News & Resources
The latest Thompson Okanagan tourism industry news from TOTA, tourism businesses, and communities.
BC Tourism & Hospitality Award Thompson Okanagan Recipients
The British Columbia Hotel Association (BCHA) and Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) announced the winners of the 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Awards. The winners were announced during the 2022 Awards Gala on March 10, presented by Indigenous Tourism BC.
The awards recognize and celebrate excellence within British Columbia's tourism & hospitality industry.
Congratulations to all the nominees and winners of the awards for remarkable leadership and outstanding contribution.
Congratulations to the following award winners, which operate in the Thompson Okanagan:
Accessibility Award: Kootenay Adaptive Sport Association (KASA) for a significant contribution towards making B.C. an inclusive and welcoming destination for everyone, that has built the capacity to support more accessible tourism & hospitality products, services and experiences, and provides an outstanding experience for guests with disabilities.
Employees First Award: Accent Inns & Hotel Zed for being employer who has upheld high standards of excellence in occupational health & safety, human resource management practices, and workplace culture.
The British Columbia Hotel Association (BCHA) and Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) announced the winners of the 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Awards. The winners were announced during the 2022 Awards Gala on March 10, presented by Indigenous Tourism BC.
The awards recognize and celebrate excellence within British Columbia's tourism & hospitality industry.
Congratulations to all the nominees and winners of the awards for remarkable leadership and outstanding contribution.
Congratulations to the following award winners, which operate in the Thompson Okanagan:
Accessibility Award: Kootenay Adaptive Sport Association (KASA) for a significant contribution towards making B.C. an inclusive and welcoming destination for everyone, that has built the capacity to support more accessible tourism & hospitality products, services and experiences, and provides an outstanding experience for guests with disabilities.
Employees First Award: Accent Inns & Hotel Zed for being employer who has upheld high standards of excellence in occupational health & safety, human resource management practices, and workplace culture.
Submit a In Memoriam Tribute for BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference by Feb 11, 2022
Over recent years, many have experienced the pain that comes with loss as we've been forced to say goodbye to some of our most beloved colleagues and industry friends. The absence has been felt across our sector, and due to restrictions on gatherings and events caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have not been able to celebrate their lives and achievements as we once would have.
This year's BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference will be paying respects through an "In Memoriam" slideshow tribute that honours all of those who have passed since we last met in person. We need your help to ensure that each of our industry friends are included.
Please send submissions to info@bctourismandhospitalityconference.com by Friday, February 11.
In your submissions, please detail the individual's:
First and last name
Title and company from their latest role
An image or headshot
Over recent years, many have experienced the pain that comes with loss as we've been forced to say goodbye to some of our most beloved colleagues and industry friends. The absence has been felt across our sector, and due to restrictions on gatherings and events caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have not been able to celebrate their lives and achievements as we once would have.
This year's BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference will be paying respects through an "In Memoriam" slideshow tribute that honours all of those who have passed since we last met in person. We need your help to ensure that each of our industry friends are included.
How to Submit:
Please send direct submissions to info@bctourismandhospitalityconference.com by Friday, February 11.
In your submissions, please detail the individual's:
First and last name
Title and company from their latest role
An image or headshot
Call for Presentations: BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference | Submission Deadline: Dec 17, 2021
Tourism stakeholders are invited to submit a proposal for a presentation at the 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference taking place in Richmond, B.C. from March 9 – 11, 2022. The theme of the 2022 conference is Kickstarting the Comeback. The conference is seeking presentations on success stories, resiliency, new research and best practices, creative projects and initiatives, and bold ideas that will help kickstart the comeback of B.C.’s tourism industry. A limited number of submissions will be chosen to present during the conference.
The deadline to submit a proposal for presentation is December 17, 2021.
Attendee registration will open in early 2022.
Tourism stakeholders are invited to submit a proposal for a presentation at the 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference taking place in Richmond, B.C. from March 9 – 11, 2022. The 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference is brought to you by the Tourism Industry Association of BC and the BC Hotel Association.
The theme of the 2022 conference is Kickstarting the Comeback. Hundreds of tourism owner/operators, hoteliers, destination marketing and management professionals, educators, government representatives, industry sectors, and other stakeholders representing all regions of British Columbia will gather together to learn, tackle issues, forge new relationships, and work toward resiliency in the face of one of the hardest years in our sector's history. The conference is seeking presentations on success stories, resiliency, new research and best practices, creative projects and initiatives, and bold ideas that will help kickstart the comeback of B.C.’s tourism industry. A limited number of submissions will be chosen to present during the conference.
The deadline to submit a proposal for presentation is December 17, 2021.
Attend registration will open in early 2022.
BC Tourism & Hospitality Awards | Nominations Open Until January 14, 2022
The 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Awards are presented by BCHA and TIABC to recognize and celebrate excellence, leadership, and innovation within British Columbia’s tourism & hospitality industry. These Awards recognize the province’s most exceptional products, services, experiences, and people who exhibit the utmost standard of excellence.
If you know a business, organization, or individual deserving of a nomination, submit your nomination before January 14, 2022.
The 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Awards are presented by BCHA and TIABC to recognize and celebrate excellence, leadership, and innovation within British Columbia’s tourism & hospitality industry. These Awards recognize the province’s most exceptional products, services, experiences, and people who exhibit the utmost standard of excellence.
Award nominations are now open! Awards will be presented in the following eight categories:
Indigenous Operator
Employees First
Business Woman of The Year
Hotelier of The Year
Community Contribution & Impact
Professional Excellence
Finalists will be announced in February, and the official recipients will be awarded at the Awards Gala evening during the 2022 BC Tourism and Hospitality Conference on Thursday, March 10, 2022, held at the Richmond Conference Centre.
If you know a business, organization, or individual deserving of a nomination, submit your nomination before January 14, 2022.
Silent Auction
The 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Silent Auction will be held in conjunction with the 2022 Conference and Awards Gala. If you are interested in donating an item, contact info@bctourismandhospitalityconference.com.