Manic Monday | Crisis Management Protocols in Full Force

As we are hearing on a daily basis, these are unprecedented times for the entire world. Navigating the COVID-19 virus will test us all and I cannot say enough about the women and men on the front lines of this situation, assisting those that are unwell, potentially putting themselves directly in harm's way, as well as those that are working tirelessly to find a vaccine.

It is important that we take the direction from our public health officials seriously. We collectively have the ability to slow this virus down and flatten the curve, protecting our health care system and ensuring those that are in need of it the most have the access when they require it.

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At TOTA, we have implemented our emergency planning protocols which are focused on regular communications weekly with our Provincial Leaders, Community DMO"s, and the regional tourism stakeholders.

We will be contacting many of you directly to understand how your business is being impacted and the measures you are currently taking or considering implementing. Most importantly, we will be asking for your thoughts on recovery initiatives that you believe would help get your business now and when we are through the worst of the situation. We also ask you to reach out to our office if you have information and recommendations that you believe will be useful to share. Please contact us directly through our Crisis Management Specialist, Rob Grifone, at (778) 721-5517 or and we will make sure your thoughts are included in our reporting.

All of this information collected will be regularly shared with Destination BC; Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister, Lisa Beare; and her Minister colleagues as she works together with other key ministries to assist the tourism industry in both the short and long term.

We will also have links to important information and resources on our website and the News Centre for ease of access.

Again, as we hear regularly, stay healthy, wash your hands, practice social distancing, stay home if you are sick with any form of cold or flu and above all be kind.

This crisis too will pass, but how we work together, strive to listen and communicate real facts and follow the guidelines being put forward by our health officials the better we will all be...

Stay safe and healthy.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


Manic Monday | Taking Care of Yourself Mentally and Physically


Manic Monday | BC Tourism Industry Moves Sustainably Forward Together