Vancouver Foundation Recovery and Resiliency Fund | Apply by September 30 


Through a partnership between the Province of BC, Vancouver Foundation, United Way BC, and New Relationship Trust, $34 million in multi-year, flexible grants will be available for charities and non-profit organizations disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

This fund will provide:

  • $50,000-$72,000 flexible grant per year for 3 years to charities and non-profit societies in BC that provide community benefit and have operating budgets of less than $1 million;

  • Flexible grants for Indigenous-led organizations with annual revenues of more than $1 million. These organizations can apply through New Relationship Trust.

Grants from the Recovery and Resiliency Fund will provide stable funding for organizations to strengthen their operational capacity to help with recovery and longer-term resiliency.  

For the first time, they are awarding grants through a randomized selection process that assesses eligibility rather than merit, minimizes biases, and removes competition between organizations.

Applications open until September 30, 2022.

Learn More & Apply →