Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Christmas comes early... and it's a good thing!

Midnight Musings from our CEO

You might think this is a reference to the rather chilly start to our summer season but that is not what this musing is about. Nor is it a comment on the many unique marketing initiatives that take place around the concept of Christmas in July, something we are all feeling a bit of at the moment.

Christmas comes early to the Thompson Okanagan is the launch of our second Remarkable Experiences program commencing Fall 2016. This years focus is on working with Stakeholders that have winter products (non ski).

Destination BC, together with TOTA, will be looking for up to 25 stakeholders interested in analyzing and potential developing or reinventing their winter product offering, and assisting in building their winter business through online and social media tools.  Tools that will help make it easier for visitors to research, book, and ultimately broadcast to their social network about their remarkable experience at your remarkable experience.

This program successfully launched last year as a pilot with 10 of our Rail Trail operators and was extremely well received. Their input and feedback has been captured and adapted into this years program creating an even more rich hands on learning experience that will positively impact your results.

Interested in building winter business?... Join Destination BC and TOTA on this journey of discovery and help create a diverse, robust and healthy tourism economy for the region that extends well beyond our traditional seasons.

For more information or to learn how to sign up for this program email us at

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Okanagan Fruit takes Flight...

Midnight Musings from our CEO

I remember many times sitting in Canadian Airports seeing passengers carrying packages with their coveted Live Atlantic Lobsters. These lobsters, purchased at the airport brought an authentic and very tasty piece of Atlantic Canada to doorsteps throughout the country.

As of last week, thanks to some hard work by a number of people at YLW our Fresh Okanagan Fruit has also taken to the air.

In a new program, passengers departing YLW can purchase fresh in-season fruit in a variety of package sizes bringing them right onto the aircraft when traveling domestically.   Containers have been designed to ensure  fruit won't get damaged and conveniently fit under the seat or in the overhead compartment. There is even a snack size (if you aren't in the mood for sharing) that has a place to put the fruit pits. Clever thinking!

Flying fish, flying fruit....and of course there is the flying wine also available inside security at YLW...makes me wonder what might be next?

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Who says we don't have an incredible story?

Midnight Musings from our CEO

We marked Canada's 149th birthday last Friday and today our neighbors to the south celebrate 240 years of Independence. Many consider our countries as young; our history and culture limited; our story lacking in comparison to our European counterparts. Sadly those critics are terribly inaccurate.

Recently, I attended a meeting where the  El Camino de Santigo trail in Spain was sited as one of the world’s top pilgrimages. This trek which has been traveled for well over 1,000 years is truly remarkable, yet we were all reminded that many of the trails in the Thompson Okanagan date back over 10,000 years from usage from our First Nations.

Incredible history and culture over centuries is literally in our backyard.  Told through the stories of our Interior First Nations people and weaved from a respect of the creator, the land and the legends of the wildlife, theirs is a unique and vibrant past that brings important context to a modern world.

Together with Aboriginal Tourism BC, Thompson Okanagan Tourism is embarking on a journey with our First Nations communities to bring forward this rich history and create a foundation of tourism products and experiences that authentically portray their traditional stories and beliefs.
As part of this journey we are pleased to welcome a new member of our combined teams Mr Greg Hopf. Greg joins us in the role of  Aboriginal Tourism Specialist and will be meeting with each of the 32 bands in the region over the coming weeks and months working to assist them in tourism product development and marketing.

We look forward to seeing where the past takes us and to expanding our tourism history into the thousands rather than hundreds of years.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Did you hear it through the grapevine....really??

Midnight Musings from our CEO

The grapevine has long been and excellent source for rumors, gossip and even on occasion for really finding out what is happening. Today however the traditional grapevine has been replaced with a far more acceptable term that is a frequently quoted reference;  "Word of Mouth" or "WOM Advertising" which by and large is a modern day version of the good ole grapevine.

While few would dispute that "WOM"  is an excellent source for expanding interest in tourism businesses or products, I think most would also agree that it should not be the only source that is relied upon to get messages into the marketplace.

This is particularly true as it relates to the numerous Festivals and Special Events that take place throughout the year and around the region.  I have often learned of an amazing event after it has ended or worse, after it has been cancelled due to a lack of participation or advance ticket sales. I don't think I am wrong in believing that many of these events could have been sold out had more guests to the region been aware that they were happening.

Until now there has been no single online location that could collect the many events that you might just have been missing out on.  With the launch of the Route 97 digital marketing campaign and our new Festival and Events Page - - you and your potential guests can find out about what is happening, where and when.

Now there is a catch. It is up to all of our stakeholders to make sure this page is populated with all of those iconic events that are taking place, unless of course you would rather keep them a secret. Perhaps you don't want Manic Mandziuk in attendance....??

My goal this summer is to partake in at least 15 events that I have not attended before and with your help in uploading these great upcoming activities I think I can do it!

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Curiouser and Curiouser

Midnight Musings from our CEO

“Curiouser and curiouser” are words that for many bring back images from Alice in Wonderland and date back to the original book which was published in 1865! Interestingly, Alice was on a bit of a road trip herself when she hoped down the rabbit hole and found the world of Wonderland.  Well we know, that for those who are ready we have a bit of a wild and wonderful road trip in store for our visitors as they explore Route 97.

The proper word of course is “curious”,  which has a number meanings some of which are quite unexpected, many of them suggesting that one’s interest or attention to something may be inexplicable or highly unusual, prying or even somewhat meddlesome.

That is not exactly what our team at TOTA is hoping to spark in our guests as we launch our new marketing program this week. With the unveiling of our new Route 97 Experiences Guide, website and social media program and with the support of our partners at North Central Washington Economic Development District, Destination BC and industry stakeholders we definitely do want to spark that truly curious person in all of us. The one that desires to learn more, see more, know more and enjoy more. Check out the new site at

Our challenge to our guests is to Live Curious – Drive Curious – Be Curious. Step out of the confines of the regular and expected to find more than you could have imagined, change in ways you never expected and do things that bring out the best in you, the daring in you and the joy in you. Shake off the work world, leave the stress of the city behind, take yourself back to a simpler time and just drive that highway.

As you explore the many options along the incredible Route 97 that extends from Weed California to the Gold Rush Trail you may just even run into the White Rabbit (at Three Blind Mice Trail) or imagine find yourself a bit of a Mad Hatter after a few locally distilled beverages but we assure you  this is one looking glass you won’t want to put down.

For more on Route 97 and how to get your business on line and out in front of visitors and potential guests contact Meaghan Racine at

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Rail Tails…

Midnight Musings from our CEO

Over history people of all ages have been fascinated with the Railway.  Massive machines travelling at high speed along thin metals rails, the concept seemingly impossible, and yet each small town along the route bore witness to its reality.

Being in the presence of a train was and still is almost magical, they have a mythical quality akin to something almost unworldly, like the concept of dragons or dinosaurs. The rail lines themselves provided their own unique fascination. The “tracks” that passed through each town were a constant reminder of the worlds that lay just beyond and the promise of things and people to come - this incredible, almost implausible, transportation system that built our regions, our provinces and a nation.  It is therefore not surprising that there is a sense of melancholy as train routes over time have been replaced by other less costly and more efficient modes of transportation.

Today in many locations, and specifically within the Thompson Okanagan, these former rail lines have been and are being reinvented through the Rails to Trails initiatives. Hundreds of miles of rail line reborn as trails for outdoor enthusiasts.  Fortunately, the rail lines for the most part were built with less than a 3% grade in order for the trains of the day to be able to navigate the routes thus providing us trails that are quite accessible for many ages and abilities. These trails not only provide our communities with healthy outdoor recreational options but create the strong potential for increased domestic and international tourism visitors.

To that end, TOTA with the support of Destination BC brought together hundred of industry stakeholders and community leaders over the course of the past several months to complete a Rail Trail Tourism Strategy that we believe will assist in ensuring these Rail Trails are not only established, but that there is a plan in place for their longer term development and ongoing maintenance allowing for future generations to enjoy the trails as well as the stories and history of these great routes.

Over history the railway brought economic development and financial benefits to communities throughout our region. Today, thanks again to the railway lines this same potential is being realized as businesses along these former rail corridors are developing or redeveloping themselves to provide services to the growing number of visitors to these trails. One initiative that TOTA also worked closely on this past winter with Destination BC was the implementation of the Remarkable Experiences Business Development pilot.  The program brought together 10 operators of various sizes and types from Christina Lake to Summerland that all play a role in the Kettle Valley Rail Trail experience .  Through workshops and training this business operators saw the potential for their products and services, expanded their reach online, and realized that they were better and stronger working together as collaborators than as competitors (view video).

The Rail Trails of the Thompson Okanagan have significant potential for our future economic vitality ... lets all get on board!

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | The Golden Triangle no more...our Platinum Box is a reality

Midnight Musings from our CEO

Many of you know that over the past two years TOTA has spoken often of the growing reality that the Thompson Okanagan region is a key area driving tourism into the province of British Columbia.  We have, in our conversations and presentations, suggested that the time has come to shift the mindset and the marketing messages away from the historical  "Golden Triangle" locations of Vancouver, Victoria and Whistler and expand to a four legged stool which we like to refer to as the "Platinum Box"; inclusive of the Thompson Okanagan.

Generating nearly $1.75 billion in direct economic benefit and hosting 3.5 million visitors annually, the communities of the Thompson Okanagan are no longer just a series of locations for summer sun and fun activities playing host to our lower mainland neighbors and friends from Alberta. It is quickly finding recognition as an excellent alternative for our international guests to explore; an exceptional area for meetings and conferences that can help drive attendance; and a region that offers guests the opportunity for a wide variety of  Remarkable Experiences.

Over the past 12 months alone we have seen such significant events as Go Media, Canada's West Marketplace, and TIABC, BC Hotel Association, and The Institute of Planners conferences and quite frankly the list goes on and the bookings continue to grow.

In recent months the region has received recognition in articles in Wine Spectator, Huffington Post, USA Today and other well respected publications which have ranked the region among the top 10 places in the world to visit. This past month "CBS this morning" included the region as one of 6 hidden gems to explore when traveling in the US and Canada this year. 

The platinum box moniker's time has come and all of us that work and serve this great tourism industry across the region should be very proud!

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Our Tourism Industry is about to be in very good hands......

Midnight Musings from our CEO

This past week our TOTA team had the opportunity to review resumes and conduct interviews with several candidates looking to work with us as we develop regional online tourism content and embark on implementing a comprehensive strategy, in alignment with Destination British Columbia and Destination Canada, to significantly increase the presence of Thompson Okanagan's tourism products in numerous social media channels.

Eligible candidates were required to be between the ages of 20 and 30 as the positions are, in part, funded through a Federal Grant which has specific criteria and guidelines.

Without question the individuals that came forward to apply for these positions left our entire team enlightened, ignited, and most definitely inspired.  Shortlisting resumes proved to extremely challenging as candidate after candidate brought incredible knowledge, education and unique experience to the table and when our final  selection was complete those individuals that were interviewed did not disappoint. Had we had the ability to hire every one that we met with, we most assuredly would have.

Over our recent history, the young men and women entering the work force have frequently been painted with a broad and negative brush. Criticized for their  inexperience, laziness, lack luster approach, showing less commitment than ourselves, insensitive, disengaged ...and the list goes on. Nothing in our most recent experience could be further from the truth.

Bright minds, full of unique perspectives, extremely capable, worldly, inquisitive, strategic, and ready to take on the next opportunity were the traits that best describes those interviewed. If the group of millennials that we have met with this past week represent even a  small portion of the new workforce we are in for something amazing and the tourism industry is poised to be a benefactor.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | It's like a bell rang.....

Midnight Musings from our CEO

The change is palpable; you can feel it, see it, almost taste it everywhere you travel in the region at the moment. Lawns are brilliant green and trimmed to perfection; store fronts and attractions are painted and sparkling; the trappings of winter have faded away and the anticipation of the arrival of our summer guests has begun. The May long weekend has for decades marked the unofficial start of the summer season in the Thompson Okanagan and this year is no exception.

This past week as we continued our regional 2016 Roadshows entitled "Driving Tourism Together" with presentations in West Kelowna, Kelowna, Clearwater, Kamloops and Merritt it was evident that every corner of our region poised and ready for a record breaking 6 months.  We have one more presentation confirmed for Vernon on May 31st and are waiting to confirm a date in Salmon Arm.  Here is a short video clip of our Roadshows this past week and I want to thank all of the communities that have hosted us and stakeholders that have taken the time to meet with us.

After traveling and participating in the Roadshow presentations with members of our TOTA team I could not help be struck of how truly proud I am of the entire team at TOTA – the enthusiasm, commitment, and savvy knowledge they bring each and every day to our Association and industry is very inspiring.  Within our presentation that feature highlights of the importance of collaboration and partnerships; the need to push forward focusing clearly on specific goals for the future and understanding where we can be as a region by 2022 if we continue to employ a few basic principles:

  • Think Strategically

    • We will measure all of our activities against the goals presented in the Thompson Okanagan 10-Year Regional Tourism Strategy. By continuing to align our actions against the expressed outcomes of the strategy we believe we can realize a strong, vibrant and sustainable tourism industry.

  • Communicate and Inform

    • We will connect with our stakeholders through all of our various mediums.  It is critical to make sure you have the information you need to move your business forward - stay informed by connecting with your tourism partners including Destination Canada, Destination British Columbia, your local DMO, Sector Alliances and of course the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association.

  • Lead by Example

    • We will employ best practices, strive to create remarkable experiences, engage your staff and ensure they understand their important part in the visitor experiences and let us know your successes so that we can all celebrate our exceptional stakeholders.

  • Leave no one behind

    • We are all better together no matter the size or scope of your tourism offering. If we have unquestionable service delivery at every touch point in the guest experience we will be the destination of choice for our visitors for years and decades to come.

Here is to an outstanding year ahead as we all work together for our collective successes!

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | How much of our region have you taken the time to explore?

Midnight Musings from our CEO

From Osoyoos to Valemount; Christina Lake to Princeton and the more than 71,600 square kilometres in between; many of you have heard me say on more than one occasion that our region is the size of Ireland. Not only is this a true statement but the diversity of the geography and the product offering is far more than many countries around the world can boast.

During the month of May, the TOTA team is traveling around this immense region bringing our annual Roadshow this year themed "Driving Tourism Together Tour" to many of our communities and stakeholders.  Already, the TOTA team has had the pleasure to present in Grand Forks, Keremeos, and Penticton to rooms filled with industry stakeholders with a passion of selling our region and offering quality experiences.  See a video that captures highlights from our first three stops.

In the process of our trip across the region we also have had the opportunity to experience first hand a small sampling of the amazing touring product that lies within our regional boundaries.  From the Wooden Spoon in Grand Forks to the Wood Fire Pizza Truck in Penticton to the Caves at Seven Stones Winery near Keremeos each experience is distinctly different and definitely remarkable.

We hope you will take the opportunity to join us as we continue our Road Show presentations over the next few weeks for an update on work the TOTA has accomplished with the support of Destination British Columbia, Destination Canada, and industry stakeholders in 2015/16 and our plans for 2016/17.  Our partners, Telus, go2HR, and Green Step, will also be with us in a few locations to provide very informative and enlightening resources to assist you and your business to prosper.

We know along the way we are going to be experiencing a wealth of tourism treasures, some more well known than others,  we hope that you too will be inspired to take time to explore all this great region has to offer.

Check our schedule and dates and if you have something you think we should not miss be sure to tweet or facebook us.

Let's work together to drive tourism and bring the region to new heights in 2016 and beyond!

A Few Highlights This Weeks News Centre

I must pause this week to recognize with great sadness the wildfires that are ripping through Northern BC and Alberta and in particular the city of Fort McMurray. We in the Thompson Okanagan are not strangers to the devastation of such events. While there is a sense of sheer helplessness we also recognize the tremendous need in these areas for for support from friends, neighbors and strangers both near and far. We have lived through the fear and anxiety of this unpredictable turn of nature and we know what it means to feel the compassion and assistance from other Canadians.

There are many relief efforts underway and we encourage you to do what you are able to provide assistance either through donations of food, clothing, supplies or cash donations via the online sites that can be accessed through CBC.

No donation is too small and every act of generosity helps mend broken spirits and build strength for what will surely be a very long road to recovery ahead.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | No Question...the world is coming ...are we ready?

Midnight Musings from our CEO

This past week Rendezvous Canada took place in Montreal, Quebec.

Rendezvous is the largest International Travel Trade Show hosted in Canada bringing buyers from all over the world seeking Canadian Travel Experiences to sell to their consumers. The format is speed meetings during the day followed by social gatherings in the evenings and business happens. I referenced back to last week's Manic Monday and the importance of meeting people face to face - it is never more apparent then in this type of environment.

People from all corners of the world coming to our doorstep to meet us. They come to help understand who and what we are as a culture and a people, what our tourism products are like, determine who these might appeal to and why their customers should choose Canada for their next adventure.

What struck us most this year was the volume of new markets represented their level of interest in Canada, British Columbia and YES the Thompson Okanagan. They are hungry for our information, they know we are here and they are ready to come.

Even those that spoke broken or little English were able to provide information on tours they have or are developing within our region and Receptive Operators are seeing marked increases in requests for information from operators that were previously content to drive through barely stopping for lunch.

Between Howard Grieve our Trade and Media Specialist and myself, we had formal appointments with over 185 buyers from around the world and talked with more during the social events and the one thing we know for sure is they are are we ready?

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday - April 25, 2016

Midnight Musings from our CEO

"Prince", "The Artist" and/or "The Artist formerly known as Prince" lived by many names but at birth his name was Prince Rogers Nelson and this past week we lost this remarkable artist at the far too young age of 57. Prince wrote over 155 songs from Purple Rain to Nothing Compares 2 U but among the many hit songs he wrote was none other than Manic Monday and for this reason we did not want to let his passing go without comment.

And on that note we bring you this weeks Manic Monday....

As I embark on a series of meetings over the next few days in Montreal at Rendevouz Canada, I can not help but recognize the fact that there is no better way to connect and learn than through face to face / in person exchanges. Despite the reality of today’s world where almost everything you need to know is literally a mouse click away, studies actually indicate that when we come together, whether it be in meetings, conferences or summits, our ability to absorb the information presented in a more meaningful way is greatly heightened.  There are a wide variety of reasons that have been identified as to why this improved learning occurs but among the following have been noted as the top five:

  • Increased engagement in messaging

  • Enhanced ability for clarifying information

  • Improved participation through interaction

  • Greater efficiency in delivery of subject matter

  • Learning through body language and message delivery

So while we may be able to find much of what we need to know online there is no substitute for the benefits derived from actually attending events.

This spring there are two great opportunities to get engaged in your industry through conferences that are coming to the Thompson Okanagan for the first time.

May 7th – 9th the BC Hotel Association Summit (BCHS) will be held in Kelowna and May 24-26 the Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) will be holding their conference at Sun Peaks. We encourage all of our stakeholders to look at these two outstanding opportunities to meet with industry colleagues, understand the key issues facing the tourism industry and learn from an excellent line up of guest speakers.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday - April 18, 2016

Midnight Musings from our CEO

CONTENT - Is it a new thing or one that has really just come of age for the Tourism industry?

In January 1996, Bill Gates wrote an essay entitled “Content is King” published on the Microsoft website. He began by saying:

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.” He goes on in his essay to say “One of the exciting things about the Internet is that anyone with a PC and a modem can publish whatever content they can create.”

Today, 20 years later, we know how accurate his words truly were with the Internet being driven by social networks comprised of user generated content and search engines like Google providing platforms where audiences, ever hungry for more and more content, can easily explore and discover.

But what makes for good, even great content? What raises the bar and actually drives audiences to want to become engaged? Can interesting, authentic content be created by industry or does it all have to come from our guests experiences?

You will be hearing a lot from TOTA in the weeks and months to come on how our industry can take an active role in producing and promoting interesting and unique tourism content that can build audiences and elevate our regional story.

This spring and summer our team will be visiting the communities around the region working with stakeholders to uncover stories of the history and culture that has shaped the area. We will also be looking to find those unique characters and individuals working in the tourism industry that truly bring it to life through their passion for delivering guest service and enhancing enjoyment for our visitors.

Do you have that perfect piece of content or character...let us know at

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday - April 11, 2016

Midnight Musings from our CEO

There is in fact a Science of Generosity which, among other things, has found that we reach an age quite early in life when we actually get far more pleasure from giving than receiving.  Sir Winston Churchill stated it best, "We make a living by what we get....We make a life by what we give."  Those of us in tourism understand the pleasure of giving through the services we offer our visitors daily and the satisfaction that is derived from our efforts.

However, it is not only our guests that need the benefit of our service and our generosity.  The Hospitality and Tourism industry is a vast labour force with the large majority of the jobs being in non-managerial, part-time, hourly positions which provide limited health and medical benefits. Unfortunately this means that many of our colleagues find themselves without the necessary resources to deal with the unexpected financial burden arising out of the unforeseen circumstances of medical issues or injuries.

The BC Hospitality Foundation (BCHF) was created by members within the hospitality community who recognized the magnitude of this need. Originally founded in the Lower Mainland, the BCHF now has chapters on Vancouver Island and in the Thompson Okanagan and gives out in excess of $80,000 to $85,000 annually. Funds raised come primarily from activities the industry itself plans, organizes and hosts as well as two or three anchor events coordinated by the Foundation each year.

And the giving does not stop there as the BCHF is also committed to the future of our potential industry employees awarding scholarships annually to students enrolled in hospitality, culinary, sommelier and beverage programs within the province of BC.

To learn more about how you or your business can help raise funds for the BCHF or participate in one of their annual events go to Of equal importance, if you or someone you know is aware of an industry employee whose journey may be made slightly easier with assistance from this program, contact Alan Sacks ( who can guide you through the the process of making the application for funds.

If the Science of Generosity is true, this program provides an incredible vehicle for all of our industry to stay connected and appreciate the benefits of giving.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday - April 4, 2016

Midnight Musings from our CEO

What is it to be Remarkable?  The dictionary has a fairly simple definition – “to be worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary”.  Over time the concept of remarkable has become synonymous with words such as exceptional, brilliant, amazing, astounding, sensational, unbelievable and other similar words characterizing something that is almost larger than life and seemingly quite unattainable.

But what if we challenged these definitions to suggest that “remarkable” happens, or could happen, every day and that all of us that work in tourism have the ability to create experiences that are remarkable, often by making only small changes to things we are already doing.

Over the past several months Destination BC, together with TOTA and the four other regional DMO’s, have piloted a program aptly named “Remarkable Experiences”.  Ten tourism stakeholders in each region had the opportunity through workshops and one on one coaching sessions to challenge themselves in exactly this way. Each were encouraged to rethink the way they looked at their own tourism product and analyzed the various ways in which their customers interacted with them. They looked at everything from how guests access and research their business prior to booking; initial contact through to and including the booking process; the actual experience from arrival to departure; and any post communications. They also went on to analyze and evaluate their businesses’ social media and web presence and found ways to make it easier for their guests to be part of their social media marketing initiatives.

What became clear as we went through the process is that remarkable is attainable to anyone who wants to put in the effort and it not only makes the experience better for our guests but it makes the delivery of the experience much more rewarding to the operator.

So now the challenge is over to you. There will be another Remarkable Experiences program offered in the fall of 2016 which we encourage you to watch for and participate in however with the busiest season about to arrive, what can you do NOW to be remarkable?

Remember, remarkable does not have to be costly, it can range from the unexpected delivery of Ridel wine glasses to the door of your Yurt, the unlikely installation of a Tesla charging station in one of the region’s oldest gas pumps, a banjo player that can sing you a song in your language of choice or the possibility of an old Rail Car Caboose transformed into overnight accommodation (still under discussion).

And don’t keep your remarkable initiatives quiet….post your experiences on our TOTA news centre and send them to us at so we help potential visitors hear about them through our social media channels and those of Destination BC.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday - March 21, 2016

Midnight Musings from our CEO

Do you remember your first job?

Do you remember that moment when the call came in and the voice on the other end of the phone said “you can start this Saturday”? It might have been a paper route, delivering pizza, washing dishes at a diner or loading shelves at the local grocery store.   For many of us that phone call came when we were young, the job was basic and the pay definitely meager. Yet despite the simplicity of the position there is relatively little in our working lives since that can compare with the anticipation and excitement of our “first job”. Money in our jeans, freedom and independence, a sense of purpose and an escape from the parents…we were on our way!  How soon we would find out that it wasn’t all as simple as first thought and eventually we would come to appreciate the words “learning what you want to do in life often comes from doing things you don’t want to do”.

Nevertheless, like many young Canadians, my first job was in the tourism industry and mine did not really bring independence from the family but rather tied us even closer together. My foray into the industry was less by choice than by necessity as my parents first purchased a motel in Manitoba and later moved us BC where again they bought and ran a motel. It was there that I learned the magnitude of work that goes into a relatively small accommodation operation and it was also there that I came to understand and respect the world of tourism and hospitality.

In the Federal Government's Tourism Strategy released in 2010; it notes that 98% of the Tourism Industry in Canada is comprised of small and medium sized businesses employing just under 600,000 and accounting for more than 9% of the country’s overall employment. My family definitely contributed to those figures and in the Thompson Okanagan we know this all too well how important the industry is as an employer with our regional Tourism Industry employing more than 15,000 full time equivalents and growing rapidly.

Our regional work force is diverse and complex with a mixture of long term career professionals, young first time employees, individuals re-entering the work force after an extended period and healthy active seniors who are ready, willing and extremely capable.

As we head into the busy hiring season, take a moment to reflect on just how important having a job is to our wide cross section of employees, how working changes their lives and their sense of purpose and value in the community. No matter what the position each person is integral to the overall success of our businesses, our tourism products and the experiences of our guests.  What can we as employers do to better welcome employees into our industry, equip them with the tools they need, assist them in recognizing their individual significance and try to ensure that they truly appreciate their role in the big picture of Tourism.

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) together with Destination BC (DBC) and go2HR are working in partnership to assist tourism employers and potential employees in the Thompson Okanagan by providing opportunities for training, education, job fairs and online recruitment.  Our Breaking News release last week announced the appointment of Ginger Brunner as an HR specialist and resource who will be based in the TOTA office.  Ginger will be working as part of a new initiative between our three organizations and is there to assist you in connecting with the valuable assets of go2HR. While Ginger will be working hard to connect with our communities, we encourage you to visit their website, post your employment opportunities and contact her directly to explore training and best practice resources.

You could be the Tourism Employer of Choice in our region and better yet we could collectively aspire to be the Regional Tourism Employers of Choice. Lofty goals but ones that could be attained through a collective effort to make the employees experience welcoming and memorable. Work experiences that when they reflect back on their “first job”, their “re-entry into the work place” or when explaining their “role in tourism” to their grandchildren they can do so with enthusiasm and pride.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday - March 14, 2016

Midnight Musings from our CEO

"It's not easy being Green" so mused a small frog that managed to capture several generations with his sad lament. Being green isn't easy but it is getting easier since that day in 1970, just over 46 years ago, when these words were originally written. This week with St. Patrick's Day just ahead what better time to think about the concept of being Green.

It seems daily, if not hourly, we are being faced with the shocking evidence and effects of a warming planet. Weather systems have become increasingly more intense, oceans are warming, glaciers melting, sea levels rising and concerns mounting on how to manage all of the uncertainty.  Whether you believe in climate change or man's role in the issue it behooves us all to do what we can to take our planet's health seriously.

In 2016, TOTA with communities from across the region will embark on development of a Regional Charter of Sustainability; the first of it's kind in North America. This charter will address a wide variety of topics and issues surrounding the long term environmental, social and cultural sustainability of the Thompson Okanagan with a key area of focus will being Green Tourism; creating the right products - to attract the right visitors -  ensuring the protection of our regional and environmental assets over the long term.

In the short term, there are a variety of ways to start making a difference immediately.  GreenStep, a TOTA partner, can assist your business in identifying how to make small and large changes that will begin to reduce your carbon footprint. With offices located right here in the region, we encourage you to contact them directly and find out how you can participate in one of their complimentary webinars or have a Green evaluation of your business. We know from their research your customers will thank you for it.

TOTA is also working with Global Television to produce a series of vignettes highlighting tourism stakeholders that are actively working on Green Initiatives. For more information or to find out how you might participate in these programs, contact Meaghan Racine in our TOTA office -

Thompson Okanagan - Greenest Region in Canada?
The title will belong to someone eventually, why not us!

A Very Happy St Patrick's Day to all
as you raise your glass on the 17th - a challenge - to make your world a bit greener in 2016.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO 

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday - March 7, 2016

Midnight Musings from our CEO

Over the past four days I have been brought back to the true meaning of all that encompasses "The Road Trip". Driving with the CaravanFest to Seattle it brought back a wave of nostalgia surrounding the family vacation.

I'm sure most of us have been there... loading up the van with far more than intended, bringing along a cooler full of snacks that were most often consumed in the first hour, the dreaded but necessary "cone of silence" that envelopes the car after making a wrong turn (or even a few of them) and the pure and simple pleasure derived from driving new routes, pondering the lives of those in the towns you pass through and watching the landscape change ever slowly with each kilometre that rolls by.

So many of those vacations have been replaced in recent years with flights to exotic locations where winter could literally turn to summer within the time lapse of 4 hours. For many millennials the idea of packing into a what amounts to 119 cubic feet for a lengthy road trip is not only unheard of, but somewhat terrifying.

Times however are changing and with it a return to travel experiences that are closer to home. The Thompson Okanagan is a prime destination for those that seek the thrill of the open road whether by car, van, electric car or motorcycle. Our routes and corridors from 97 to 3, 33 to 5 and the mighty Trans Canada all offer incredible opportunities to create vacations in our region that will become the fabric of new family memories for years to come.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday - February 29, 2016

Midnight Musings from our CEO

If you are old enough to remember Manic Mondays a song made popular in the 80's by the Bangles, there is reference to the relaxation of Sunday followed by the utter lunacy of the start of the week.  Unfortunately  technology has put many of us in the unenviable position of turning what was once the Funday into something now often referred to as Smonday;  "that moment on Sunday when the manic of Monday begins".

As you maneuver your way through your week and the frenetic pace most of us find ourselves in we hope the new TOTA news centre, now delivered electronically on Monday mornings, will give you a chance to catch your breath, enjoy industry insights, regional highlights and even allow a moment to appreciate the significance of the contribution our industry makes in providing enjoyment, relaxation and a difference in the lives of our guests.

If we are successful at our role in tourism we are the purveyors of tranquility within our own world of chaos.....

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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