Improvements Coming to BC Parks Digital Services | Share Your Feedback


BC Parks is inviting British Columbians to participate in the redesign of its digital services since the journey for many people seeking outdoor experiences begins online. Feedback can be shared through the new test site at

People can participate in the redesign to create a more user-friendly and inclusive online experience through

The new BC Parks test site is live and provides a glimpse into the design work and improvements being made. New content and features will be added to the site during the coming months. People can also sign up to join future focus groups to help inform the future of all BC Parks digital products and services.

A key feature of the redesign is to improve the online reservation system with expanded features. Opening March 21, 2022, the new reservation service will be available through the BC Parks website and will include key features such as:

  • more flexible search options to find and book a campsite;

  • maps, calendars and lists of available sites for quicker navigation;

  • saved booking preferences and locations within customer accounts; and

  • as many as five large photos per campsite.

Share your thoughts on the new website design →