Free Online Health & Safety Training Course for Tourism & Hospitality Employees Open for Registration


BSAFE (BC Safety Assured For Everyone) a new, 90-minute online health and safety course created by go2HR is expected to launch in mid-May and is now open for employers to pre-register.

Geared towards employees in BC’s tourism and hospitality industry, BSAFE provides staff with a strong foundation in COVID-19 health and safety protocols and assists them in understanding ever-evolving best practices. Once the course is completed, participants are awarded a certificate that demonstrates their knowledge of and commitment to COVID-19 health and safety. Supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, BSAFE aims to build community and staff confidence in the health and safety protocols of BC’s tourism and hospitality industry as the province navigates and emerges from the COVID-19 era.

Thank you to the team at go2HR for their efforts in bringing this program together. We know this is an important step in our province's move toward recovery and resiliency and we encourage all of our tourism businesses to take the time to participate in this new program.


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