TOTA's Energy Analyst Named One of 13 #EnergyChampions in Canada


We are very proud to announce that Thivya Viswanathan, TOTA's Eco Efficiency Analyst was just named one of 13 #EnergyChampions from across the country by Efficiency Canada, celebrating a meaningful career in helping Canada meet its climate goals and improving our everyday lives. Through the feature, Thivya shares her story, background, and passion for creating a greener, more eco-friendly future.


In her role as  TOTA's Energy Analyst, Thivya works closely with tourism and hospitality businesses to help owners and facility managers understand their energy consumption patterns and provide opportunities for cost savings. Engaging in this process provides the Tourism Industry one avenue to take meaningful action in the fight against climate change. 

 If you are interested in working with Thivya through an Energy-Only Assessment (free for tourism & hospitality businesses), or the Eco Efficiency Program (available to Biosphere Committed Companies), book a complimentary meeting to start the conversation

Enjoy Your Easter Weekend 

Please Follow the Provincial Health Orders

Stay Safe, Stay Calm, Be Kind

- The TOTA Team

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