Myra Canyon Bicycle Rentals and Tours Welcomes Bamboo Bicycles


Introducing Bamboo Bicycles for Myra Canyon Bicycle Rentals and Tours

Myra Canyon Bicycle Rentals and Tours is one of our Biosphere Committed Companies. The Biosphere Commitment Program aligns with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and empowers tourism stakeholders to take action within the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainability. The SDGs were adopted by the UN in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, reduce inequality and ensure that by 2030, all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The SDGs address global challenges and serve as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Myra Canyon Bicycle Rentals and Tours has their focus on SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production with the introduction of bamboo bicycles.

These bamboo bicycles are being introduced to their fleet to see how they can withstand the elements and weather the beautiful Okanagan has to offer. The bamboo bicycles are created and sold from a small village in Ghana. By purchasing and supporting this small village it allows their village to create jobs and assists in building schools locally.

The hope from Myra Canyon Bicycle Rentals and Tours, is that the bicycles hold up well to the demands and allows the company to buy more bamboo bicycles to add to their fleet. A big draw to adding these bamboo bicycles to their fleet is that these bicycles are a more sustainable option and help provide insight to customers about choosing sustainable products.

The bamboo bicycles will be available through their Half Day Guided Myra Canyon Tours. The tours include transportation pick up in Kelowna or West Kelowna and drop off at guests desired location. Reservations are now open on their website, so test out these sustainable bamboo bicycles!

As tourism stakeholders it is our responsibility to support sustainability and localism in our offerings as businesses. This is important locally but also to help educate our customers and visitors. It takes not only a village but everyone working towards a better future to ensure that we have a better world for generations to come.

To learn more about the Biosphere Commitment Program and how you can join this international, world recognized certification that TOTA holds, talk to our Biosphere Team today.