to $10,000 per employee, with a maximum annual amount per employer of $300,000.

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Vancouver Foundation Recovery and Resiliency Fund | Apply by September 30 

B.C. non-profit societies, charities, and Indigenous-led organizations can apply for multi-year, flexible grants from the Vancouver Foundation. Grants from the Recovery and Resiliency Fund will provide stable funding for organizations to strengthen their operational capacity to help with recovery and longer-term resiliency.

This fund will provide:

  • $50,000-$72,000 flexible grant per year for 3 years to charities and non-profit societies in BC that provide community benefit and have operating budgets of less than $1 million;

  • Flexible grants for Indigenous-led organizations with annual revenues of more than $1 million. These organizations can apply through New Relationship Trust.

Applications open until September 30, 2022.

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Grow Your Business Online with Canada Digital Adoption Program & Grants

The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) provides support to help get your business online, give your e-commerce presence a boost, or help digitalize your business's operations. CDAP provides funding and support to businesses, as well as training and work opportunities for young Canadians.

There are two streams:

  1. Grow Your Business Online: Micro-grant and access to e-commerce advisors to help you go digital and take advantage of e-commerce opportunities.

  2. Boost Your Business Technology: Grant to help you develop a digital plan and funded work placements to help with your digital transformation.

Which grant is your business eligible for?

Take the Grant Assessment →

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Recovery and Resiliency Fund: New Support for B.C.’s Non-Profit Sector in June

A new $34-million fund for non-profit groups in British Columbia will provide much-needed support for organizations that were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and continue to struggle during recovery.

The focus of the new fund is to support organizations whose staff, volunteers, programs, and operations have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Funding will fill crucial gaps not covered by other funding sources, such as gaming grants, with a focus on building organizational resilience.

The fund is anticipated to launch in June 2022. To stay up to date on the fund, interested organizations can subscribe to Vancouver Foundation.

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Tourism and Hospitality Focused Summer Courses | Okanagan College

Okanagan College is currently offering low-cost programming to support the Tourism and Hospitality sector throughout the summer months. They are pleased to offer short courses delivered online that will fit both your schedule and provide additional support.

Employers may be reimbursed for 60% of training costs through the BC Employer Training Grant (ETG), a reimbursement program from WorkBC for employers to support workforce training. The Okanagan College training programs falls into the Workforce Training Stream.

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CleanBC Communities Fund Intake 3 Now Open | Apply by May 25, 2022

The CleanBC Communities Fund (CCF) intake 3 is now accepting applications to fund projects that support the management of renewable energy, access to clean energy transportation, improved energy efficiency of buildings, and generation of clean energy. The fund invests in public infrastructure owned by local governments, Indigenous communities, not-for-profits and projects in partnership with for-profit entities.

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CanExport SMEs Program Accepting Applications for 2022 Projects

To help small- and medium-sized tourism businesses prepare for international markets, the CanExport SMEs program is accepting new applications for projects starting after April 1, 2022.

For-profit businesses with $100,000 to $100 million in annual revenue can receive funding up to 50 percent of eligible costs, or between $10,000 and $50,000 per project. The program includes search engine optimization, translation and virtual trade events, and support costs tied to online advertising on social media platforms, online marketplaces and search engines.

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Commemorate Canada Re-opening Fund | Apply by January 10, 2022

The Reopening Fund is a one-year funding initiative through the Celebration and Commemoration Program to support initiatives that will:

  1. increase opportunities for Canadians to participate in various commemorative activities and celebrations to mark Canada’s emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic; or

  2. build a sense of pride and belonging to Canada by holding celebratory and commemorative activities that recognize people and achievements in the response to COVID-19 ; and / or

  3. support the revival of local economies through in-person events.

Canadian not-for-profit organizations, for-profit organizations with non-commercial projects, educational institutions, and government institutions are eligible to apply.

The deadline to apply is January 10, 2022.

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Arts Impact Grant Now Available: Apply by January 20, 2022

Arts and culture groups throughout B.C. can now apply for the Arts Impact Grant to receive as much as $30,000. This adaptable grant is available through the BC Arts Council in response to feedback from arts and culture groups. All non-profit organizations with an arts and culture mandate, and Indigenous governments and community organizations offering dedicated arts and culture programming, are eligible to apply.

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Additional Funding for Business Recovery Grant

The Province is adding millions in additional funding to keep the Small and Medium Sized Business Recovery Grant operating until the expected start of Step 3 of BC’s Restart plan on July 1, 2021. The program has been providing relief to thousands of B.C. businesses impacted by the pandemic. Eligible businesses interested in applying for the grant are encouraged to apply right away.

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New Province-wide Program Supports B.C.’s Anchor Tourism Organizations

The newly announced Major Anchor Attractions Program provides one-time emergency funding to major anchor attractions and tour bus companies that service tourism attractions to help them operate at minimal levels until domestic travel resumes and it's safe to gather indoors in small groups. The application window will be open until June 7 with funds provided in July 2021.

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Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant Eligibility Changes: Tourism Businesses Eligible for Up to $45,000 Non-Repayable Grant

The B.C. government has enhanced the Small and Medium-Sized Business Recovery Grant program to make it easier for businesses to qualify and has increased support for those in the hard-hit tourism sector. Tourism businesses impacted by the pandemic will be eligible to receive between $10,000 and $45,000 in a non-repayable grant.

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