Destination BC Micro-Grant Opportunity - Applications Open May 13-31, 2024

Businesses and non-profit organizations that provide tourism experiences within British Columbia are eligible to receive funding from Destination BC, through their BC Tourism Climate Resilience Initiative, of up to $15,000 to implement a project or obtain sustainability certification.

Project Two of the BC Tourism Climate Resiliency Initiative (BCTCRI)Micro-Grants to Support Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Plan Implementation–offers micro-grant funding for organizations that already have a sustainability or climate adaptation plan and are ready to implement the recommendations into their organization by:

  • purchasing equipment,

  • updating infrastructure,

  • implementing new systems, or

  • pursuing sustainability certification.

Benefits to businesses and organizations receiving a micro-grant include:

  • Support for creating long-lasting, positive impacts to help your tourism business prepare for the effects of climate change and align with provincial climate resiliency goals.

  • Up to $15,000 to invest in projects in your tourism business that improve responsible practices in operations to support climate change adaptation.

  • Potential long-term cost savings for your tourism business created by reduced energy or resource use.

  • Introduction of a process that promotes continuous improvement in your tourism business.

  • Potential recognition and credential through third-party sustainability certification.

  • Confidence in knowing that your tourism business is better prepared to adapt to climate events.

Learn more about the Grant opportunity and who is eligible at


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  • Resource type: Funding, Training, Report, Get Involved, Guide

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  • If applicable: Free, Online, Funding