Posts tagged CREST
World Tourism Day Forum - September 28 | Center for Responsible Travel

CREST is partnering with Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency to host the fifth annual World Tourism Day Forum. This pay-what-you-can virtual event will focus on helping key sectors bridge the disconnect between the goals they are warned must be met when it comes to mitigating the climate crisis and the action steps they need to take.

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World Tourism Day | September 27-28, 2021

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has designated World Tourism Day 2021 as a day to focus on “Tourism for Inclusive Growth.” This is an opportunity to look beyond tourism statistics and acknowledge that, behind every number, there is a person.

CREST is partnering with Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency to host the fifth annual World Tourism Day Forum. This pay-what-you-can virtual event focused on helping key sectors bridge the disconnect between the goals they are warned must be met when it comes to mitigating the climate crisis and the action steps they need to take.

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