REMINDER: Revised Public Health Orders Now in Effect


Public orders for Food and Liquor Serving Premises and Gatherings and Events were updated on Monday, October 25th to reflect the restrictions that had been lifted.

Food and Liquor Serving Premises Public Order

The order is directed towards restaurants with table service, cafes, food primary or liquor primary establishments, including pubs, bars, lounges and nightclubs, liquor manufacturing facilities that have tasting rooms with seating, and private clubs.

Highlights of the public order:

  • The requirement for patrons to remain seated has been removed. Patrons are also allowed to mingle and move between tables.

  • However, if patrons consume food or drink on the premises, there must be sufficient seating for them, whether at a table, booth or counter. Patrons must be assigned a table, booth or counter, and shown to their seat.

  • Dance floors must be closed with physical barriers or occupied with tables, unless they are being used for a dance performance.

  • A patron must not dance on the premises.

  • A food service establishment with a liquor license which does not have table service, and which only sells liquor for takeaway, does not have to check for proof of vaccination.

  • Patrons are still required to wear a mask when standing, but can remove it to eat or drink.

Gatherings and Events Public Order:

Outside Events:

  • There are no changes to the rules for outside events

  • No more than 5,000 persons, or 50% of the seated capacity of a place, excluding event staff, whichever number is greater, are present.

  • Participants are seated throughout the place in such a way to use all available space

Inside Events:

  • Updated capacity restrictions: up to 100% of the of the seated operating capacity of a place may be used for the purpose of a seated inside event, and up to 100% of the standing operating capacity of a place may be used for the purpose of a standing inside event.

  • Dance floors are closed with physical barriers or occupied with tables, unless they are being used for a dance performance.

  • Participants do not dance unless they are registered participants in and attending a dance class at a dance studio or a recreation facility, or a child or youth participating in a program for children or youth.

  • Patrons are still required to wear a mask when standing, but can remove it to eat or drink.