Manic Monday | What if you could implement a win, win, win, win initiative?

Attracting and retaining employees has long been a challenge in many industries and with tourism being so labour intensive it has always been a critical issue. Many things contribute to employee retention but there are some new and unique ideas starting to gain momentum.

One emerging trend in employee benefits is the concept of employers supporting the volunteerism efforts of their team. Employees are encouraged as individuals, departments or groups to offer their time and in some cases, their expertise for the betterment of communities, near or far and the citizens who live there. In turn, employers reward them for doing so. Initiatives can range from cleaning local beaches to building homes in 3rd world countries, helping with a hot meal program at a local school to helping in an African orphanage and everything in between.

Time donated by Individual employees is tracked and recognized by the organization in a variety of different ways. The business itself is also able to measure the total contribution as an organization that has been donated for the betterment of others. Differentiating themselves as an employer who cares.

This story is truly a win, win, win, win.  Not only do communities and individuals who are in need, benefit, but recent studies indicate that programs like these can reduce employee turnover by as much as 57%.  Employees feel better about themselves and about the company they work for and take pride in knowing their employer cares. Consumers do too and more and more millennials want to purchase from philanthropic-minded companies.

If you think this is something your company could benefit from there are businesses that can help you get started. In our own region, one such company is  Do Some Good, developed by local business partners.

What do you have to lose.....with a win, win, win, win initiative? It seems to me you have only got the opportunity to gain....

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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