News & Resources
The latest Thompson Okanagan tourism industry news from TOTA, tourism businesses, and communities.
United Nations Sustainable Tourism Observatory Global Meeting
TOTA Destination Stewardship team members, Mike Overend and Eve Layman, joined 43 tourism observatories on November 21-22 at the UN World Tourism Organization headquarters in Madrid, Spain for the annual International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) meeting.
Mike and Eve are in the top, middle of the INSTO group.
TOTA Destination Stewardship team members, Mike Overend and Eve Layman, joined 43 tourism observatories on November 21-22 at the UN World Tourism Organization headquarters in Madrid, Spain for the annual International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) meeting.
Following the meetings, they joined numerous observatories for additional engagements in Malaga, Spain.
Eve and Mike presented in Madrid and Malaga on TOTA's work regarding resident sentiment and engagement with residents and industry through strategic planning.
The four days were filled with learning from observatories from Europe, South America, Australia, and Asia about their sustainable actions related to specific issue areas.
Highlights included discussions around:
Tourism Governance
Resident Sentiment
Net Positive Tourism
Data collection methods
In addition, four new observatories were introduced during the meetings.
TOTA became the first Canadian destination to join INSTO in October 2019.
Learn more about TOTA’s work as a sustainable tourism observatory at TOTABC.org/committed/insto.
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Climate Action Plan Provides Guidance for Sustainable Development for Regional Businesses and Communities
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) has introduced a new climate action plan to facilitate sustainable industry and community development in the Thompson Okanagan region. As part of TOTA’s signing of the Glasglow Declaration on Climate Action In Tourism, the plan outlines a series of strategies and initiatives to support the regional and global commitment to cut emissions in half by 2030 and reach Net Zero as soon as possible before 2050.
Kelowna, B.C. (April 18, 2023) - The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) has introduced a new climate action plan to facilitate sustainable industry and community development in the Thompson Okanagan region of British Columbia, Canada.
TOTA has been committed to sustainable and responsible tourism since 2012 and became a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism in May 2022, which includes the development and implementation of an official climate action plan to accelerate and co-ordinate climate action in tourism.
The plan outlines a series of strategies and initiatives to support the regional and global commitment to cut emissions in half by 2030 and reach Net Zero as soon as possible before 2050.
"TOTA recognizes the critical role that tourism plays in the region's economy and is committed to ensuring that the industry grows in a sustainable way," said Ellen Walker-Matthews, TOTA CEO. "By implementing this Climate Action Plan, we can work to reduce tourism’s carbon footprint while also enhancing the visitor experience and supporting local communities."
The five pathways of the plan are:
Measure: Measure and disclose all travel and tourism-related emissions. Ensure methodologies and tools are aligned to UNFCCC-relevant guidelines on measurement, reporting and verification, and that they are transparent and accessible.
Decarbonize: Set and deliver targets aligned with climate science to accelerate tourism’s decarbonisation. This includes transport, infrastructure, accommodation, activities, food & drink, and waste management. While offsetting may have a subsidiary role, it must be complementary to real reductions.
Regenerate: Restore and protect ecosystems, supporting nature’s ability to draw down carbon, as well as safeguarding biodiversity, food security, and water supply. As much of tourism is based in regions most immediately vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, ensure the sector can support affected and at-risk communities in resilience building, adaptation and disaster response. Help visitors and host communities experience better balance with nature.
Collaborate: Share evidence of risks and solutions with all stakeholders and our guests, and work together to ensure our plans are as effective and co-ordinated as possible. Strengthen governance and capacity for action at all levels, including national and sub-national authorities, civil society, large companies and SMEs, vulnerable groups, local communities and visitors.
Finance: Ensure organizational resources and capacity are sufficient to meet objectives set out in climate plans, including the financing of training, research and implementation of effective fiscal and policy tools where appropriate to accelerate transition.
TOTA encourages all tourism operators, visitors, and community members to learn more about the plan and take action to reduce their carbon footprint. Sustainability is becoming an increasingly significant factor for travellers when planning travel for both business and leisure. As people gain an understanding of the impact of travel, there is a growing preference for supporting responsible destinations, venues, hotels, and events. Destinations and their businesses that take initiative will attract these sustainability-conscious travellers.
To view the plan, download the Thompson Okanagan Climate Action Plan or visit TOTABC.org/committed/climate-action-plan
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About the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA):
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is a non-profit society, governed by an elected Board of Directors, which represents business and community tourism interests throughout the region, and is supported by the British Columbia Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport. It is an industry-led organization that represents and supports all business and community tourism interests in the region, while also helping to implement provincial tourism policies.
As a Biosphere Certified Destination, TOTA is committed to working towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including goals related to access and inclusion, such as “Reduced Inequalities” and “Sustainable Cities & Communities.” becoming a world-renowned accessible tourism destination and to promote “Access & Inclusion” in all aspects of community and tourism experiences, products, and services in the Thompson Okanagan region.
Learn more at TOTABC.org.
About the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism:
The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism is an urgent call for all stakeholders to commit to a decade of climate action in tourism, led by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with the Travel Foundation, and within the framework of the One Planet Network and Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency initiatives. The Declaration was officially launched at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021, after the need for a globally consistent approach for climate action in tourism was made clear, notably through research into CO2 emissions carried out by UNWTO/ITF and released at the UNFCCC COP25 in December 2019.
Learn more at OnePlanetNetwork.org/programmes/sustainable-tourism/glasgow-declaration
For more information, contact:
Ellen-Walker Matthews
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA)
Thompson Okanagan Part of International Network of Observatories Guiding Shift Towards More Sustainable and Resilient Tourism
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA)'s Destination Development & Stewardship Specialist, Eve Layman, travelled to Madrid this past week to meet with the World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) and gain insights from more than 150 experts, with a focus on key topics including the shift towards a circular economy and reducing food waste across the sector.
Destinations around the world are reporting significant advances in sustainable tourism, with timely evidence and analytics serving as key tools for transformation as the sector’s recovery continues to get underway.
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA)'s Destination Development & Stewardship Specialist, Eve Layman, travelled to Madrid this past week to meet with the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) and gain insights from more than 150 experts, with a focus on key topics including the shift towards a circular economy and reducing food waste across the sector.
In October 2019, TOTA became the first Canadian destination to join INSTO. Through a lengthy application process, destinations are required to meet the criteria outlined in the INSTO framework and commit to the ongoing monitoring and reporting of 9 core issue areas including Tourism Seasonality, Employment, Local Satisfaction, and Energy Management.
The global network of INSTO Observatories is pioneering and implementing, very often for the first time, catalytic activities designed to help the tourism sector implement sustainable development at the destination level. Together, they are leading the transformation of tourism by building on the principles of participatory approaches including all stakeholders to ensure an inclusive and resilient tourism development.
At the Global INSTO Meeting, destinations focused on how a timely and evidence-based approach is helping stimulate circular economy processes that result in using resources such as water and energy more efficiently. In addition, challenges in the environmental and social dimensions and the need for indicators that allow for comparability among destinations were highlighted.
Another topic was the availability of data from a growing variety of data-sources, making it increasingly difficult to process them into useful information needed for an informed decision- and policy- making process. It was agreed that all of these issues will be addressed in the INSTO Network through webinars and technical discussions.
While in Madrid, Eve Layman was also invited to meet with the Canadian Ambassador to Spain, H.E. Wendy Drukier. Eve presented her with a painting by Okanagan artist Alex Fong, as well as sharing the regional 7 Affirmations for 7 Generations Pledge and BeadTrails bead with the Ambassador and other guests.
Thompson Okanagan Invited to Join the UNWTO as International Observatory
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association
October 30, 2019
For Immediate Release
The Thompson Okanagan Region is the first Canadian destination to join the World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO), joining 27 committed partners across 5 continents.
TOTA President & CEO, Glenn Mandziuk, with UNWTO Director - Sustainable Development of Tourism, Dirk Glaesser, and UNWTO Coordinator - Member Relations, Beka Jakeli
The network was established 15 years ago to “support destination stakeholders to take focused and coherent action to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption patterns, thus turning the goals proposed by the international community into reality.”
Through a lengthy application process, destinations are required to meet the criteria outlined in the INSTO framework and commit to the ongoing monitoring and reporting of 9 core issue areas including Tourism Seasonality, Employment, Local Satisfaction, and Energy Management.
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Observatory was recognized last week at the UNWTO Global INSTO Meeting in Madrid, Spain, and is the first Canadian destination to join the network.
“We warmly welcome the new sustainable tourism observatory of Thomson Okanagan, which has demonstrated already at this early stage its strong commitment to advance sustainability based on evidence and participatory processes, key elements of successful sustainability strategies,” said Dirk Glaesser, the UNWTO’s Director, Sustainable Development of Tourism.
Glenn Mandziuk, President & CEO of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association spoke to the recognition: “We are honoured to be selected as Canada’s first destination to join a network of leading organizations from around the world as part of the UNWTO‘s INSTO program that will help us share, measure, and understand the economic, social and cultural implications of tourism. We believe this important announcement continues to showcase our Region’s strong commitment to developing tourism in a responsible and sustainable manner.”
Lisa Beare, British Columbia Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, added: “This international recognition of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association showcases years of innovative work towards sustainable tourism management. Our vision for tourism in British Columbia is one of responsible growth, where the benefits of tourism are shared with everyone. Successful tourism practices have evolved beyond focusing solely on economic returns, and today also consider the social, cultural and environmental impacts as well. Congratulations to everyone involved in achieving this designation in the Thompson Okanagan and thank you for your leadership.”
About the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is a non-profit society, governed by an elected Board of Directors, which represents business and community tourism interests throughout the region, and is supported by and representative of Destination British Columbia. It is an industry-led organization that represents and supports all business and community tourism interests in the region, while also helping to implement provincial tourism policies. For more information, visit totabc.org.
About the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories
The UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) was created in 2004 with the main objective to support the continuous improvement of sustainability and resilience in the tourism sector through systematic, timely and regular monitoring of tourism performance and impact and to connect dedicated destinations in order to better understand destination-wide resource use and foster the responsible management of tourism.
Through the systematic application of monitoring, evaluation and information management techniques, the initiative provides policy makers, planners, tourism managers and other relevant stakeholders with key tools to strengthen institutional capacities to support the formulation and implementation of sustainable tourism policies, strategies, plans and management processes. Visit insto.unwto.org for more information.
Media Contacts:
Glenn Mandziuk
President and CEO
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association
Ellen-Walker Matthews
Vice-President Destination Development
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association
(236) 361-4433