News & Resources
The latest Thompson Okanagan tourism industry news from TOTA, tourism businesses, and communities.
BCRTS Statement on Regional Emergency Communications
The BC Regional Tourism Secretariat shared a statement on how provincial, regional, and community organisations are working to improve outcomes for destinations in a crisis situation.
The BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) is working with provincial and community organisations to improve outcomes for destinations in a crisis situation.
Wildfires, landslides, and flooding have arrived in our province. These crises have affected many regions of British Columbia in a short period of time. While prevention of these disasters would be ideal, emergency preparedness and tourism coordination is the next most effective step to ensure both residents and visitors are informed and safe.
The Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR) has been working with communities and across various ministries to support a coordinated approach to crises, including with the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport (TACS). The Tourism Emergency Management Committee (TEMC) worked in tandem with the EMCR to assist in the development of the Tourism Emergency Management Framework. This framework outlines the roles and responsibilities of all levels of government and non-government tourism agencies (Tourism Industry Association of BC, Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport, Destination BC, Indigenous Tourism BC, BC Destination Marketing Organization Association, BC Regional Tourism Secretariat, and Emergency Management BC) and identifies how Destination Marketing / Management Organizations play a role to support and assist communities if and when they are asked.
TACS provided one-time funding to the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) to support the regions’ work in implementing the Tourism Emergency Management Framework. The BCRTS is a collaboration among the following five regional destination management organizations: Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association, Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association, Northern BC Tourism Association, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, and 4VI (Vancouver Island). The initiative also includes Vancouver Coast Mountains.
The BCRTS is not responsible for leading emergency management efforts before, during or after a crisis. The BCRTS’ role is to ensure familiarity with the Framework and to support the creation and completion of a crisis communications plan for those who would be the key point of contact for visitors to their area (CDMOs, visitor centres, or tourism businesses). During an emergency event, the regions and CDMOs will execute their own plans to support the efforts of the community’s officials and be the tourism point of contact for all parties involved in the emergency management funnel within the community.
BCRTS Services
The BCRTS has partnered with Hatch Comms to provide communities with visitor communications support during an emergency event.
The BCRTS has compiled a basic interim template for CDMOs and tourism partners that have not completed DBC’s crisis comms training; or do not have a plan and need to submit something quickly to receive assistance. The document explains what crisis communications is, the role of a CDMO in a crisis, and the contacts of the various organizations within the frameworks of their community.
The TEMC’s Emergency Communications Guidance for BC’s Tourism Industry provides more in-depth training, templates and checklists.
All of these steps should significantly improve outcomes for destinations with visitors in a variety of crisis situations by providing a singular source of accurate information. This will also support the destination’s communications and economy should they be in a nearby but unaffected destination, keeping visitors confidently flowing to areas that remain safe to travel.
The Province, Destination British Columbia, and the Tourism Industry Association of BC support this BCRTS initiative.
“Keeping people safe during an emergency is imperative and a top priority for our government. We are committed to working with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat and other provincial and community tourism partners to ensure the people in BC’s tourism sector, local communities, and our visitors have resources and information in advance of an emergency, so people know where to go, what to do, and what dangers to avoid.”
“Timely and accurate information sharing in a time of crisis is crucial to maintaining BC’s reputation as a safe and welcoming destination, and ensuring business continuity for thousands of tourism operators around the province. We can only achieve this by closely collaborating with our tourism partners and government agencies, at all levels.”
We would be more than happy to schedule a virtual meeting to discuss any concerns or to further clarify our tourism support role within the emergency framework. To schedule a time, please email info@TOTABC.com.
Thank you,
Ellen Walker-Matthews
Vice-Chair, BC Regional Tourism Secretariat
Chief Executive Officer, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association
Proactive Crisis Communications Support to Communities Around the Province
The British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) announced a partnership with Hatch Comms to provide increased proactive crisis communications support to BC Community Destination Management Organizations for visitors during an emergency event. Visitors to British Columbia can travel with greater confidence knowing their safety and wellbeing are a top priority to tourism destinations.
Visitors to British Columbia can travel with greater confidence knowing their safety and wellbeing are a top consideration to area tourism associations. The British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS), which includes the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA), announced a partnership with Hatch Comms that will provide increased proactive crisis communications support to related Community Destination Management Organizations (CDMO) for visitors during an emergency event.
During crises in recent years, the BCRTS has been a source for critical messages, management training, and information for visitors in the region. The goal of this partnership is to improve crisis communications leadership, and for communities to use it as the primary resource, support, and contact for tourism, travel and media messaging during a crisis that is being handled on a local level.
“The most vital service we can offer visitors during emergency situations is timely, clear, and accurate information that is easily and consistently accessible,” said BCRTS Vice Chair and TOTA CEO, Ellen Walker-Matthews. “Providing leadership and resources to help our destinations plan for the unexpected and calmly communicate real-time information will be a huge benefit to industry, media, and visitors at times of crisis.”
Increased wildfires, floods, and other natural disasters are happening with greater frequency and severity in the age of climate change. Ahead of what has been predicted to be another busy emergency season, the BCRTS and Hatch Comms are ensuring relevant Community Destination Management Organizations have crisis communications plans in place. These efforts include updating existing destination plans as well as building new ones via approved frameworks and training programs from Destination British Columbia and the BC Tourism Emergency Management Committee. This will ensure that all situations are well-thought out, responses are prepared, and key stakeholder and media contacts are identified before the busy visitor season commences.
How it Works:
When a Community Destination Management Organization activates the BCRTS emergency support system, Hatch will help the destination implement their crisis communications plans during a high stress situation. This support will ensure that the destination operates within the chain of communications of the appropriate agencies to access official messaging which will then be communicated back through the established tourism channels. These steps should significantly improve outcomes for destinations with visitors in a variety of crisis situations by providing a singular source of accurate information. This will also support the destination’s communications and economy should they be in a nearby but unaffected destination, keeping visitors confidently flowing to areas that remain safe to travel.
Visitors are encouraged to visit Destination British Columbia’s Know Before You Go page and the regional websites for specific areas they may be planning to visit.
This project is a partnership between the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport; Destination British Columbia; and the BCRTS.
About British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat:
The British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat is a collaboration among the following five regional destination management organizations: Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association, Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association, Northern BC Tourism Association, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, and 4VI (Vancouver Island). This initiative also includes the sixth region, Vancouver Coast & Mountains.
The 5 regions under BCRTS are not-for-profit societies governed by the BC Societies Act. They are an industry-led organization, governed by an elected Board of Directors, who represent and support business and community tourism interests throughout each region.
About Hatch Comms:
Hatch Comms, a subsidiary of Hatch Hospitality, is a lifestyle PR agency that specializes in hotels, destinations, wineries, restaurants, ingredients, and culinary talent. Tourism, travel, and hospitality are all about experiencing the detail and beauty of different lifestyles. Hatch Comms offers clients personalized service that is all about results and relationships. The Hatch team is seasoned experts who are passionate about what they do and thrive on clients' successes, and have enjoyed representing some of the world’s most beautiful, delicious and engaging businesses for more than 25 years.
British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network Wins BC Tourism & Hospitality Award for Community Contribution
The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network (BCTRN) has been recognized with the award for Community Contribution & Impact at the 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference, for demonstrating social responsibility through efforts to enhance social and cultural impact, fostering collaboration, and building resiliency in communities.
The BC Tourism Resiliency Network has helped 2,033 tourism businesses to date, including 158 Indigenous-owned, 440 women-owned, and 6 youth-owned businesses in communities spanning the province.
As one of the partners, TOTA supported over 970 Thompson Okanagan tourism companies through the regional Tourism Resiliency Program.
BC Tourism Resiliency Network RDMO CEOs with BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference Community Impact Award 2022 - Clint Fraser, Kathy Cooper, Anthony Everett, and Ellen Walker-Matthews. Amy Thacker not pictured.
(Richmond, B.C.) March 11, 2022 - The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network (BCTRN) has been recognized with a 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Award in the category of Community Contribution & Impact.
The 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Awards recognize and celebrate excellence, leadership, and innovation within British Columbia’s tourism and hospitality industry, showcasing the province’s most exceptional leaders and positive change-makers. See the full list of nominees.
“We are honoured to have served B.C. tourism businesses and communities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and support their survival,” said Anthony Everett, President & CEO, Tourism Vancouver Island and Chair, British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat. “This program was designed by the tourism industry for the tourism industry, utilizing our sector’s specialized understanding of our own needs to guide the recovery of B.C.’s visitor economy.”
Evolving from a program initiated by Tourism Vancouver Island shortly after the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, the British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network is a long-term resiliency program led by the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS), providing B.C. tourism businesses with meaningful, one-on-one support to navigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, adapt, and work towards eventual recovery.
The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network has helped 2,033 tourism businesses to date, including 158 Indigenous-owned, 440 women-owned, and six youth-owned businesses in communities spanning the province. 1,333 participants have successfully secured aid from government relief programs and an estimated 3,694 jobs have been preserved.
“By working together across the province, the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat is maximizing our collective expertise and resources, and leveraging the local knowledge and long-standing relationships we’ve held with stakeholders in our five regions for over 50 years,” said Ellen Walker-Matthews, CEO, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, and Treasurer, British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat. “The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network provided a vehicle for us to work together like never before and allowed the development of infrastructure that can be repurposed into managing other crises, but also future partnerships for the betterment of B.C.’s tourism industry.”
The British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat is a partnership between five of B.C.’s not-for-profit Regional Destination Management Organizations (RDMO), including: Tourism Vancouver Island, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA), Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA), Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association (KRTA), and Northern British Columbia Tourism Association (NBCTA).
The British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat gratefully acknowledges funding for the British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network from Island Coastal Economic Trust and Western Economic Diversification Canada, and support from numerous additional partners.
The 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Awards were announced and presented at an awards gala on Thursday, March 10, 2022, as part of the 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference hosted by the Tourism Industry Association of BC and British Columbia Hotel Association.
About the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS)
The British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat is a partnership between five of B.C.’s not-for-profit Regional Destination Management Organizations (RDMO), including: Tourism Vancouver Island, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA), Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA), Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association (KRTA), and Northern British Columbia Tourism Association (NBCTA). The BC Tourism Resiliency Network is a long-term resiliency program providing BC tourism businesses with meaningful, one-on-one support to navigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, adapt, and work towards eventual recovery.
Learn more at TourismResiliency.ca.
The Value of Tourism Video Series by TIABC, BCRTS & Destination BC
The Value of Tourism video series captures the essence of the tourism industry’s contribution to British Columbia from the lens of the people who work in the various sectors and regions that make up our province’s visitor economy.
The Value of Tourism video series was created by Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC), in partnership with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS), Destination British Columbia, and PacifiCan.
The videos are available for use by industry to use in communicating the Value of Tourism.
The Value of Tourism is a series of short videos capturing the essence of the tourism industry’s contribution to British Columbia from the lens of the people who work in the various sectors and regions that make up our province’s visitor economy.
The videos tell stories using concrete examples from both a personal perspective, in addition to how their business, community, region, or sector has made a difference. The interviewees bring the viewer along and paint a compelling yet personable picture.
The Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) partnered with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS), Destination British Columbia, and PacifiCan to produce the videos.
About the Value of Tourism
Tourism contributes to the high quality of life in British Columbia by supporting arts, sports, Indigenous culture, historical assets, festivals and events, restaurants and pubs, parks and recreation, outdoor adventure, among other sectors and activities. Tourism brings significant international benefits through trade and investment, education, infrastructure development, and immigration.
The tourism industry is comprised of thousands of mostly small businesses, whose voices are often unheard. TIABC and its industry partners in British Columbia must come together to strengthen our collective voice to fully capture the opportunity ahead and overcome the obstacles.
The Value of Tourism (VoT) initiative has been designed to increase the understanding of tourism as a powerful engine for economic, cultural, and social well-being, and to secure cross-government support for tourism investments by describing how tourism benefits every community and region in British Columbia.
This project is also designed to increase interest in tourism as a career choice, as well as provide insight into how tourism can be a catalyst for addressing major issues and opportunities such as climate change, sustainability, reconciliation, workforce, among other priorities.
Share the Value of Tourism
The vignettes and videos are available for use by destination marketing organizations, sector associations, individual operators, and other tourism stakeholders to use in communicating with all levels of government, residents, community and business leaders, organizations, schools and universities, and others to share the Value of Tourism through social media channels, websites, presentations and advocacy initiatives, etc. to help rebuild the reputation and understanding of the importance of the tourism industry post-COVID-19.
Winter Travel Toolkit for B.C. Tourism Industry | Updated December 16, 2021
B.C.’s tourism associations have developed a toolkit to guide operators in advising the public to plan travel in British Columbia this winter, with the unique challenges caused by the 2021 floods and road closures. Operators can share this document, include the information in their communications, and provide links on their website.
British Columbians have faced unprecedented challenges from severe weather and flooding that have impacted the normal ability to travel between the Lower Mainland and the rest of the province.
While the work is ongoing to repair the damage done, we can still travel to connect with family and enjoy winter recreation if we plan ahead and prepare for situations that can shift rapidly. Many of us are eager to travel and see family and friends this winter.
This toolkit is designed as a guide for operators with the information needed by the public to plan travel in British Columbia this winter. Operators can share this document, include the information in their communications, and provide links on their website.
People can get from the Lower Mainland to the Interior by driving via Highway 99 as of Dec 20, via Highway 3 as of Dec 21, and via the United States. They can also take advantage of the lower rates and extra capacity a number of airlines have added, or travel via existing commercial bus operators.
Situations can evolve rapidly, and we’ll do our best to keep everyone informed by updating this toolkit and the links to critical information that should reflect changes to travel information.
BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 - Session Recordings Now Available
On November 3 and 4, TOTA co-hosted the 2021 BCRTS Tourism Summit with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
The conference was filled with inspiring moments and key insights to reimagine the future of tourism. The virtual format allowed us to connect with over 900 delegates from British Columbia, Canada, and over 60 other countries.
As a virtual event, many aspects will live on beyond the days of the Summit and can be accessed until December 5, 2021.
On November 3 and 4, TOTA co-hosted the 2021 BCRTS Tourism Summit with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
The conference was filled with inspiring moments and key insights to reimagine the future of tourism. The virtual format allowed us to connect with over 900 delegates from British Columbia, Canada, and over 60 other countries.
As a virtual event, many aspects will live on beyond the days of the Summit and can be accessed until December 5, 2021.
You can still register, free of charge, to access the session recordings and downloadable resources. Feel free share this opportunity with others in your organization and network.
How to Access Session Recordings and Resources
Go to BCTourismSummit.com
Click Register and complete the form
Click "Login" in the top right corner and enter the email address you registered with. No password is required.
Click the building to enter the virtual lobby.
In the top navigation bar, click "Auditorium."
Scroll to the session and click "Play."
Session Recordings
This year's summit featured over 40 speakers in 9 sessions. Thank you to the speakers and panelists for sharing their expertise and insights in the following sessions:
GSTC Destination Management Workshop 1 - Measuring Carbon Emissions
GSTC Destination Management Workshop 2 - Engagement with the Private Sector
GSTC Destination Management Workshop 3: Natural Areas and Visitor Management
Panel: Shaping the Future of Tourism
Panel: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Tourism
Panel: Tourism Operators Creating a Positive Net Impact
Panel: Truth, then Reconciliation
Panel: Access for All
Session: How to Imagine a Regenerative Future for Tourism - Cultivating the mindset, creativity and process to enact change
The recordings are now available and can be viewed any time over the next 30 days (see details above).
Exhibition Hall Videos & Downloads
The virtual booths will remain in the Exhibition Hall for the next 30 days, with links, videos, and downloadable resources at your fingertips. The booth chat will not be monitored but feel free to reach out to exhibitors by email.
Globox™ Raffle Tickets to Support Wildfire Relief for Indigenous Communities
Glohaven Community Hub is holding a raffle featuring Globox™ gift boxes. Proceeds will be donated to support wildfire relief for Thompson Okanagan Indigenous communities through the Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society.
The remaining Globox™ prizes are:
Eldorado Resort Experience VIP Globox™
Sicamous Houseboats Experience Family Fun Globox™
Spirit Ridge Resort Experience Indigenous Globox™
Summerland Resort Experience Remarkably Loved Globox™
SilverStar Experience Family Fun Globox™
Important Dates
2nd Early Bird Draw: November 24 at 1 PM - Globox™ #5
Main Draw: December 15 at 12 PM - Globoxes™ #1 - 4
Support for B.C. Tourism Businesses
If your company is facing challenges in British Columbia due to COVID-19 or other difficulties, you can access many free resources through the BC Tourism Resiliency Network, another initiative of the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS).
Visit TourismResiliency.ca to register for a one-on-one meeting with a regional advisor and access support programs, educational webinars, research reports, resources, and more.
Thank You to the Event Sponsors
This event would not have been possible without all of our amazing sponsors. As such, we would like to extend a big thank you to GreenStep, WebAdvisors, Navigator Multimedia, FortisBC, Toni Lepore, StratIS Group, Community Futures BC, TELUS, Air Canada, and YLW Kelowna International Airport.
Lastly, a special thank you to GiGn and The Gary Cable Project for hosting the virtual concert!
BCRTS Tourism Summit Brings Industry Together to Create a Stronger, More Resilient, and Inclusive Future
The BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 will provide an opportunity for the sector to come together as a tourism community, learn from the challenges of the past two years, and think differently about how to co-create a more vibrant and resilient tourism industry in BC.
Reimagining the Future of Tourism: Rebuild, Reframe and Rethink is the theme of the joint virtual Summit, taking place November 3rd and 4th. The no-cost event for tourism businesses is a collaboration between the five regional destination management organizations of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The event will feature more than 40 tourism experts who will share their global, regional, and local expertise.
The BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 will provide an opportunity for the sector to come together as a tourism community, learn from the challenges of the past two years, and think differently about how to co-create a more vibrant and resilient tourism industry in BC.
Reimagining the Future of Tourism: Rebuild, Reframe and Rethink is the theme of the joint virtual Summit, taking place November 3rd and 4th, 2021. The no-cost event for tourism businesses is a collaboration between the five regional destination management organizations of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The event will feature more than 40 tourism experts who will share their global, regional, and local expertise.
The BCRTS and its five regional associations have a decades-long relationships with tourism operators who are represented in Northern BC, the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast, the Thompson Okanagan, the Kootenay Rockies, and Vancouver Island. For much of the past two years, a large part of their focus has been on supporting businesses manage their way through the pandemic – while also collaborating to stage events such as this that are aimed at creating an even stronger tourism industry in this province.
“As we create a path forward, we have both an opportunity and a duty to address issues of climate change and the environmental impacts of our industry - as individual businesses, communities and regions,” said BCRTS Chair Anthony Everett. “We have an opportunity to support and celebrate Indigenous cultures through tourism and take steps to demonstrate our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. And, as we chart a future course, we must remain cognizant of how tourism impacts residents in our communities.”
Marsha Walden (President and CEO of Destination Canada), Walt Judas (CEO of Tourism Industry Association of BC), and Richard Porges (CEO of Destination BC) will speak to Shaping the Future of Tourism and how their organizations are charting a path forward.
Other panel discussions will include: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Tourism which emphasizes how to foster a visitor economy that represents a wide variety of individuals at all levels; Tourism Operators Creating a Positive Net Impact which will focus on innovative programs and approaches that BC operators have adopted to create a better tomorrow; Truth, then Reconciliation, exploring how storytelling and truth telling in tourism can support Canadians and visitors alike to gain a better understanding of Indigenous history and move towards authentic reconciliation; and, Access for All, will emphasize the need to create opportunities for people of all abilities, both within the sector and as guests.
The Global Sustainable Tourism Council will also facilitate a series of workshops where participants will learn how tourism-related emissions can be measured effectively and be taken into consideration when planning tourist activities; how destination management organizations can better engage the private sector and drive sustainability certification; and learn about strategies for visitor management in natural areas.
About the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat: The BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) is a collaboration between five regional destination management organizations (Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association, Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association, Northern British Columbia Tourism Association, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, and Tourism Vancouver Island) representing more than 8,000 tourism businesses and organizations.
About the Global Sustainable Tourism Council: The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) establishes and manages global standards for sustainable travel and tourism, known as the GSTC Criteria, global standards for sustainable travel and tourism; as well as providing international accreditation for sustainable tourism Certification Bodies.
New Business Supports Now Available for Thompson Okanagan Tourism Businesses
The TOTA and BC Tourism Resiliency Network teams have prepared several new business support programs to assist tourism businesses. The programs are available free of charge for Thompson Okanagan tourism companies.
We encourage you and your team members to register as soon as possible, to take advantage of these programs while they are available.
Supports include:
Thompson Okanagan Wildfire Resilience Roundtable this Tuesday, October 5
Decade of Action Program: Building a Sustainable Future for BC Tourism - Apply by Friday, October 8
Business Mentorship Sessions with Okanagan College Instructors
BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 - November 3 & 4
Hospitality Professional Program - Apply by November 28
TOTA Complimentary Energy Assessments & FortisBC Equipment Rebate Support
Change Management Webinar Recording & Skill Building Exercises
Happy autumn and welcome to October. With the changing of the seasons, the TOTA and BC Tourism Resiliency Network teams have prepared several new business support programs to assist tourism businesses. The programs are available free of charge for Thompson Okanagan tourism companies.
We encourage you and your team members to register as soon as possible, to take advantage of these programs while they are available.
Supports include:
Thompson Okanagan Wildfire Resilience Roundtable this Tuesday
Decade of Action Program: Building a Sustainable Future for BC Tourism - Apply by October 8
Business Mentorship Sessions with Okanagan College Instructors
BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 - November 3 & 4
Hospitality Professional Program - Apply by October 29
TOTA Complimentary Energy Assessments & FortisBC Equipment Rebate Support
Change Management Webinar Recording & Skill Building Exercises
Read on to learn the details of the support programs and how to register your company. Feel free to forward this email to anyone who may benefit from these services.
- The TOTA Team
Upcoming Opportunities
Thompson Okanagan Wildfire Resilience Roundtable
Virtual | October 5, 10 AM - 11 AM
The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network is hosting a virtual Wildfire Resilience Roundtable for the Thompson Okanagan region on Tuesday, October 5 from 2 PM to 3 PM. The session will begin with a wildfire scenario developed from the guest perspective, tailored to reflect the realistic and relevant needs of the region.
In this roundtable session, you'll learn more about:
Developing a shared understanding of the impacts a wildfire may have on guests
How messaging can influence guest confidence and safety
Generating a repository of solutions or resources that either currently exist or could be developed to support guests and tourism operators
Decade of Action Program: Building a Sustainable Future for BC Tourism
Virtual | Apply by October 8, 2021
The Decade of Action Program: Building a Sustainable Future for BC Tourism through the UN Sustainable Development Goals is a virtual capacity-building program to support businesses across B.C. to create a Sustainable Development Goal Strategy and Decade of Action Plan.
Decade of Action Seminar (Tuesday, October 19, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST)
Business Action Planning and One-on-One Coaching Calls (October - December)
Decade of Action Showcase (Thursday, November 18, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST)
Learn how to align your sustainability efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals, set targets for the future, and drive meaningful results for your guests, company, and community.
Free Business Mentorship Sessions with Okanagan College Instructors
Virtual | One on one
Okanagan College instructors are available to deliver virtual, one-hour individually tailored business counselling sessions based on expressed areas of need.
This service is offered free of charge through the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Resiliency Program, for a limited time. Mentors can provide support on a variety of leadership soft skills, business administration, and hospitality topics.
To access the service, register for the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Resiliency Program and schedule a Discovery Call with a TOTA Advisor.
If you have already registered for the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Resiliency Program, you can sign up for Expert Business Mentorship and schedule your first meeting with an Okanagan College mentor.
BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021
Virtual | November 3 & 4, 2021
On November 3 and 4, come together as a tourism community to learn from everything we've been through and think differently about how we can co-create a vibrant and resilient tourism industry in BC. The BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 is a joint virtual event, in collaboration with the five regional destination management organizations of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
The BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 is open to all tourism stakeholders and GSTC members at no cost.
Hospitality Professional Program - Fully Funded Training for New & Underemployed Tourism Professionals Hosted by TOTA & Okanagan College
Virtual | Winter 2021/2022
Application Deadline: November 28, 2021
Do you know current hospitality professionals looking to build on their hospitality management career by further developing their skills, knowledge and connections? Someone eager to develop the tools and resources necessary to thrive in the evolving world of hospitality?
TOTA, in partnership with Okanagan College, is offering the fully funded Hospitality Professional Program to unemployed, seasonal, part-time, and casual workers.
This 28-week LIVE online learning program pairs practical, unique and intensive hospitality skills training with key industry certifications so participants can jump into a supervisory position in 2022.
Ongoing Opportunities
Tourism Resiliency Business Support Services
The TOTA team is here to help with the challenges your business is facing. As part of TOTA's Tourism Resiliency Program tourism companies can access the following free supports:
Register for 1:1 Business Support with a TOTA Resiliency Advisor.
Submit a Voice Your Concerns form so TOTA can share the impacts on the tourism industry with government.
Email Recovery@TOTABC.com for quick questions or to share challenges faced by your business.
TOTA Complimentary Energy Assessments & FortisBC Equipment Rebate Support
TOTA is offering complimentary virtual energy assessments and free one-on-one equipment rebate consultations to Thompson Okanagan tourism companies that are serviced by FortisBC. The goal is to help businesses reduce their energy-related operating and capital expenses, energy consumption, and carbon footprint.
TOTA’s Energy Analyst can assist in choosing the right equipment eligible for rebates, submitting a rebate application to FortisBC, and guide you throughout the process.
To book your complimentary virtual energy assessment or to find out if your business is eligible for rebates, book a free appointment with TOTA's Energy Analyst.
Accommodation Accessibility Features Survey
Accommodators (resorts, hotels, motels, B&B) in the Thompson Okanagan region are invited to share information about the accessibility features of their venue.
Please take a few moments to fill out this survey to better help us identify the accessible accommodations available in the Thompson Okanagan region.
Change Management Webinar Recording & Skill Building Exercises
COVID-19 and climate change have caused frequent disruptions and major changes to the workplace for tourism and hospitality businesses. As this trend of change will likely continue, business leaders can prepare by developing a dynamic and resilient team.
Watch the webinar recording by Angela Pomeroy, Engagement and Leadership Development Consultant and Okanagan College professor, for insights on the principles of Change Management, followed by a pre-recorded video with exercises to develop change management skills for individuals or teams.
Introduction to Sustainable Tourism Presentation
TOTA’s Destination Stewardship team offers 30-minute virtual presentations to share how tourism businesses can work towards sustainable tourism through TOTA's Biosphere Commitment Program.
Thompson Okanagan Wildfire Resilience Roundtable | BC Tourism Resiliency Network
The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network is hosting a virtual Wildfire Resilience Roundtable for the Thompson Okanagan region on Tuesday, October 5 from 2 PM to 3 PM. Each Wildfire Resilience Roundtable will begin with a wildfire scenario developed from the guest perspective, tailored to reflect the realistic and relevant needs of the region.
In this roundtable session, learn more about:
Developing a shared understanding of the impacts a wildfire may have on guests
How messaging can influence guest confidence and safety
Generating a repository of solutions or resources that either currently exist or could be developed to support guests and tourism operators
The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network is hosting a series of Wildfire Resilience Roundtables throughout October, one for each of the five B.C. regions, led by emergency management experts from Calian Group.
The Thompson Okanagan Wildfire Resilience Roundtable is being held virtually on Tuesday, October 5 from 2 PM to 3 PM.
Each Wildfire Resilience Roundtable will begin with a wildfire scenario developed from the guest perspective, tailored to reflect the realistic and relevant needs of each region.
Breakout groups will then be guided by a facilitator and designed to explore a specific question with real solutions. All discussions will be conducted with a Trauma Informed Approach (TIA) to ensure the cultural and emotional safety of all participants.
In this roundtable session, you will learn more about:
Developing a shared understanding of the impacts a wildfire may have on guests
How messaging can influence guest confidence and safety
Generating a repository of solutions or resources that either currently exist or could be developed to support guests and tourism operators
Online Learning Day | BC Tourism Resiliency Network
The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network (BCTRN) is hosting an Online Learning Day to deliver high-profile, high-value thought leadership that will inspire and guide tourism operators to improve product and business acumen, while addressing key challenges and solving real problems.
The British Columbia Tourism Resiliency Network (BCTRN) is hosting an Online Learning Day to deliver high-profile, high-value thought leadership that will inspire and guide tourism operators to improve product and business acumen, while addressing key challenges and solving real problems.
Session #1: Employee Recruitment & Retention During a Pandemic – Practical Tips for Tourism & Hospitality Employers
Speaker: Ginger Bruner, go2HR
Time: 8:45-9:30 am PST
The COVID-19 pandemic is not only impacting how businesses operate, it is also influencing the expectations and needs of job seekers and employees. Understanding these changes is important for tourism employers to be able to adjust their recruitment and retention practices to attract and retain top talent.
Session #2: Reputation Management
Speaker: Deirdre Campbell, Beattie Tartan
Time: 10:00-10:45 am PST
Understand the steps tourism and hospitality businesses should take to build and maintain a trusted brand image during a global crisis. While an initial instinct will be to remain quiet until things blow over or a better understanding of what the future looks like becomes clear – the opposite is true. Now is the time to communicate more than ever, keep your brand top of mind and deal with the tough issues head on. Authenticity and transparency are key factors to retain guests and visitors and attract new ones.
Session #3: Creating a Path Forward
Speaker: Theresa Ito, Blue Mountain Solutions
Time: 11:00 am-1:00 pm PST
Using the experience and lessons learned over the last year and a half, this enlightening workshop will help you rethink the opportunities within your business. With a group of like-minded professionals, we will look at strategies for taking you and your businesses successfully through this difficult time
Special Presentation: Return to Travel
Speaker: Heather Greenwood Davis, Storyteller
Time: 1:00-1:20 pm PST
Join storyteller and award-winning writer, Heather Greenwood Davis, for this informative and inspiring talk about the return to travel. Heather will share what she’s seen as both a domestic and international traveller and what it – along with the time spent in the pandemic – has taught her to expect from the future of travel.
These offerings are free to BC tourism businesses registered in a tourism resiliency program. Any tourism business can still register in the BC Tourism Resiliency Network in order to participate in this online learning.
Tourism Sector Step 3 Toolkit: Proof of Vaccination Update
The Tourism Industry Association of BC, BC Hotel Association, Destination BC, BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (including Tourism Vancouver Island) and Indigenous Tourism BC are pleased to share an updated version of the Step 3 Tourism Industry Toolkit reflecting Proof of Vaccination.
The Tourism Industry Association of BC, BC Hotel Association, Destination BC, BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (including TOTA), and Indigenous Tourism BC are pleased to share an updated version of the Step 3 Tourism Industry Toolkit reflecting Proof of Vaccination.
It serves to be a quick guide for tourism operators on communications, health and safety, workforce and marketing. We hope this toolkit is helpful to you, and would be happy to hear any feedback or questions you might still have.
Joint Statement from the Tourism Sector
Continued Travel with Proof of Vaccination
Travel is part of our DNA. It gives us something to look forward to. It brings us joy to experience new places, new tastes, and new ideas. It’s the perfect antidote to recharge, connect with friends and families and create new memories. Tourism is fueled by people who are passionate about their work, their jobs are vital to local economies across British Columbia.
While vaccination records are required for specified events and licensed restaurants, and indoor mask requirements have returned, we are continuing to encourage British Columbians to safely travel across our province and to welcome our neighbours from coast to coast to coast, from the United States, and the rest of the world.
As always, we are encouraging the travelling public to know the requirements that are in place before they go, and for tourism operators to let people know ahead of time what is expected in terms of current regulations.
As the tourism sector continues to opens its doors, there’s a growing demand for workers and opportunities for British Columbians looking for jobs to be a part one of the province’s most important sectors. There is an incredible variety of work with options to suit a wide range of skills.
- Joint statement of: Brenda Baptiste, Chair, Indigenous Tourism BC; Walt Judas, CEO, Tourism Industry Association of BC; Ingrid Jarrett, President and CEO of the BC Hotel Association; Anthony Everett, Chair of the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat; and Richard Porges, President and CEO of Destination BC.
Free Access to B.C. Accommodation Performance Tracking Data
As we move toward recovery, it’s important to strategize around pricing of rates. Accommodation operators have a unique opportunity to learn more about the performance of B.C.'s hotel, lodge, and B&B performance, with no cost to participate. STR’s weekly reporting tool enables accommodation providers to see how their own property is performing against those within the local market by geographic area and class of accommodation.
Screenshot of STR Accommodation Benchmarking Dashboard
Accommodation operators have a unique opportunity to learn more about the performance of B.C.'s hotel, lodge, and B&B performance, with no cost to participate.
As we all move toward recovery, it’s never been more important to strategize around pricing and understanding whether to try and recoup occupancy rates or maintain room rates.
STR’s weekly reporting tool enables accommodation providers to see how their own property is performing against those within the local market - both geographic area and class of accommodation.
How It Works
STR collects rooms available, rooms sold, and net room revenue on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis from participating hotels. Data is then fed back to all participants in reports - and via your own dashboard. All individual hotel data remains confidential and is never released to a third party.
Your participation assists not only your property, but also your local market and the entire province. Participation is fast and easy, taking less than 5 minutes a month.
The BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and BC Hotel Association (BCHA) have teamed up with STR to help more accommodation owners join and benefit from this program.
Weekly and monthly STR reports that detail accommodation performance across the province are provided to the Regional DMO partners each week by Symphony Tourism Services. The aim of the BCRTS partners, BCHA, and STR is to increase hotel participation so that quality and accuracy of data increases for everyone across British Columbia.
STR, BC Hotel Association (BCHA), BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS), and Symphony Tourism Services have teamed up with to help more accommodation operators join and benefit from this program.
Toward a Climate Friendly Future
Last week, we were very pleased to be part of an Earth Day announcement that saw Tourism Vancouver Island, Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism, Northern BC Tourism, and Kootenay Rockies Tourism sign a commitment letter with the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI) to move forward with Biosphere Certification. Building on our climate friendly commitment, TOTA will be co-hosting the Strong Earth Youth Summit on Thursday, April 29th, 2021 together with SunX Malta. This event will be taking place in three locations around the world with a line-up of international speakers.
Last week, we were very pleased to be part of an Earth Day announcement that saw Tourism Vancouver Island, Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism, Northern BC Tourism, and Kootenay Rockies Tourism sign a commitment letter with the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI) to move forward with Biosphere Certification. Together, they join the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association in our collective commitment to Sustainability and Responsible Tourism. The video of last week's announcement, also featuring guest speakers from across the globe referencing the important role that tourism plays in Sustainability, can be found here.
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association received Biosphere Certification in November 2017 and maintains its designation through a continuous reporting process to RTI on our ongoing initiatives. Our overall focus is on the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), some of which has been achieved through our work with Communities and Stakeholders on the Biosphere Commitment program, our Eco Efficiency Audits, and the recent release of the new Biosphere Academy.
Building on our climate friendly commitment, TOTA will be co-hosting the Strong Earth Youth Summit on Thursday, April 29th, 2021 together with SunX Malta. This event will be taking place in three locations around the world with a line-up of international speakers. Registration is complimentary to all interested in being a part of this important conversation and movement for a resilient, climate-friendly future for travel & tourism. For more information and to register go to: TOTABC.org/seys-2021.
Recent News Highlights
Latest Research
Upcoming EARTH DAY Announcement
To commemorate Earth Day on April 22nd, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association together with the our Regional Partner under the BCRTS including the Cariboo Chilcoton Coast, Kootenay Rockies, Northern BC and Tourism Vancocouver Island will be joined by a number of guest speakers to announce their collective journey in Biosphere Tourism Certification, a major step in committing to a more sustainable tourism future.
To commemorate Earth Day on April 22nd, The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association together with the our Regional Partners under the BCRTS including the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast, Kootenay Rockies, Northern BC and Tourism Vancouver Island will be joined by a number of guest speakers to announce their collective journey in Biosphere Tourism Certification, a major step in committing to a more sustainable tourism future.
You are invited to join us, the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS), and our regional partners for this important virtual announcement.
Earth Day, Thursday, April 22, 2021.
1:00 PM Pacific Time / 2:00 PM Mountain Time
Guest speakers will include:
Patricio Azcárate Díaz de Losada of the Responsible Tourism Institute
Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Director of Sustainable Development Program of the World Tourism Organization
Dr. Paul Rogers, Co-founder and Director of Planet Happiness
Frank Antoine, Co-founder of Moccasin Trails and Tourism Ambassador
Anthony Everett, Chair, BC Regional Tourism Secretariat & CEO of Tourism Vancouver Island
Ellen Walker-Matthews, Senior Vice President and Acting CEO, Thompson Okanagan Regional Tourism Association
New Tourism Digital Marketing Expert Certification Program through the BCRTS and eLearningU
All tourism businesses in our region can gain complimentary access to the Digital Marketing Expert Certification Program by eLearningU, as well as FREE access to 50 live webinars over the course of the year, and a full webinar library of 350+ recordings.
As a member of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS), Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is pleased to announce that all tourism businesses in our region can gain access to the Digital Marketing Expert Certification Program by eLearningU. Tourism businesses can sign up for a FREE subscription to eLearningU, where, upon registration, they will be provided a username and password for their account. Multiple people within the same organization are welcome to join the program.
In addition to the Tourism Digital Marketing Certification Program, registered members will have FREE access to 50 live webinars over the course of the year, and a full webinar library of 350+ recordings.
Become a Tourism Digital Marketing Expert
After registering for your free eLearningU subscription, follow the link below to access your Tourism Digital Marketing Certificate dashboard. There are 5 Certifications in this program, broken down into individual certificates, they are as follows:
Tourism Social Media Marketing Certificate (14 courses, 14 hours)
Tourism Content Marketing Certificate (6 courses, 6 hours)
Tourism SEO/SEM Marketing Certificate (8 courses, 8 hours)
Tourism General Marketing Certificate (7 courses, 7 hours)
After each of these are complete, the Tourism Digital Marketing Expert (TDME) Certification is awarded.
Each course is compiled of a 1-hour video training and a 5-question quiz. The quizzes come directly from the content in the video training and must be passed in order to complete the lesson. You may retake the quiz in order to pass. The goal is to verify that you have reviewed and learned the information presented.
Sections and lessons do not have to be done in order, so if something seems more interesting or useful, complete that one first and finish the rest at your leisure. As we are apart of the launch of this exciting program, the sooner you sign up, the more live webinars you will be able to attend. All required webinars will be added to the library after their live premiere.
The TOTA Tourism Resiliency Program, part of the BC Tourism Resiliency Network, provides long-term support to tourism businesses to navigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, adapt services, and work towards eventual recovery. As part of TOTA's Tourism Resiliency Program, tourism businesses can access the following FREE supports:
Digital Support Services with a digital marketing expert
Expert Business Mentorship with an Okanagan College business professor
Mental Health Support through the Canadian Mental Health Association
Micro Loans through Community Futures
Email recovery@totabc.com for quick questions or to schedule a 1-1 call/video chat with a TOTA Program Advisor
For more information on TOTA's Tourism Resiliency Program, go to TOTABC.org/resiliency.
BC Hospitality & Tourism Industry Update & 2021 Outlook
The BC Hotel Association, Tourism Industry Association of BC, and the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat outlined the state of the Tourism & Hospitality industry and mapped the outlook for 2021.
The BC Hotel Association, Tourism Industry Association of BC, and the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat outlined the state of the Tourism & Hospitality industry and mapped the outlook for 2021.
BC Hotel Association Partners with BC Regional Tourism Secretariat and STR to Support Tourism Resiliency
The not-for-profit organizations will utilize vital industry insights and tools from STR to advance BC accommodation sector in response to COVID-19.
The not-for-profit organizations will utilize vital industry insights and tools from STR to advance BC accommodation sector in response to COVID-19.
VANCOUVER, BC (September 22, 2020): The British Columbia Hotel Association (BCHA) is working in partnership with the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and STR to offer informed recovery strategies for BC accommodators that have been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Using industry data from STR – the sector’s leading data benchmarking and analytics provider – BCHA and BCRTS will develop tools and strategies to support people and communities at the heart of BC’s tourism industry.
“Supporting tourism in Canada is one of STR’s top priorities, so we are proud to partner with the British Columbia Hotel Association and the BC Regional Tourism Secretariat” says Emile Gourieux, Business Development Executive, Hotels at STR. “Through our hotel benchmarking platform, we provide organizations like the BCHA and the BCRTS with the information they need to both successfully advocate on behalf of their members and create effective marketing strategies that will drive tourism to communities across British Columbia.”
As part of the partnership, BCHA and BCRTS will receive weekly reports from STR on trends and insights that inform the current and future realities of the accommodation sector. In addition to effectively communicating these findings to members and stakeholders, the organizations will work together to further develop and deliver education and revenue management training programs for the industry, while strengthening STR insights through promoting the program.
“The pandemic’s impact on our industry has been devastating and many accommodators in our province have substantiated concerns over their properties closing permanently”, says Ingrid Jarrett, President and CEO of the BCHA. “Having our finger on the pulse of industry is now more important than ever”. She continues, “in addition to advocating on behalf of our members, we are committed to providing education to support recovery and resiliency, providing vital training that will better equip accommodators with the tools needed for their businesses to survive and prosper. Our work with STR and the BCRTS will be paramount in this.”
Glenn Mandziuk, President & CEO of The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA), and Chair of the BCRTS adds, “hotels are a fundamental component to the tourism industry at large. By generating a more informed understanding of the current climate and trends affecting accommodators on a greater scale, we can action educated strategies and foster tourism growth across each of the five regional tourism organizations the BCRTS represents.”
To learn more about the BC Hotel Association, or to inquire about becoming a member, contact Mike Macleod, Director of Member and Business Development at membership@bcha.com. Visit tourismresiliency.ca for more information on the BC Tourism Resiliency Network led by the BCRTS.
About the BC Hotel Association:
The British Columbia Hotel Association is a non-profit organization that works on behalf of accommodators at federal, provincial, and community levels, and champions issues such as taxation, tourism, marketing, corporate relations, labour, and consumer services. The BCHA has over 600 hotel members and 120 associate members, representing an industry made up of over 80,000 rooms and more than 60,000 employees. For more information, visit bcha.com.
About British Columbia’s Regional Tourism Secretariat:
British Columbia’s Regional Tourism Secretariat is a coalition of industry-led, not-for-profit organizations that provide a trusted voice for businesses, communities, and residents. Consisting of the five regional tourism organizations, including the Thompson Okanagan, the goal of Secretariat is to put people and communities at the heart of BC’s tourism industry.
About STR:
STR provides premium data benchmarking, analytics and marketplace insights for global hospitality sectors. Founded in 1985, STR maintains a presence in 15 countries with a corporate North American headquarters in Hendersonville, Tennessee, an international headquarters in London, and an Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore. STR was acquired in October 2019 by CoStar Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSGP), the leading provider of commercial real estate information, analytics and online marketplaces. For more information, please visit www.str.com and www.costargroup.com
Media Contacts:
Kelsey Millman
Communications for BC Hotel Association
(Beattie Tartan)
Haley Luther
Communications Coordinator
615.824.8664 ext. 3500
Register Now - Reputation Management Webinar - May 5th, 2020
Reputation Management Webinar - Tuesday May 5th, 2020 - 10:00 am.
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) invite you to join us for a Reputation Management Webinar hosted by the BCRTS as part of our ongoing industry support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic through the Tourism Resiliency Network Program.
This webinar, presented by Deirdre Campbell, Managing Director, Canada for Beattie Tartan will talk through the critical steps our tourism and hospitality businesses should take to build and maintain a trusted brand image during a global crisis.
To register for the Reputation Management Webinar Tuesday,May 5th, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. go to: Webinar Registration