TOTA’s Corporate Carbon Inventory & Thompson Okanagan’s Destination Carbon Inventory


With sustainability as one of our guiding principles, and as a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration, TOTA has committed to net zero by 2050 and 50% reduction by 2030. This Carbon Inventory was done to get a comprehensive assessment of our Destination and Corporate carbon emissions and to set the stage for future coordinated action based on accurate data.

A carbon footprint - or Carbon Inventory - measures the amount of greenhouse gasses released by an activity, such as TOTA's business operations. It's expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e), which shows the impact on global warming.

To calculate TOTA's corporate carbon footprint, the GHG Protocol’s Corporate Standard was used, a widely accepted method that ensures consistency in measuring and comparing greenhouse gas emissions across different organizations globally.

If you run a tourism business and have taken actions to decarbonize your business, please let us know by emailing


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