Industry Outlines Recommendations for Federal Tourism Growth Strategy


Following a consultation request from government on a Canadian Tourism Growth Strategy, industry advocates across Canada have submitted their recommendations:

  1. As a result of consultations with industry leaders and members -- which included focus groups, surveys, and direct outreach -- the Hotel Association of Canada has submitted hotel-specific recommendations as part of the Federal Tourism Growth Strategy consultations. View Submission →

  2. The BCHA and HAC are also a part of the Hardest Hit Coalition (HHC) - a collection of more than 120 business associations in the tourism sector, co-chaired by HAC and TIAC. With collaboration from industry, the submission reiterates the four key pillars with attention to tourism and hospitality. View Submission →

  3. Expanding on the accommodation-specific recommendations outlined in submissions, the BC Hotel Association outlined specific recommendations and investments needed to support our provincial accommodation sector. View Submission →

  4. The Tourism Industry Association of Canada also outlined tourism-specific recommendations; View Submission →