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The latest Thompson Okanagan tourism industry news from TOTA, tourism businesses, and communities.
AGM & Board Director Call for Nominations
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) will hold the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 29, 2024, at 3:30-4:30 pm, in the Prestige Vernon Lodge & Conference Centre.
We invite Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association voting stakeholders to put their name forward or to nominate a qualified candidate to serve as a member of the TOTA Board of Directors for a two-year term, effective October 29, 2024, to the 2026 AGM.
The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) will hold the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 29, 2024, at 3:30-4:30 pm, in the Prestige Vernon Lodge & Conference Centre in Vernon, home of the Okanagan Indian Band and the unceded, traditional territory of the Syilx People.
On behalf of TOTA Vice-Chair and Governance Committee Chair, Sandra Oldfield, we invite Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association voting stakeholders to put their name forward or to nominate a qualified candidate to serve as a member of the TOTA Board of Directors for a two-year term, effective October 29, 2024, to the 2026 AGM.
Leading up to the AGM, the Board Election will take place as follows:
Deadline to become a Voting Member: August 29
Call for Nominations: August 30 - September 20 (3 weeks)
Electronic Voting: October 1 - 15 (2 weeks)
Election results announced at TOTA AGM and first board meeting: October 29
TOTA is committed to assisting and supporting tourism stakeholders and working closely with Destination BC to put the Thompson Okanagan region and the Province of BC at the forefront of innovation as we maneuver through the tourism industry’s changing landscape.
This year, there are 10 openings. 7 directors are letting their names stand for re-election. 4 directors moving into the second year of their 2-year term.
Directors continuing their term:
Owner & Manager
Blind Bay | Shuswap
Executive Director, Travel Penticton Society
Penticton | South Okanagan
Sandra Oldfield, Vice-Chair
Elysian Projects & Fortify Conference & Tradeshow
South Okanagan
General Manager, Coast Capri Hotel
Kelowna | Central Okanagan
Current directors standing for re-election:
Economic Development & Communications
Westbank | Central Okanagan
Co-Founder / Director, Business Development
Penticton | South Okanagan
Managing Director
Kamloops | Thompson Valleay
General Manager, Best Western Plus Gateway to the Falls
Clearwater | North Thompson
Executive Director
Osoyoos | South Okanagan
Team Leader, Tourism and Film
Tourism Shuswap / Columbia Shuswap Regional District
Salmon Arm | Shuswap
Executive Director
Destination Silver Star / Silver Star Resort Association
Vernon | North Okanagan
Thank you to the exiting directors:
Michael J. Ballingall, Chair (moving into position of Past Chair)
Senior Vice President
Boundary Country
Business Development Officer
Kamloops | South Thompson
Patricia Leslie, Secretary-Treasurer
National People & Culture Business Partner, for the Estate Wine Group of Andrew Peller properties
Okanagan Valley
Submit a Nomination
We look forward to having candidates representing various communities and sectors, with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.
Voting members are eligible to put a name forward as a candidate in the election. Candidates must complete the nomination form which includes signatures from 4 voting stakeholders - see details below.
If you or someone you know is interested to run in the TOTA board election and is on the current Voting Stakeholder List, please:
Collect signatures for the nomination form
Submit the nomination form to TOTABC.org/AGM/election by 11:59 pm, September 20, 2024
For questions, please email BoardLiaison@TOTABC.com.
Register for the TOTA AGM & Summit
October 29 - 30, 2024
Hosted with Tourism Vernon & Destination Silver Star