Share Your Story with TIABC in Hardest Hit Campaign | Deadline: May 6

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A growing coalition of tourism and hospitality businesses and sectors from around the province is adding its voice to a BC version of the “Hardest Hit” campaign to compel federal and provincial governments to work with our sector on a restart plan that includes the lifting of travel restrictions for immunized people and for those that have tested negative for the COVID-19 virus.

As part of the advocacy efforts, TIABC is collecting information in the form of stories from businesses like yours to inform government on the extent of the impact that travel restrictions have had on the visitor economy since the start of the pandemic.

We encourage you to write your story using the format (template) below to a maximum of two pages. Be as candid as you feel comfortable. By telling your story, you give permission to share the information with government. TIABC may call on you to tell your story through social and/or traditional media channels, as well as via industry communiques.

Please send your (maximum 2-page) summary to by May 6, 2021.


Background: Business name; location/s in BC; date established; ownership structure; # of full and/or part-time employees.

Primary Customers: Where your customers are from; demographics; who your booking partners are; what primary marketing channels you use.

Revenue Base: State pre and post-COVID revenues (actual or range & % drop); how much longer you can afford to remain in operation; support programs you’ve applied for and either received or been rejected (state reasons for rejection).

Tourism Supply Chain: List other tourism businesses or other sectors that you work with and how your business supports these enterprises.

Government Decisions: State how federal and/or provincial government orders, directives and measures have affected your business; provide recommendations on what government can do differently or better to lessen the impact on your business.

Community Contribution: Illustrate why your business is a key part of your community and how travel restrictions have impacted you, your employees, your business in general, as well as the community you call home.

Personal Implications: Illustrate the ways the pandemic has affected you personally, professionally, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually.