Universal Design Washroom Renovation at Thompson Okanagan Tourism Inspiration Centre


Renovations are well underway at the TOTA Tourism Inspiration Centre, and Access and Inclusion are top of mind. 

TOTA is excited to announce the Accessible and Universal Design Washroom Renovation for the Tourism Inspiration Centre above Peachland on the Highway 97C Connector. 

The visitor centre has been operating in this location since 1986 and has undergone significant renovations and additions that began in the fall of 2021. Included in these renovations is the creation of a new single use fully accessible and universal washroom, from a pre-existing storage room. The washroom was completed by the centre’s opening day, May 18, 2022, to welcome ALL visitors and offer yet another valuable accessible feature to the building. 

The renovation project was made possible through funding from the Enabling Accessibility Fund Youth Stream, as well as funding from the BC Rehab Foundation. TOTA put forward the remainder of the renovation costs to complete the project. 

TOTA collaborated with Access & Inclusion Liaison, Sonja Gaudet, to ensure the washroom design meets best practices and accessibility guidelines. The project construction was awarded to local construction contractors, Wolverine Industries from Kelowna.

Creating accessible spaces and environments allows equal opportunity and full inclusion for EVERYONE - regardless of age, size, ability, culture, or gender - and it nurtures a sense of belonging and wellbeing for ALL.

Welcoming everyone to participate in the services, products, and experiences that you have to offer, starts with addressing the following three key priority accessible features:

  • Designated accessible parking spaces with an access aisle

  • Easy and safe access from the parking area to the main entrance

  • Accessible and/or universally designed washroom

Here is a document that will get you started on your accessibility journey one accessible feature at a time:

Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Experiences - Key Priorities

Wheelchair Accessibility Consultations

TOTA’s Biosphere Commitment Program includes a wheelchair accessibility consultation and resources to assist in creating better access and inclusion within your tourism experiences.

Register for Biosphere Commitment Program →

Access and Inclusion are not only what we build into our physical environment.

It is a collective positive energy and attitude that can be felt upon entering any environment.

It transcends directly from the heart and creates a welcoming feeling of belonging and freedom.  

This powerful and open mindset towards full integration, inspires meaningful and authentic connections with one another, enriching the lives of EVERYONE along its path.

Humans long for integration and full participation - to live, work, play and travel with and alongside family and friends!