Submit a In Memoriam Tribute for BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference by Feb 11, 2022


Over recent years, many have experienced the pain that comes with loss as we've been forced to say goodbye to some of our most beloved colleagues and industry friends. The absence has been felt across our sector, and due to restrictions on gatherings and events caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have not been able to celebrate their lives and achievements as we once would have.

This year's BC Tourism & Hospitality Conference will be paying respects through an "In Memoriam" slideshow tribute that honours all of those who have passed since we last met in person. We need your help to ensure that each of our industry friends are included.

How to Submit:

Please send direct submissions to by Friday, February 11.

In your submissions, please detail the individual's:

  1. First and last name

  2. Title and company from their latest role

  3. An image or headshot


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