Resource Roundup | Indigenous Tourism Supports

Sunset from atop Battle Bluff, Thompson Valley
Credit: Destination BC/Andrew Strain


We are here to help with the challenges your business is facing.

Through the TOTA and ITBC Tourism Resiliency Program, Indigenous tourism businesses should be aware of the following complimentary supports:

B.C. Indigenous Agricultural Development Program

Open until funds are allocated. 

This two-step program is designed to support your government, community or organization make informed decisions, access professional business and financial planning services for enterprises in the food and agriculture sector and for food security planning activities, and support skills training and build business management capacity. The program stream for governments, communities and organizations offers Agricultural Opportunities Assessments (Step 1 of the Program) and Financial and Business Planning (Step 2) with services from a Qualified Business Consultant, as well as optional top-up funding to support community engagement during your projects.

Each Applicant is only eligible to receive a total of up to $15,000 of funding through the Indigenous Agriculture Development Program during the funding cycle of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (2018-2023), in addition to up to $4,000 of Community Engagement Top-up Funding (up to $2,000 for each Step 1 or 2 project). The maximum funding available for an Agriculture Opportunities Assessment Project (Step 1) is $5,000 (plus the optional top-up funding) and the maximum funding available for a Financial and Business Planning Project (Step 2) is $10,000 (plus the optional top-up funding).

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aNakaatchihtow Arts and Culture Project Grant

Deadline August 30, 2021

Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) is investing $175,000 towards supporting Métis artists through a new Arts and Culture grant program. The Ministry of Culture, Heritage and Language is excited to pilot the Nakaatchihtow (Skills) Arts and Culture Project Grant this summer which will strengthen Métis cultural visibility in our communities and across the province. The grant is committed to the creation and dissemination of all forms of art through innovative means. The grant encourages artists to showcase their work using untraditional spaces and platforms creatively or by animating different areas of their region or community. Project grants are awarded to a maximum of $30,000 each, though awards may be given for projects as low as $5,000 each.

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Indigenous Cultural Heritage Micro-Grant (FPCC)

Deadline August 31, 2021. 

The Indigenous Cultural Heritage Micro-Grant (ICH MG) supports the performance, preservation or sharing of Indigenous heritage, increasing knowledge sharing with Elders or assisting in the development of cultural heritage skills in Indigenous communities. Accepted projects will be initiated and directed by B.C. First Nations and related organizations that have demonstrated commitment to their Indigenous cultural heritage practices and a mandate or focus that includes Indigenous heritage. This can include First Nations bands and tribal councils, First Nations schools, daycares and adult education centres and not-for-profit societies registered in B.C. Funding provided through this grant is up to $2,000

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Canada-France Agreement - Museum Assistance Program

Deadline August 31, 2021. 

The Museums Assistance Program (MAP) – Canada-France Agreement component provides funding for joint missions between French and Canadian heritage organizations, to create ties and enhance competencies of museum professionals. Partnerships may relate to research on development and diversification of audiences. Projects that further the development of official language minority communities are given a priority for funding support. The Program provides financial assistance to Canadian museums and related institutions for activities that: facilitate Canadians’ access to our heritage; foster the preservation of Canada’s diverse and rich cultural heritage (other than built heritage), including representative collections of Indigenous cultural heritage; and foster professional knowledge, skills and practices related to key museum functions. Maximum funding per project is $50,000. Project funding under the Canada-France Agreement component will not normally exceed 50% of eligible expenses incurred in Canada.

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Our Living Languages: First Peoples’ Voices in BC. 

Penticton Museum. Until September 30, 2021.

About 60 per cent of Canada's Indigenous languages are spoken in British Columbia - 203 First Nations communities speak 34 distinct languages.

Find out more about the efforts being made by 13 BC First Nations communities to preserve and revitalize their languages for future generations in the exhibit -

Our Living Languages

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Indigenous peoples in British Columbia maintain deep connections to the lands, waters, animals, and supernatural realms of their unique Territories.  These connections are more important now than ever before, as we all realize what Indigenous BC has long known–our health and wholeness are written upon the land.

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Know Before You Go

B.C. is in Step 3 of its Restart Plan and is thrilled to welcome visitors from across Canada and the USA for safe and responsible travel in the province. Get travel ideas, offers, and the latest information at

We look forward to welcoming back fully vaccinated American visitors as of August 9, and fully vaccinated visitors from other countries who meet the entry criteria starting September 7. If they meet the entry criteria, fully vaccinated travellers will not have to quarantine upon arrival to Canada. Find out if you can enter Canada, here.

If you are a tourism industry partner seeking updates about COVID-19, please visit Destination BC’s corporate website, here.

Tourism Resiliency Program Supports

We hope these resources are helpful. We are here to help with the challenges your business is facing. As part of TOTA's Tourism Resiliency Program you can access the following supports: