Call for insights to support SFU study on advancing tourism resilience through big data and smart destination practices


TOTA is seeking tourism business owners and operators to share knowledge and insights in the study From panic to planning: Advancing tourism resilience through big data and smart destination practices by participating in a short one-on-one interview in February to April 2024. This study, in partnership with Simon Fraser University (SFU), looks to better understand the role of data for decision making in tourism related organizations.

By participating you will help TOTA to understand the specific data needs of the regional industry and to better tailor data programs and services to fit these needs.

Participants will receive a report highlighting the findings of the study for use in their own organization. 

Individuals that wish to participate are invited to reach out to Scott Peters from SFU, who is focusing his PhD on tourism resiliency in the Thompson Okanagan region and will be conducting the interviews.

Interviews are typically 20-40 minutes in length depending of the level of insights the participants wish to share.

There are three interview options:

  1. Video call interviews: February 7 - April 30, 2024

  2. Email interviews: February 7 - April 30, 2024

  3. In-person interviews: April 15 - April 30, 2024

The interview questions serve as a guideline and conversation can be tailed to your specific industry and insights.

View Interview Questions →

How to Get Involved

Expression of interest to participate or any questions regarding this study can be sent to

Before your interview, please fill out the study consent form HERE and email

We look forward to the opportunity to learn from your insights.