News & Resources

The latest Thompson Okanagan tourism industry news from TOTA, tourism businesses, and communities.

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Industry Sustainability Survey | Closes December 2

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is conducting an industry-wide survey to understand the current sustainability practices of tourism companies in the Thompson Okanagan region, and how to best support sustainability efforts in the coming years.

Thompson Okanagan tourism company owners and senior managers are invited to submit the survey by December 2. Every survey submission will be entered into a draw for an opportunity to win one of two $100 Amazon Gift Cards as a thank you for your time. The draw is limited to one entry per company.

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Take the Survey by December 2 and Enter to Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is conducting an industry-wide survey to understand the current sustainability practices of tourism companies in the Thompson Okanagan region, and how to best support sustainability efforts in the coming years.

Thompson Okanagan tourism company owners and senior managers are invited to submit the survey. Every survey submission will be entered into a draw for an opportunity to win one of two $100 Amazon Gift Cards as a thank you for your time. The draw is limited to one entry per company.

Survey responses will provide a better understanding of current tourism industry sustainability health, efforts, and appetite, which will guide the development of the Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Commitment Program in 2023.

The Biosphere Commitment Program helps tourism companies make continuous progress toward the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by establishing collaborative synergies within the regional tourism industry (Learn more). The program enables TOTA to continuously work with tourism businesses to create a more resilient, healthy, and regenerative tourism industry in the region.

The survey will take 5-10 minutes and will close on Friday, December 2, 2022. Winners will be notified the following week.

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Talent MATCH Seeking Insight Survey | Complete by August 26, 2022

Do you oversee hiring at your organization? Talent MATCH wants to hear from you! Take their brief survey and you’ll be entered to win one of three $50 gift cards or a donation to the charity of your choice.

Please submit survey by August 26th.

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Do you oversee hiring at your organization? Talent MATCH wants to hear from you! Take their brief survey and you’ll be entered to win one of three $50 gift cards or a donation to the charity of your choice.

Talent MATCH programs provide support to museums, arts, tourism, culture, hospitality, and non-profit organizations to learn more about hiring students from post-secondary schools, information on student wage subsidies, and other resources.

Please submit survey by August 26th.

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Tourism Kamloops Launches New Incentive Program

Tourism Kamloops is offering a cash back opportunity.

Through its new incentive program, event planners are rewarded for meeting in Kamloops. Submit your RFP to see if your program qualifies – the reward? $10 per room night.

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Tourism Kamloops is offering a cash back opportunity.

Through its new incentive program, event planners are rewarded for meeting in Kamloops. Submit your RFP to see if your program qualifies – the reward? $10 per room night.

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ITBC Seeks Tourism and Business Development Experts to Work with Indigenous Tourism Businesses in BC

ITBC invites Indigenous experts in various fields to register in their database that they will share with Indigenous tourism businesses, communities, organizations, and entrepreneurs. ITBC hopes these new connections will inspire businesses to work together to enhance and strengthen the Indigenous tourism industry.

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ITBC invites Indigenous experts in various fields to register in their database that they will share with Indigenous tourism businesses, communities, organizations, and entrepreneurs. ITBC hopes these new connections will inspire businesses to work together to enhance and strengthen the Indigenous tourism industry.

ITBC is looking for experts for business support in the following categories:

  • Business plan development and feasibility study

  • Business operations/operational adaptation

  • Digital innovation

  • Experience development

  • Visitor experience

ITBC seeks experts with a minimum of four years of relevant experience in any of the above categories for work with Indigenous communities, businesses, and entrepreneurs.

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Join TOTA at the CRIS Adaptive Amazing Race August 23-24 to Raise Funds for Improving Accessible Outdoor Recreation in the Okanagan

Community Recreational Initiatives Society is hosting the 3rd annual Adaptive Amazing Race in August. The Adaptive Amazing Race is based on the Amazing Race on Television but CRIS’S version utilizes a piece of adaptive equipment. CRIS is looking for teams of 4-6 members to compete in this year's race. If you are unable to participate as a team, you can participate as a prize sponsor or as a general fundraiser.

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TOTA is raising funds and team members are participating in the race in Kelowna on August 24. Want to get support access to the outdoors for all? Make a donation to support CRIS Adaptive towards their goal of enabling outdoor recreation for all.

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Community Recreational Initiatives Society is hosting the 3rd annual Adaptive Amazing Race in August.

The Adaptive Amazing Race is based on the Amazing Race TV series, and involves a piece of adaptive equipment. It is an excellent opportunity if you and your team are looking for a fun team-bonding event. Additionally, it is a great way to contribute to the local community's well-being.

CRIS is looking for teams of 4-6 members to compete in this year's race. If you are unable to participate as a team, you can participate as a prize sponsor or as a general fundraiser.

Dates and Locations:

  • August 23, 2022: 12 pm-3 pm, Polson Park, Vernon

  • August 24, 2022: 11 am-2 pm, Mission Creek Park, Kelowna

Funds raised allow CRIS Adaptive to

  • Maintain and purchase new adaptive equipment

  • Run programs

  • Cover membership and trip fees for individuals who need financial support

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TOTA Participating in CRIS Adaptive Amazing Race

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is committed to supporting accessible and inclusive tourism in the region. As a partner and supporter of CRIS Adaptive, TOTA is raising funds and team members are participating in the race in Kelowna on August 24.

Want to get involved? Make a donation to support CRIS Adaptive towards their goal of enabling outdoor recreation for all.

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Survey | National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

The Ministry of Labour is inviting you to participate in a survey on how workplaces and businesses can commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th) each year, including whether BC should establish a new employer-paid statutory holiday starting in 2023.

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The Ministry of Labour is inviting you to participate in a survey on how workplaces and businesses can commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th) each year, including whether BC should establish a new employer-paid statutory holiday starting in 2023.

That National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a federal statutory holiday which commemorates the history and legacy of the residential school system, honours the resilience, dignity and strength of survivors, and remembers the children that never came home. Designating this day as a provincial statutory holiday would entitle BC employees covered by the Employment Standards Act to an employer-paid day off to personally commemorate the day, or to payment at premium rates if they are required to work on that day.

You are encouraged to submit your views until September 21st. Please forward the link to the survey to your colleagues, members of your organization, and anyone else whom you think will be interested in participating.

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Glohaven Community Hub Seeking Investors

Glohaven is seeking investors / individuals who support the tourism industry and community-based projects.

To learn more, contact Glohaven CEO and Founder, Michael Benedek, at


Glohaven is a destination management ecosystem that supports tourism communities to increase tourism innovation in Canada. The digital community hub seamlessly integrates a variety of local tourism products, experiences, information, and tools into one platform to easily connect to the growing audience of socially conscious consumers in the online world. 

Currently, Glohaven is:

  • Commercializing with key customers like the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada

  • Onboarding the first round of Beta test vendors to, with plans to open the platform to public users in December. Testing will begin with a few pilot community marketplaces including Osoyoos and Vernon, with several Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) members.

  • Curating custom Globoxes™ (tourism gift boxes) for a variety of clients this year including major destination resorts and tourism organizations.

Investment Opportunity

To fuel growth over the next 12 - 18 months, Glohaven opened a $1.5 Million round of funding, with $200,000 secured. Glohaven is seeking investors / individuals who support the tourism industry and community-based projects. Through this investment opportunity, individuals from B.C. who invest in Glohaven receive a 30% refundable tax credit through the Province of BC / Investment Capital Branch / Eligible Business Corporation program.

To learn more, contact Glohaven CEO and Founder, Michael Benedek, at

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TED@Destination Canada | Apply by August 14, 2022

Destination Canada and TED are collaborating to create TED@DestinationCanada, producing 14 TED Talks from the brightest speakers, best storytellers and biggest changemakers connected to Canada. They are looking for fresh ideas across a breadth of industries, from the creative economy, to academia, culture, business innovation, climate, tech, tourism and more.

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Destination Canada and TED are collaborating to create TED@DestinationCanada, producing 14 TED Talks from the brightest speakers, best storytellers and biggest changemakers connected to Canada. They are looking for fresh ideas across a breadth of industries, from the creative economy, to academia, culture, business innovation, climate, tech, tourism and more.

These ideas will reflect how the people, places and perspectives of our country naturally inspire and support thinking as expansive as our land. Given a world stage, these ideas will impact how global minds view our country and drive the next wave of changemakers in Canada to reach beyond the parameters of today, to imagine the potential of tomorrow.

The Talks will be filmed on February 23, 2023 at the TED World Theater in New York City, an intimate venue at TED headquarters. Once recorded, the Talks will be published on and beyond, and be available for viewing for years to come.

In forming a partnership with TED, renowned for bringing together the biggest thinkers with inspiring ideas that lead to action, Destination Canada will refresh and elevate the perception of Canada as an ideal place to travel, and by extension, study, work, invest and live.

If you (or someone you know) have an idea worth spreading, please apply. Deadline for application is August 14, 2022.

The theme of the event is:


When we come together with open hearts and open minds, anything is possible. We see connections everywhere. We welcome all ideas, experiences, and ways of life—because this is how we learn, grow, and change.

How it Works:

  1. Candidates apply online to speak by submitting the TED@DestinationCanada application, which includes completing a questionnaire and submitting a 1-minute selfie-video describing their idea. The deadline to apply is Sunday, August 14, 2022 (11:59pm ET).

  2. From the submissions, TED will select the most interesting and surprising ideas that will be relevant to a curious, educated global audience and invite applicants to discuss their ideas via a 30-minute Zoom call.

  3. TED selects the final speakers, and they develop their Talks with a speaker coach. The speaker lineup will be confirmed in October.

  4. TED@DestinationCanada takes place February 23, 2023!

Note: The team at TED will be reviewing the applicants. The videos cannot exceed 1 minute. If you submit a video longer than 60 seconds, it will not be viewed, and your application will not be considered. Please be attentive to the duration of your submission video.

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Province Seeks Nominees for Medal of Good Citizenship | Apply by Sept 6

BC’s tourism industry has stepped forward to help our communities in so many ways over the last year. Do you know someone who should be recognized for their efforts? British Columbians are encouraged to nominate their fellow citizens who have made outstanding contributions through exceptional service to their communities for this year's Medal of Good Citizenship. It recognizes people for extraordinary generosity, service, acts of selflessness and contributions to their community.

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BC’s tourism industry has stepped forward to help our communities in so many ways over the last year. Do you know someone who should be recognized for their efforts?

British Columbians are encouraged to nominate their fellow citizens who have made outstanding contributions through exceptional service to their communities for this year's Medal of Good Citizenship. It recognizes people for extraordinary generosity, service, acts of selflessness and contributions to their community.

Nominations for this year’s Medal of Good Citizenship are being accepted until Sept. 6, 2022. Nominations received after that date will be considered for the 2023 cycle. British Columbians can nominate individuals, organizations or youth in their communities.

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BC Fairs Launches Buy BC Agriculture Trivia Contest

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is partnering with the BC Association of Agricultural Fairs and Exhibitions to launch a Buy BC Trivia Contest during the 2022 B.C. fair season to help increase awareness of the Buy BC brand and encourage people to purchase B.C food and beverage products.

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is partnering with the BC Association of Agricultural Fairs and Exhibitions to launch a Buy BC Trivia Contest during the 2022 B.C. fair season to help increase awareness of the Buy BC brand and encourage people to purchase B.C food and beverage products.

British Columbians can take part in the contest by visiting participating fairs’ websites and social media pages to find digital scavenger items, which are agricultural facts related to a fair’s region. To enter the contest, individuals must answer at least five trivia questions and submit the answers through the BC Fairs mobile app or by completing an entry form on the BC Fairs’ website.

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Monte Creek Winery Is Raising Awareness And Funds To Support Badgers For July

Monte Creek Winery is running its 2nd annual campaign supporting endangered badgers. BC badgers, also known as Taxidea taxus jeffersonii, are only found in BC, and fewer than 350 of them are left. They are red-listed and ranked S2, or imperilled, by the BC Conservation Data Centre.


Monte Creek Winery is running its 2nd annual campaign supporting endangered badgers. BC badgers, also known as Taxidea taxus jeffersonii, are only found in BC, and fewer than 350 of them are left. They are red-listed and ranked S2, or imperilled, by the BC Conservation Data Centre.

The leading cause of badger deaths in BC is highway mortality since they cross large land areas during their mating season in July and August. Monte Creek Winery partnerships with the Wildlife Program British Columbia Ministry of Transportation, the BC Badger Society conservation group, and the Ministry of the Environment to clear out any clogged culverts in order to ensure wildlife can pass under the highway. The next steps are to put up badger crossing highway signs as well as to support research projects around badger conservation. 

To raise funds Monte Creek Winery is selling buttons and accepting donations for the month of July. Additionally, they are auctioning off two original badger paintings created by local artists, Ron Parker and Alina Schevchenko. The money raised from these efforts will be going to a conservation group.

The BC Wildlife Park will receive money raised from selling postcards and the proceeds collected by auctioning off two commissioned paintings that Bloom the badger graciously donated to the cause. You can view all of the paintings being auctioned via their website.

Monte Creek Winery encourages everyone to support BC badgers by slowing down this summer and being aware of potential badger crossings while travelling. You can report badger sightings to the BC Badger Society via their website.

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Share Feedback on the BC 2030 Olympic Bid

The 2030 BC Olympic Team has entered the Engagement Phase of exploring the possibility of hosting the 2030 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in British Columbia.

Bringing the Olympic Games to BC in 2030 could have an enormous impact on the provincial accommodation and tourism industries. The organizing committee met with various councils, including the City of Vancouver.

You can engage with the BC 2030 Olympic bid in the following methods:

  • Send a letter or comment to the Vancouver City Council

  • Complete the engagement survey on the site


The 2030 BC Olympic Team has entered the Engagement Phase of exploring the possibility of hosting the 2030 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in British Columbia.

Bringing the Olympic Games to BC in 2030 could have an enormous impact on the provincial accommodation and tourism industries. The organizing committee met with various councils, including the City of Vancouver.

You can engage with the BC 2030 Olympic bid in the following methods:

  • Send a letter or comment to the Vancouver City Council

  • Complete the engagement survey on the site

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Tourism Growth Strategy Survey | Share Feedback by August 3

The Government of Canada wants to hear from Canadian tourism stakeholders as it charts the path forward for the sector. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is conducting a public consultation on the development of a post-pandemic Federal Tourism Growth Strategy--including a focus on labour gaps and instability. The consultation period now ends August 3.

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The Government of Canada wants to hear from Canadian tourism stakeholders as it charts the path forward for the sector. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is conducting a public consultation on the development of a post-pandemic Federal Tourism Growth Strategy--including a focus on labour gaps and instability. The consultation period now ends August 3.

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Okanagan Valley Nominated for 10Best Readers' Choice Travel Awards | Vote by July 18

The Okanagan Valley has been nominated for USA Today’s 2022 10Best Readers' Choice Travel Awards! An expert panel selected Okanagan Valley as a contender for Best Wine Region category, out of more than 250 North American grapegrowing regions.

Voting ends Monday, July 18 and winners will be announced on 10Best on July 29 at 9AM PT.

Vote for Okanagan Valley as Best Wine Region →


The Okanagan Valley has been nominated for USA Today’s 2022 10Best Readers' Choice Travel Awards! An expert panel selected Okanagan Valley as a contender for Best Wine Region category, out of more than 250 North American grapegrowing regions.

Voting ends Monday, July 18 and winners will be announced on 10Best on July 29 at 9AM PT.

Vote for Okanagan Valley as Best Wine Region →

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Donate to the Lytton Rebuild Fund

On June 30, 2021, the beautiful Village of Lytton was destroyed by a fire that swept through the town with such speed and fury, most residents didn’t have time to grab much, if anything. Nearly the entire village was destroyed.

To assist with rebuilding a sustainable Lytton, the village has created a Rebuild Fund to enable people to help through donations.

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On June 30, 2021, the beautiful Village of Lytton was destroyed by a fire that swept through the town with such speed and fury, most residents didn’t have time to grab much, if anything. Nearly the entire village was destroyed.

To assist with rebuilding a sustainable Lytton, the village has created a Rebuild Fund to enable people to help through donations.

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P.E.A. (People. Environment. Achievement.) Awards | Submit Nomination by August 31, 2022

P.E.A. (People. Environment. Achievement.) Awards is the UK’s leading sustainability and climate awards, honouring the individuals and teams behind the products, services, and businesses that are changing the face of our planet.

The P.E.A. Awards identifies and celebrates the green heroes who are taking matters into their own hands and providing inspiring alternatives to business as usual. These sustainability pioneers are recognised and rewarded at a glamorous green carpet event. Winners will receive a high-profile editorial in My Green Pod magazine distributed online to over 7 million people.

It is free to nominate yourself, a colleague, a team, a product, or a business in multiple categories. Nominations close August 31, 2022.

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P.E.A. (People. Environment. Achievement.) Awards is the UK’s leading sustainability and climate awards, honouring the individuals and teams behind the products, services, and businesses that are changing the face of our planet.

Awards are given to Earth ambassadors who are committed to revolutionizing old models and systems across sectors ranging from finance and energy to music and art.

The P.E.A. Awards identifies and celebrates the green heroes who are taking matters into their own hands and providing inspiring alternatives to business as usual. These sustainability pioneers are recognised and rewarded at a glamorous green carpet event.

Prizes and Benefits

Winners will receive a high-profile editorial in My Green Pod magazine distributed online to over 7 million people. Other prizes, donated by the P.E.A. sponsors, will be announced on the night!

How to Nominate

It is free to nominate yourself, a colleague, a team, a product, or a business in multiple categories.

Nominations close August 31, 2022.

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UNWTO Awake Tourism Challenge & Startup Support Program to Accelerate Sustainability

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has launched the Awake Tourism Challenge, a competition and program to find and support innovative startups working to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Deadline to submit your application: October 15, 2022

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The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has launched the Awake Tourism Challenge, a competition and program to find and support innovative startups working to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Startups from all walks of life, from all over the world and all economic sectors are invited to participate.

Participating startups will be assessed according to their:

  • Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Ease of value capture via collaboration with the startup

  • Potential business impact

  • Maturity of the product/technology

  • Maturity of the team and the organization

  • Partnership readiness


  1. Local community involvement.

  2. Green and blue economies.

  3. Ecological and Sustainable Capital Creation.

  4. Tourism Tech for Good.

  5. Tourism Education.

  6. Women Empowerment.


Benefits for winning startups include but are not limited to:

  1. Pitch at a UNWTO Demo Day.

  2. Curated mentorship programme including one-on-one and in-group sessions focused on Intellectual Property (IP), sustainability, business and leadership.

  3. Connection to the UNWTO Innovation Network for meeting public and private stakeholders to explore funding and piloting opportunities.

  4. Potential matchmaking with partners to scale up the startups, including investors, corporations and governments.

  5. Potential seed funding.

Deadline to submit your application: October 15, 2022

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Tourism Growth Strategy Survey for Tourism Operator Priorities

The Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) is putting together its submission for the new Federal Tourism Growth Strategy and your input matters. TIAC’s goal is a submission that reflects the tourism industry’s priorities for moving towards growth, investment, and stability.

The deadline is Friday, June 17, 2022.

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The Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) is putting together its submission for the new Federal Tourism Growth Strategy and your input matters. TIAC’s goal is a submission that reflects the tourism industry’s priorities for moving towards growth, investment, and stability.

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SURVEY | BC 2030 Olympic & Paralympic Feasibility Team

The BC 2030 Feasibility Team announced exciting new details for the BC 2030 Olympic and Paralympic Games bid, including a venue map and additional information on the concept behind the Indigenous-led Games in B.C. The group has now entered its engagement phase to learn how the games can be delivered to benefit B.C. province-wide. All British Columbians are encouraged to take the survey and share your perspective.

Learn more about the 2030 Games Engagement →


The BC 2030 Feasibility Team announced exciting new details for the BC 2030 Olympic and Paralympic Games bid, including a venue map and additional information on the concept behind the Indigenous-led Games in B.C.

The Lil̓’wat7úl (Lil’wat), xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) First Nations have invited the City of Vancouver, the Resort Municipality of Whistler, the Canadian Olympic Committee, and the Canadian Paralympic Committee to officially collaborate on exploring the feasibility of hosting an Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (the Games) in British Columbia.

Learn more about the 2030 Games Engagement →

The group has now entered its engagement phase to learn how the games can be delivered to benefit B.C. province-wide. All British Columbians are encouraged to take the survey and share your perspective.

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British Columbians Invited to Share 2023 Budget Priorities by June 24

People in British Columbia are asked to share their ideas and priorities to help make life better for people, businesses, and communities as government plans Budget 2023.

Budget 2022 focused on continuing to protect people’s health and livelihoods, while building an economic future that works for everyone. Government will continue to put people first and, as government looks ahead to Budget 2023, continue to look for ways to keep bringing costs down for families

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People in British Columbia are asked to share their ideas and priorities to help make life better for people, businesses, and communities as government plans Budget 2023.

Budget 2022 focused on continuing to protect people’s health and livelihoods, while building an economic future that works for everyone. Government will continue to put people first and, as government looks ahead to Budget 2023, continue to look for ways to keep bringing costs down for families.

Participants are asked to focus on three recommendations for the next provincial budget.

Opportunities to complete the submission form and the survey are open until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, June 24.

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Read 2023 budget consultation paper →

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