Manic Monday - March 14, 2016

"It's not easy being Green" so mused a small frog that managed to capture several generations with his sad lament. Being green isn't easy but it is getting easier since that day in 1970, just over 46 years ago, when these words were originally written. This week with St. Patrick's Day just ahead what better time to think about the concept of being Green.

It seems daily, if not hourly, we are being faced with the shocking evidence and effects of a warming planet. Weather systems have become increasingly more intense, oceans are warming, glaciers melting, sea levels rising and concerns mounting on how to manage all of the uncertainty.  Whether you believe in climate change or man's role in the issue it behooves us all to do what we can to take our planet's health seriously.

In 2016, TOTA with communities from across the region will embark on development of a Regional Charter of Sustainability; the first of it's kind in North America. This charter will address a wide variety of topics and issues surrounding the long term environmental, social and cultural sustainability of the Thompson Okanagan with a key area of focus will being Green Tourism; creating the right products - to attract the right visitors -  ensuring the protection of our regional and environmental assets over the long term.

In the short term, there are a variety of ways to start making a difference immediately.  GreenStep, a TOTA partner, can assist your business in identifying how to make small and large changes that will begin to reduce your carbon footprint. With offices located right here in the region, we encourage you to contact them directly and find out how you can participate in one of their complimentary webinars or have a Green evaluation of your business. We know from their research your customers will thank you for it.

TOTA is also working with Global Television to produce a series of vignettes highlighting tourism stakeholders that are actively working on Green Initiatives. For more information or to find out how you might participate in these programs, contact Meaghan Racine in our TOTA office -

Thompson Okanagan - Greenest Region in Canada?
The title will belong to someone eventually, why not us!

A Very Happy St Patrick's Day to all
as you raise your glass on the 17th - a challenge - to make your world a bit greener in 2016.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO 


Manic Monday - March 21, 2016


Manic Monday - March 7, 2016