Regulation Urged for Short-Term Accommodations Industry


The Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) has made 13 requests of the province to consider in order to establish a regulatory framework for the short-term accommodations industry, similar to those in place for ride-hailing and other regulated industries.

While local governments in BC have tools to regulate short-term rentals for vacationers and others, most lack the capacity to enforce them.

The ever-expanding online accommodation bookings industry has reduced long-term rental housing capacity at a time when housing availability and costs are already under pressure. At the same time, a property’s earning potential from short-term rental use leads to higher prices in the market than local incomes can support.

On top of this, local governments are unable to obtain complete and accurate data needed to understand exactly what is happening with short-term rentals in their own community.

At the province’s request, a Joint UBCM-Province Advisory Group conducted an analysis and asked local governments to make recommendations for the province’s further consideration.


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