Accessible Graphic Design - Destination British Columbia


Destination BC has published an article to help provide information on Accessible Graphic Designing.

While it’s easy to get hung up on the visual details, graphic design is first and foremost a visual communication method used to convey information with a specific objective. Ease of understanding is the main goal. Everything else – colour, layout, and typography, etc. – is the means designers use to communicate messages more effectively.

So, if getting a message across is the goal, then shouldn’t it be accessible to everyone – or at least to the widest audience possible? To that end, it’s important to consider the diversity of peoples’ abilities, needs, and preferences; What works for one person, may not work for everyone. Some people may perceive colour differently. Others might find it hard to see very light fonts with thin strokes. Many find busy layouts and too much information overwhelming. The more we consider these things when making design decisions, the more likely we are to reach a wider audience with our message.

Whether the design is for print or online, every format has its own considerations and complexities. There are some general rules you can follow regardless of whether you’re creating a website, social media post, digital ad, poster, or slide deck.