Manic Monday | Taking Care of Yourself Mentally and Physically

In these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever to stay connected. As we have been advising over the past few weeks, we will be updating our website and News Centre with pertinent links to information as it becomes available and we will continue to take your comments, questions, and concerns weekly to the Provincial Government and Destination BC.

Our team will be contacting many of you with a series of questions on both your current needs and thoughts for recovery initiatives and you can reach us directly on the COVID-19 situation at

This morning, however, I really wanted to stress the importance of staying healthy, both physically and mentally, during these days and weeks of social distancing, self-isolation, and working from home.

One comment I heard, that has stayed with me, was "some people will take this time to watch shows, overeat and consume too much alcohol or similar substances while others will take the time to improve themselves."  It really is a choice we all can make.

A few good tips and reminders that I have seen for staying healthy while staying apart:

  • Get outside for a walk or a bike ride, even if you only go around the block get some fresh spring air

  • Limit the amount of daily information you read on the COVID-19 virus. While it is critical to know the government updates, once or twice a day will keep you informed

  • Grow an Indoor Garden with your kids to keep them busy and transfer outside once the weather gets hotter

  • Sign up for an online course... that one you always meant to do... or pick up that book that you have been putting off reading

  • Find your inner creative self! Depending on your talents, use that part of your brain that sometimes gets neglected; create music, paint, journal, start that book you have always wanted to write

  • If you are able; grocery shop for neighbours or those that are in quarantine or self-isolation

  • Stay connected with family, friends, and co-workers to make sure they are doing okay.

  • As simple as a phone call, using tools like Zoom, Facetime or Google Hangouts to have virtual meetups and happy hours, together!

This is not an easy time, but when it is over, and it will eventually be over, you can look back and realize all that you accomplished, or not, it really is your choice.
This situation is out of our control but how we react to it is the one thing we are able to take into our own hands.

Be safe, stay healthy, look after each other, social distance, self-isolate and remember to be kind.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


Manic Monday | We Want To Hear From You


Manic Monday | Crisis Management Protocols in Full Force