Sponsorship Program Helps Build New Home for Caetani Artwork


After opening to the public with a successful season of sold-out tours, the Caetani Centre is launching its latest campaign — to build a new home for Sveva Caetani’s heralded Recapitulation series. Individuals or groups can now sponsor an original painting from Caetani’s Recapitulation Series, featuring over 50 unique large-scale watercolours. Funds raised will be used to build a larger facility to publicly display the entire series at the Caetani Centre in Vernon, BC.

The Recapitulation Series continues to gain both national and international attention. The series documents Caetani’s life story and outlook and was put under the care of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) in Edmonton in the 1980s when Caetani was still alive. The series remained at the AFA for more than 35 years and was exhibited intermittently during this time.

The sponsorship program’s aim is to raise $65,000+ for seed money to attain matching capital grants for the gallery expansion. The sponsorship package includes a five-year patronage, tax receipt, and formal recognition via a permanent plaque on the gallery building, acknowledgement on artwork label, on the Caetani website and through social media channels.

The Caetani Centre is continuing its guided and self-guided tours now through December. For more information on the sponsorship program, tours, and to view the works, visit www.caetani.org or call the Caetani office for a personal viewing at 250-275-1525.