New Biosphere Commitment Program Member: Destination Osoyoos


Join TOTA in welcoming Destination Osoyoos to the Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Commitment Program. 

Destination Osoyoos is committed to providing awareness and destination marketing for Osoyoos, at the southernmost point of the Thompson Okanagan region. Osoyoos is home to a desert environment, some of the warmest average temperatures, and the warmest fresh-water lake in Canada. It is fitting that they offer Canada’s warmest welcome to visitors who can experience wineries, activities, and the rich Indigenous culture of the Syilx Osoyoos Indian Band all year round.

Sustainability Initiatives 

Destination Osoyoos is dedicated to preserving the region so residents and visitors can enjoy Osoyoos for years to come. Their efforts in the Biosphere program have provided positive examples of how to travel and enjoy the region in an environmentally friendly way that ensures preservation, supports long-term economic viability, and responds to consumer demands for eco-friendly options. 

When they first started working towards the Biosphere Commitment designation, Destination Osoyoos believed that it would involve a lot of resources and a large time commitment. However, they found they were already fulfilling many action items of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their day-to-day operations. As well, the support from their Program Success Advisor made it easier to ensure they were meeting their goals. 

Destination Osoyoos is utilizing the program to create marketing initiatives to help promote sustainable tourism experiences like biodynamic and organic wine and culinary offerings.

The newly launched sustainability landing page showcases their organization's efforts towards sustainability and encourages visitors to choose responsible tourism practices while they visit the community, including leaving no trace, acknowledging the Indigenous Host Nations, reducing consumption, and choosing greener transportation. 

Biosphere Commitment Program 

The Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Commitment Program is a sustainability program offered by the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association. The focus is to equip tourism businesses in the region with tools and resources to continuously measure, manage, and report sustainability management efforts. The program prepares businesses for a globally recognized certification, to show alignment of business operations with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Destination Certification.

Organizations can create customized sustainability plans through the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle platform and access dedicated support from industry experts.

Learn more about TOTA’s Biosphere Commitment Program

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