Pour More BC Program


Wine Growers British Columbia is relaunching the Pour More BC program to support our local BC restaurant industry and connect you with consumers craving local wine and food experiences.

Reasons to Register:

  1. Participating restaurants will be rewarded and supported with WGBC led marketing initiatives such as sponsored social media posts, targeted Google Ad words, influencer blog features, The Vine consumer e-newsletter (25K+) and WineBC.com landing page. All designed to help promote your BC wine listings at no cost to you.

  2. Quality content reaching a wide audience, with your restaurant named (and tagged) directly.

  3. S​potlight listing on our global award winning Wines of BC Explorer App. The geo-location feature connects the (15K+) users directly with participating restaurants within their radius, which means BC wine lovers looking for a place to enjoy a great meal will find themselves being recommended to your venue.

  4. Trade certified education tools will be available under the Pour More BC banner for restaurants to engage, educate and encourage their staff to become leading experts and ambassadors for BC wine.

  5. Social media and print assets to use on your own channels and in store

  6. Best of all-support your local wineries while supporting your own business!

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