Survey on Francophone Tourism + Free Toolkit for Francophone Tourism | Survey closes September 19


The Réseau de développement économique et d'employabilité (RDÉE Canada) and its members have initiated a study that will focus on the evolution of the Francophone and bilingual tourism offer in Canada almost 15 months after the beginning of the pandemic. The study will focus on tourism businesses located outside of Quebec that offer services to a Francophone clientele.

The results of the survey will allow RDÉE Canada to establish a general data report on the situation of tourism businesses after the COVID crisis in order to target their needs to better help them prepare to welcome visitors from the French-speaking markets of Quebec, Canada, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe.

All questionnaire respondents will receive a free kit for Francophone tourism in Canada. This kit will be produced in the coming year and will provide the knowledge and information required to guide your initiatives in the main Francophone markets.

Share Your Feedback

Tourism businesses that offer or wish to offer services to French-speaking customers are invited to share the current situation and industry needs to welcome French-speaking visitors by answering this short survey, available in both languages.

Survey closes September 19, 2021