Westbank First Nation Launches Online Language Program

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On September 30, 2021, on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the Westbank First Nation (WFN) launched an online language tutorial series in effort to revitalize nsyilxcən language learning within the community. WFN received $100,000 from the First People’s Cultural Council through their Pathways to Language Vitality Program that helped to support developing materials, immersion programming, planning and community collaboration.

Initially, the program was intended to have in person teachings, but as a pandemic precaution the curriculum was reworked into online modules.

Over 45 video tutorials were created featuring WFN Councillor Jordan Coble and ONA Member Levi Bent, utilizing Book 1 of the Paul Creek nsyilxcən curriculum and making it the first language series of its kind. The program would not have been possible without the support and hard work of language speakers, past and present who champion the nsyilxcən language in the community.

The program is entirely online and can be completed at any pace. Students can work through there lessons on their own schedule and will always have access to the lessons and resources. The tutorial series is open to everyone with a goal to revitalize nsyilxcən language for the syilx nation and guests who visit the website.