B.C. Government's Foundational Principles


The Province of British Columbia government is focused on the following priorities: fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, providing better health care for people and families, delivering affordability and security in our communities, and investing in good jobs and livelihoods in a clean-energy future.

The Provincial Government's Five Foundational Principles inform each ministry’s work and contribute to COVID-19 recovery:

  • Putting people first: Keeping people at the centre of everything we do means protecting and enhancing the public services people rely on and working to make life more affordable for everyone.

  • Lasting and meaningful reconciliation: Reconciliation is an ongoing process and a shared responsibility for us all. The unanimous passage of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act was a significant step forward in this journey. True reconciliation will take time and ongoing commitment to work with Indigenous peoples as they move toward self-determination. Government must remain focused on creating opportunities for Indigenous peoples to be full partners in the economy and providing a clear and sustainable path for everyone to work toward lasting reconciliation.

  • Equity and anti-racism: The province's history, identity, and strength are rooted in its diverse population. Yet racialized and marginalized people face historic and present-day barriers that limit their full participation in their communities, workplaces, government and their lives. The government has a moral and ethical responsibility to tackle systemic discrimination in all its forms. Efforts to address systemic discrimination must also inform policy and budget decisions by reviewing all decisions through a Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) lens.

  • A better future through fighting climate change: In 2018, government launched our CleanBC climate action plan. CleanBC puts British Columbia on the path to a cleaner, better future by building a low-carbon economy with new clean-energy jobs and opportunities, protecting our air, land, and water; and supporting communities to prepare for climate impacts.

  • A strong, sustainable economy that works for everyone: Government will continue to support British Columbians through the pandemic and the economic recovery by investing in health care, getting people back to work, helping businesses and communities, and building the clean, innovative economy of the future. The plan is to train the workforce of tomorrow, help businesses hire and grow, and invest in the infrastructure needed to build our province.