Submit Your TESA Application


ABLE BC has been hard at work advocating with the province to extend the TESA deadline, while also engaging with municipalities across BC to reduce red tape and cut fees associated with patio applications. In response to a joint letter, ABLE has begun to receive positive feedback from some municipalities and are confident that they will review and update patio application processes.

Key recommendations include:

  • Extend current patio programs without implementing new restrictions or fees;

  • Streamline approvals to ensure those small businesses who have been safely and successfully operating patios may continue to do so;

  • Increase flexibility for patio types and sizes as well as the number of patios allowed;

  • Increase the space use of existing patios or picnic areas to allow chairs to be spread out to meet distancing requirements;

  • Allow pop-up outdoor dining and manufacturer sampling spaces;

  • Allow and increase the use of parklets and public space for dining;

  • Allow any increase in patio, picnic area or outdoor space being considered a continuation of an establishment’s existing approved alcohol service area or manufacturers’ sampling area to provide samples and not require additional endorsements or authorizations; and

  • Coordinate with any relevant bodies—such as the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, Fire Department, etc.—to reduce red tape and speed approval timelines wherever possible.

While work is being done to have the TESA deadline extended, we strongly encourage you to get your application in now. To apply you will need:

  • An updated floor plan that clearly shows the structural change

  • These plans generally require an occupancy load

If you are a Liquor Primary or Manufacturer licensee, your structural change application will be sent to your local government for their comments.

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