2021 Eco Efficiency Excellence Award Winner - Kelowna Yacht Club
Kelowna Yacht Club selected as the 2021 Eco Efficiency Excellence Award Winner!
The Kelowna Yacht Club actively participated in most of the TOTA programs and workshops throughout 2021 that were centered around sustainability. By participating in the Eco Efficiency Program the recommendations provided to the Kelowna Yacht Club were implementing an internal recycling program, the data collected assisted in measuring their organizational level carbon footprint, and created three in-house sustainability programs; Save Energy, Save Water, and Waste Reduction Program.
Eco Efficiency Highlights
Key Impacts Kelowna Yacht Club Has Implemented:
Internal recycling program
Participated in the Eco Efficiency Program
Created their “Save Energy” program
Created an environment team and a sustainability policy
70% of lights at the Kelowna Yacht Club are LED
Created an Energy Conservation Campaign
Developing waste program
Developing and continuing to work towards the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030
“We wish to collaborate and partner with other businesses to promote the transition into more environmental-sustainable actions to generate a bigger impact and push towards a positive change in our city.”
Brenda Cortes, Environmental Manager