go2HR’s B.C. Labour Market Survey

go2HR Labour Market Info Project.png

Help the Tourism & Hospitality Industry Return to a New Normal

Participate in the go2HR’s B.C. labour market survey and enter into a draw for prizes valued at $1,500.

go2HR has been hard at work undertaking a Labour Market Information research project to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on our workforce. Even before COVID-19, the industry faced some significant human resource challenges. These challenges may increase as we emerge from the pandemic.

go2HR is seeking feedback from a representative sample of employers across all sectors and regions of the province. It takes approximately 25 minutes to complete the survey to share the impact of COVID-19 on your tourism operators, human resource issues, and what can be done to help industry in dealing with these issues going forward. Any information provided will be held confidential, used only for the purpose of this study, and reported only in summary form with the responses of other respondents.