Wines of BC Vintage Report - 2021


Wine Growers British Columbia (WGBC) released the annual BC Wine Grape 2021 Vintage Report, which reveals another harvest of impressive quality achieved through expert vineyard management during a record-shattering year for wine regions across the province.

Overall, winegrowers throughout British Columbia agree that the 2021 vintage will be remembered for low yields but intensely flavoured fruit resulting in wines of remarkable character, concentrated flavours, and balanced acidity.

The intricacies of such a one-of-a-kind growing season are best reviewed in detail in the full report, with data sourced from industry participants at WGBC’s annual Winemakers and Viticulturists Forum and Vintage Survey.

The BC Wine Grape Vintage Report is available to BC wine lovers and industry professionals alike and an essential tool to understand and promote the exceptional wines that came from the eventful 2021 growing season.

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