Tourism Hiring & Employment Resource Roundup

Sunset from atop Battle Bluff, Thompson Valley
Credit: Destination BC/Andrew Strain


With the launch of BC’s Restart Plan and the summer season starting, the Tourism Resiliency Program advisors have received many questions around hiring employees, health & safety training, and maintaining employees through the season.

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Resiliency Program team has compiled the latest updates and relevant resources to support tourism businesses:

B.C. Minimum Wage Increase

As of June 1, 2021, B.C.’s minimum wage rates increased as follows:

  • General minimum wage increases to $15.20 an hour from $14.60 an hour.

  • Liquor server minimum wage of $13.95 an hour is being eliminated and replaced with the general minimum wage of $15.20 an hour.

  • Live-in camp leader minimum wage, per day, increases to $121.65 from $116.86; and resident caretaker minimum wage, per month, increases to $912.28, plus $36.56 per suite for those who manage nine to 60 residential suites and to $3,107.42 for 61 or more suites.

While there are currently no minimum-wage related subsidies, B.C. businesses are seeing savings through recent tax cuts, such as the 20% reduction in the small-business corporate income tax rate, and the 50% cut to Provincial Sales Tax (PST) on non-residential electricity, a tax eliminated by April 1, 2019.

Tax and accounting advice is available through Small Business BC.

BC Employer Training Grant (ETG)

Offers employers 100% of eligible training costs, up to a maximum of $10,000 per participant per fiscal year, to support British Columbians that are employed or have been employed in sectors impacted by COVID-19.The goal of the ETG is to help British Columbians access the skills and training needed to adapt to the changing requirements of jobs and the labour market while encouraging employer involvement in the training of their employees.

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B.C. Increased Employment Incentive (IEI) 

The B.C. increased employment incentive is a one-time refundable tax credit for all private sector B.C. employers to encourage the creation of new jobs for B.C. workers, or increases in payroll for existing low or medium-income employees. The tax credit is calculated at 15% of the amount that the employer’s qualifying B.C. remuneration exceeds the employer’s base B.C. remuneration for the quarter ending December 31, 2020.

The deadline to apply is December 31, 2021.

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Work-Sharing (WS)

A program to help employers and employees avoid layoffs during a temporary decrease in business activity beyond the control of the employer. The program provides Employment Insurance (EI) benefits to eligible employees who agree to reduce their normal working hours and share the available work while their employer recovers.

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Government of Canada Announced Details of the New Canada Recovery Hiring Program and Extension of Business Support Programs

The proposed Canada Recovery Hiring Program will be available to support active employees from June 6, 2021 to November 20, 2021. This will allow eligible employers to use the program at a pace that works for them.

The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is currently set to expire in June 2021.

  • The recent federal budget proposed to extend the Wage Subsidy until September 25, 2021.

  • This extension would see a gradual decrease of the Wage Subsidy rate, beginning July 4, 2021, in order to ensure an orderly phase-out of the program as the economy reopens.

Employers would be able to shift to the Canada Recovery Hiring Program as they transition to recovery and hire new workers.

See Press Release


go2HR Resources


go2HR Job Board

The leading free job board for tourism and hospitality jobs in BC. Tourism businesses can post jobs any time to seek quality employers.

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Employer Resource: The Return on Investment (ROI) of Staff Training

New workers may require instruction in first aid, food handling, or a new booking system. Incorporating training that develops employees toward long-term career goals can also promote greater job satisfaction. Learn how training can lead to employees to stay longer and be more productive while on your team.

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Recruiting and Hiring International Workers: What Tourism & Hospitality Employers Need to Know

Destination BC and go2HR held a webinar to help employers navigate some of the challenges of recruiting and hiring international workers, including immigration processes in the age of COVID-19.

Learn More

Tourism Resiliency Program Supports

We hope these resources are helpful. We are here to help with the challenges your business is facing.

As part of TOTA's Tourism Resiliency Program you can access the following supports: