Manic Monday | A TOTA Health Tip

If I told you that our team at TOTA could assist you with Weight Loss, Better Sleep, Reduced Stress, Heart Health, Strong Bones and Overall Longevity I bet you would want to know more!

Well...these are all of the benefits of a sport that most of us are very familiar with and one that we want you to participate in on September 1st - The annual Thompson Okanagan Golf Tournament.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the tournament and we want you to take part not only for all of the amazing health benefits noted, but also for a chance to enjoy networking with others in the tourism industry from around the region and the province and it is a great way to support the BC Hospitality Foundation who benefit from partial proceeds at this event.

Of course there are great prizes and a fantastic dinner planned but mostly we want you to come for your health and well being 😁 and you don't have to take our word for it...all of these tremendous health benefits that are yours to enjoy as a result of golf are outlined in more detail in that attached online article on health and fitness....

Already playing? Invite someone you know to join you!  And Remember you are doing it for their health...

Register Now!

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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Manic Monday | Is there someone you should invite to play?