Posts tagged BN-09-2021
Service Feature: Moccasin Trails Consulting

Moccasin Trails Consulting works to support urban and rural economic development - specifically in Indigenous tourism, partnership building between Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations in B.C. Services include speaking engagements, tourism & economic development, training programs, corporate training, and workshops.

Moccasin Trails Consulting can support your organization towards working with and build positive relationships with Indigenous communities.

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Applications Open for Decade of Action Program: Building a Sustainable Future for BC Tourism | Apply by 12:00 October 13, 2021

The Decade of Action Program: Building a Sustainable Future for BC Tourism through the UN Sustainable Development Goals is a virtual capacity-building program to support businesses across B.C. to create a Sustainable Development Goal Strategy and Decade of Action Plan. Learn how to align the SDGs with your existing sustainability efforts, set targets for the future, and drive meaningful results for your guests, company, and community.

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World Tourism Day | September 27-28, 2021

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has designated World Tourism Day 2021 as a day to focus on “Tourism for Inclusive Growth.” This is an opportunity to look beyond tourism statistics and acknowledge that, behind every number, there is a person.

CREST is partnering with Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency to host the fifth annual World Tourism Day Forum. This pay-what-you-can virtual event focused on helping key sectors bridge the disconnect between the goals they are warned must be met when it comes to mitigating the climate crisis and the action steps they need to take.

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Accessibility Projects Grant 2021 - Deadline: October 2, 2021

Disability Alliance BC announced a Call for Proposals for projects that promote greater accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities in BC communities. Funding of $10,000 to $40,000 per project will be disbursed to a maximum of $450,000 for BC-based not-for-profit organizations that operate primarily for community benefit and whose services are open to the public and not restricted to the organization’s membership. Proposals are due by October 2, 2021.

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Tourism Kelowna Participates in 10 Million Acts of Kindness Movement

After a difficult year, Tourism Kelowna wanted to spread a little joy among the amazing people that make up the industry and personally thank them for the great service they provide by participating in the 10 Million Acts of Kindness initiative. Launched in Kelowna in the summer of 2021, this social movement project was aimed at inspiring kindness within the community and beyond. Over 10 days in September, the Tourism Kelowna team hand-delivered over 100 hundred gift bags to front-line staff of Tourism Kelowna stakeholders. The gift bags included a thank you note, local products, Love for Kelowna stickers, and a card that not only explained the initiative but also encouraged them to pay it forward with their own act of kindness.

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